Illinois and Michigan Canal Workers in 1848

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"Transcribed from the Illinois State Archives Microfilm Roll No. 30-1496 Archives-Miscellaneous-Illinois and Michigan Timebooks RS491.44 Begins IM/CFN/G1 1840-41. Ends IM/CFN G-30B 1869-70 by Nancy Thornton. All rights reserved."

Copyright 2000-13 by Nancy Thornton. This file may be freely copied for non-profit purposes. All other rights reserved.
I and M Canal Home Page

Time books descriptions

Last updated1/29/13

This list is updated frequently as new timebooks are transcribed. Check back often.


Sarlie, Joshua IM/CFN/G-14/184803
Sarnian, John IM/CFN/G-12/184801
Scanlin, Rich IM/CFN/G-13/184802
Schmidt, Jug--- IM/CFN/G-12/184801
Scott, Wm IM/CFN/G-12/184801
Screenaman, John IM/CFN/G-8/184801
Settey, John IM/CFN/G-11/184801
Settey, John IM/CFN/G-11/184802
Settey, John IM/CFN/G-11/184803
Shaffer, Antony IM/CFN/G-14/184803
Shaffer, Fred IM/CFN/G-9/184711
Shanahan, John IM/CFN/G-9/184711
Shanahan, Thos IM/CFN/G-12/184801
Shannon, Patrick IM/CFN/G-11/184801
Shannon, Thos IM/CFN/G-11/184801
Shatten, Thos IM/CFN/G-11/184803
Shay, John IM/CFN/G-12/184801
Shea, John IM/CFN/G-8/184801
Shea, John IM/CFN/G-9/184711
Sheehan, Dennis IM/CFN/G-11/184801
Sheehan, Dennis IM/CFN/G-11/184802
Sheehan, Dennis IM/CFN/G-11/184803
Shefner, Anthony IM/CFN/G-12/1848nd
Shefren, Antione IM/CFN/G-12/184801
Shelan, Geo IM/CFN/G-12/184801
Shervit, Andws IM/CFN/G-12/184801
Skriniman, J IM/CFN/G-14/184802
Slater, Henry IM/CFN/G-12/184801
Slatery, Ed IM/CFN/G-14/184801
Slatery, Ed IM/CFN/G-14/184802
Slavan, Michl IM/CFN/G-12/184801
Smalley, Nathan IM/CFN/G-10/184805
Smalley, Newcomb IM/CFN/G-10/184805
Smith, Barton IM/CFN/G-10/184805
Smith, Henry IM/CFN/G-14/184802
Smith, Henry IM/CFN/G-8/184801
Smith, John O IM/CFN/G-10/184804
Smith, John O. IM/CFN/G-10/184803
Sochlin, Niles IM/CFN/G-12/184801
Spar, John IM/CFN/G-12/184801
Sparr, Kio IM/CFN/G-12/1848nd
Sponer, Chas IM/CFN/G-14/184802
Sponner, Chas IM/CFN/G-8/184801
Stain, Wm IM/CFN/G-9/184711
Stannar, Geo IM/CFN/G-12/184801
Stapleton, John IM/CFN/G-9/184711
Stapleton, Rich IM/CFN/G-13/184802
Stapleton, Richd IM/CFN/G-9/184711
Starr, E.E. IM/CFN/G-10/184805
Stef, John IM/CFN/G-12/184801
Steffes, John IM/CFN/G-12/184801
Steffes, Jos IM/CFN/G-12/184801
Steffes, Peter IM/CFN/G-12/184801
Steinly, Leo IM/CFN/G-12/184801
Step, John IM/CFN/G-12/184801
Sterling, A. (Team) IM/CFN/G-10/184803
Steven, Fred IM/CFN/G-13/184802
Steven, Fred IM/CFN/G-9/184711
Stewart, *il Teams IM/CFN/G-12/184801
Stouse, Heinz IM/CFN/G-12/1848nd
Struart, Andrs IM/CFN/G-12/184801
Stubbs, John (Team) IM/CFN/G-10/184711
Stubbs, John (Team) IM/CFN/G-10/184804
Sulavan, James IM/CFN/G-10/184803
Sulivan, James IM/CFN/G-10/184804
Sulivan, James IM/CFN/G-10/184805
Sullivan, Danl IM/CFN/G-8/184801
Sullivan, James IM/CFN/G-13/184802
Sullivan, James IM/CFN/G-9/184711
Sullivan, Patk IM/CFN/G-8/184801
Swartz, John IM/CFN/G-11/184801
Swartz, John IM/CFN/G-11/184802
Tamsudl, Wm IM/CFN/G-9/184711
Teaft, Wm IM/CFN/G-9/184803
Telfour, Alexr IM/CFN/G-9/184711
Temple, John IM/CFN/G-10/184805
Tery, Jos IM/CFN/G-9/184803
Thaffien, Antony IM/CFN/G-9/184803
Thelan, Geo Teams IM/CFN/G-12/184801
Thelan, John IM/CFN/G-12/184801
Tholan, Adam (Boy) IM/CFN/G-12/184801
Thomson, Jno IM/CFN/G-9/184711
Ticker, Jacob IM/CFN/G-11/184801
Ticker, jacob IM/CFN/G-11/184802
Tracy, Pat IM/CFN/G-12/184801
Tracy, Pat IM/CFN/G-12/1848nd
Trist, Jas IM/CFN/G-14/184803
Tyrell, Mich IM/CFN/G-10/184804
Tyrell, Michael IM/CFN/G-10/184805


