Copyright Nancy Thornton 2003-present. All rights reserved. Transcribed from newspapers on microfilm at the Lemont Area Historical Society (LP: Lemont Press) (LWOL: Lemont Weekly Observer and Ledger) and from St. Dennis (StD)Church (Lockport) Parish records. Return to St. James at Sag Bridge page.
Sept. 7, 1860 StD Edward Fitzpatrick, age 23, of Willow Springs, died Sept. 7 and was buried in Sag. He died in the wreck of the Lady Elgin.
Sept. [-]1860 StD Mary Michie, age 6 of Lyons, was buried at Sag. Cause of death, putred sore throat.
Sept 12, 1860 StD Agnes Michie age 13, and Edward Kane, age 4, both residents of Lyons, died Sept. 12, and were buried at Sag. Cause of death, putred sore throat.
Sept. 25, 1860 [George?] Drake, age 13, of Sag, died Sept. 25 of chills and was buried in Sag.
Oct. 7, 1860 StD Mrs Drew, age 50 of Willow Springs, died on Oct. 7 of dropsy and was buried in Sag Cemetery.
Oct. 30, 1860. Michael Murphy of Palos, age 46, died Oct. 30 of disease of the liver and was buried in Sag cemetery.
Dec. 5, 1860 Mrs. McKeon of Athens, age 60 died Dec. 5 and was buried in Sag cemetery.
Dec. 12, 1860StD John Golden of Athens, age 60 died suddenly Dec. 12 and was buried in Sag.
Jan. 19, 1861StD Mary Summers of Saginaw, age 50 died Jan 19, and was buried in Saginaw cemetery.
Mar. 10, 1863 StD Mrs. Daily was buried at the Sag.
Aug. 13, 1887 LP Burns-Dennis Burns, aged 64 years.
Aug. 6 1887LP. father of Mrs. Joseph and Mrs. William Collins, Funeral at St. James Church, Chicago, at 10 a.m. from Mrs. Collins, 3016 South LaSalle street, Monday, Aug. 8th: thence by carriage to Chicago & Alton depot, thence to Sag Bridge.
Aug. 27, 1887LP Palos and Willow Springs items - Chas. Koller was home on Tuesday to attend the funeral of his brother's child, who was buried at Sag Cemetery.
Aug. 27, 1887LP Died. Scott- Mrs. M. Scott, at her residence on Stephens street, after a protracted illness. Funeral to the Sag at 2:00 p.m., Wednesday.
Sept. 3, 1887LP Clark, Louise, aged 11 months, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Clark, Funeral to Sag, at 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 30.
Sept. 17, 1887LP Meers. Mat. Warner and Rev. Bollman left here Tuesday on a hunting trip through Nebraska. They are expected home today.
Sept. 17, 1887LP Rev. Father Bollman presented the St. Patrick's fair, at Joliet, with a large plush album and stand.
Sept. 17, 1887LP Rev. J. Bollman, as soon as he returns from his western hunting trip, is to be presented by his parishioners with a fine span of horses and carriage. The outfit is to cost $700.
Oct. 22, 1887LP Died. Morrissey. Aggree, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. M. Morrissey, aged 8 years 9 months, Thursday Oct 27 at 4 p.m. Funeral to Sag at 2 p.m. tomorrow.
Nov. 5, 1887 LP Died. Kennedy Thursday at 12 p.m. Katie, daughter of Mrs. Kennedy, after a protracted illness. Funeral to Sag at 9 a.m. Monday. The many friends of the bereaved parent condole with her in her affliction.
Nov. 5, 1887 LP Willow Springs. Mr. & Mrs. Halligan of Chicago buried their only child at Sag Cemetery on Monday.
Nov. 5, 1887 LP Palos.-The infant daughter of Jas. Halligan of Chicago was buried at Sag last Monday.
Nov. 12, 1887 LP. Burned to Death. Thos. McCanna Found dead near LaSalle. Rumors reached our town Monday that Thos. McCanna, brother to our Marshall, had been burned to death near LaSalle. Upon investigation the report turned out to be only too true.
One R.S. Johnson, who resides near LaSalle, on going to town to get a physician to attend a sick child saw a man lying in the road, and supposing the man drunk reported it to an officer of the place when he reached town. The officer, accompanied by Mr. Johnson, returned to the place and found the man dead.
On turning him over they found that his clothes were still smouldering with fire which they immediately extinguished.
The verdict of the jury was "We, the jury find that the body before us to be a man to the jury unknown, and that he came to his death by the burning of the clothing on his body." On a more thorough search of the body being made a letter was found from his wife; it was the one thing which led to his identity.
A cigar in all likelihood must have set fire to his clothing, and the smoke suffocated him. Mr. McCanna, at the time of his death had been employed on Norton's flour boat of Lockport.
Patrick McCanna left Monday on the Denver and returned the next day with the body. The funeral to the Sag Cemetery took place Wednesday- at 11 a.m. The deceased leaves a wife and three children to mourn his sad demise; they have the sympathy of all in their bereavement.
Nov. 19, 1887 LP A sad accident. A sad accident occurred here Wednesday evening. Mr. Dennis Shea, flagman for the Chicago and Alton Railroad on the Stephens street crossing, was struck by a south-bound freight and so severely injured that his chances of recovery were doubtful from the first. The accident occurred at about 4:45 p.m. Mr. Shea was standing on Stephens street about a foot north of the railroad tracks, and seeing the train approaching, he supposed that it was on the opposite track, and stooped to pick up a stone to throw at some boys who were playing on the railroad.