Underman, Henry IM/CFN/G-11/184801
Urist, Jas IM/CFN/G-14/184802
Vandenbeld, F IM/CFN/G-13/184802
Vandenbelt, F. IM/CFN/G-9/184711
Vanderveller, Glash IM/CFN/G-9/184803
Vanderweller, G IM/CFN/G-14/184803
Vanderweller, Pet IM/CFN/G-14/184803
Vanderweller, Pet IM/CFN/G-9/184803
VanDuff, Jn IM/CFN/G-14/184803
Vanhoff, John IM/CFN/G-9/184711
Vansickle – (Team) IM/CFN/G-10/184803
Vantoff, John IM/CFN/G-13/184802
Vantuff, Jn IM/CFN/G-9/184803
Vanvinkam, Bowdevine IM/CFN/G-11/184802
Vanvinkam, Dowdivine IM/CFN/G-11/184801
Vassar, Chas IM/CFN/G-12/184801
Vassar, Chas IM/CFN/G-9/184711
Vassar, Geo Boy IM/CFN/G-12/184801
Vasser, Chals IM/CFN/G-9/184711
Vatarack, Hen IM/CFN/G-9/184803
Veterack, H IM/CFN/G-14/184803
Vist, jacob IM/CFN/G-8/184801
Vist, Joe IM/CFN/G-9/184803
Vitteroe, Henry IM/CFN/G-8/184801
Vtirok, Hy IM/CFN/G-14/184802
Waggoner, Conrad IM/CFN/G-14/184802
Wagner, Coonrad IM/CFN/G-13/184802
Wagner, Coonrad IM/CFN/G-9/184711
Ward, Edw (Team) IM/CFN/G-10/184803
Wearman, Chas IM/CFN/G-9/184711
Welch, David IM/CFN/G-10/184710
Welch, Robt IM/CFN/G-13/184802
Welch, Robt IM/CFN/G-9/184711
Whalen, James IM/CFN/G-11/184802
White, Thomas IM/CFN/G-11/184801
White, Thos IM/CFN/G-11/184802
White, Thos IM/CFN/G-11/184803
Wier, Owin IM/CFN/G-10/184802
Wilder, Davd IM/CFN/G-9/184711
Wilkins, Geo IM/CFN/G-10/184710
Wilkins, George IM/CFN/G-10/184711
Williams, Orey IM/CFN/G-9/184711
Wilson, Ano IM/CFN/G-8/184801
Wright, Robert IM/CFN/G-10/184805
Young, John IM/CFN/G-12/1848nd
Youst, Zealer (Team) IM/CFN/G-10/184711