While in a stooping posture the engine struck him, throwing him a considerable distance. Assistance being at hand he was carried to J. G. Bodenschatz drug store, where he was attended by Drs. J.C. Thorpe and J.J. Leahey until a carriage could be procured to take him home. The ministering of kind friends and relatives was of no avail, and the injured man died shortly after four o'clock Friday afternoon. Mr. Shea was an old resident of Lemont and his host of friends deeply regret his sudden demise.
Nov. 24, 1887LP The funeral of Mr. Dennis Shea took place Monday. A requiem high mass was celebrated at St. Patrick's Church, Rev. Father Hogan officiating. From the church the remains were taken to Sag Cemetery followed by a large concourse of mourners. Mr. Shea was born in the city of Cork Ireland in 1817. He came to America about 30 years ago and settled in New Bedford Mass. after living there a short time, he came to Lemont where he has since married. He led an exemplary life and was a good husband and father.
Nov. 24, 1887LP Palos - The funeral of Mr. Harrington formerly of Palos took place at Sag Cemetery last Saturday.
Dec. 3 1887Lemont Press. Sketches of Lemont's prominent Men: Daniel B. Murphy. One of the oldest residents of Lemont, one who has seen all its stages of progress from its earliest infancy, is Mr. Daniel B. Murphy. His parents, Timothy and Margaret Murphy, left their native land in 1836 for a home in the New World. They settled in Quebec, Canada, but only remained there one year, where Daniel B. was born. Not being satisfied with his surroundings, Mr. Murphy, with his family, immigrated to Illinois, traveling the entire distance by horses and wagon, and took up his residence within the present limits of Lemont, at that time called Athens. In 1849 he moved to DuPage County and settled on a farm one mile north of Lemont, where he continued to reside until the time of his death. The subject of this sketch was one of a family of four children, the others being Mary, wife of John Cooper, of Chicago; Catharine, wife of ex-commissioner Conley, of Palos, and Michael, all of whom have been laid in their last resting place. In 1861 Mr. Murphy erected a building within the present village and carried on the saloon business for a period of seven years. He opened a dry goods and grocery store on the corner of Main and Stephens streets in 1865, and continued in the business in Lemont until October, 1886, with the exception of one year-1875-when he was engaged in a general mercantile business in Chicago. He married Miss Elizabeth Nichols, daughter of Thomas and Mary Nichols, of Downers Grove, April 12, 1864, by which marriage eleven children have been born to him, of whom, John W., Maggie G., Willie T., Belle V., Clem X., Gracie May and Daniel B. are now living.
Mr. Murphy has held many of the offices in the gift of his townsmen, and has always discharged the duties of those offices as an honest, upright and conscientious citizen. He was highway commissioner in 1868, and was elected to the office of town supervisor in 1869. He became a member of the Village Board of Trustees in 1873, and continuing with that body was made president in 1877. He held the office of treasurer of the Village Board in 1879 and 1880. He was again a member of the board of trustees in 1881 and 1882. Mr. Murphy acted as member of the board of education from 1884 to 1886.
As stated before, Mr. Murphy quit the mercantile business in 1886 and has retired to private life. He has during the past year devoted his attention to the improvement of his farm north of town which consists of 80 acres. The greater part of his time is taken up with the supervision of his property, consisting of store property on the corner of May and West Ohio streets and on the corner of May and Carpenter streets, Chicago, besides his Lemont and Englewood property. His stock farm of 331 acres is one of the finest in Kankakee County. His success as a businessman is apparent to all the residents of Lemont; starting in business when our town was but a hamlet, he has ever been a factor in all its progress. Mr. Murphy experienced a sad loss Sept. 11, 1886, in the death of his beloved wife. Time only, as it rolls on its ceaseless course, can bring solace to the hearts of those who sincerely mourn the loss of her kind and loving presence.
Dec. 3, 1887LP Died. Mr. John Conners, Wednesday Dec. 1, at 4 p.m. The young man has been ailing for some time. The remains were taken to St. Patrick's church where a requiem mass was celebrated at 10 a.m. today. From thence the funeral was to Sag Cemetery. The deceased had a host of friends, both in Chicago and Lemont, who will be grieved to hear of his death. The bereaved family have the sympathy of all.
Dec. 10, 1887LP Mr. Charles McCarthy, son of Jeremiah McCarthy, now of Chicago, died Sunday last at 2 a.m. The funeral from his home to the Union Depot thence by rail to Sag Cemetery, took place Wednesday. Quite a number of persons from Lemont attended the funeral as the deceased was well known here.
Dec. 24, 1887LP Griffin - In Chicago, Miss Bridget Griffin at 3 a.m. Monday. The remains were interred at Sag Cemetery at 10 a.m. Wednesday. Miss Griffin was well known in Lemont and her demise is deeply regretted.
Jan. 14, 1888LP died. At his home on Illinois St. Friday, at 6 a.m. John Murphy aged 19, son of Danial[sic] B. Murphy. Funeral to St. Alphonsus Church from thence to Sag Cemetery at 9 a.m. Monday. The family have the sympathy of the entire community in their bereavement.
Feb. 25, 1888LP James Delaney Dead. The people of Lemont were greatly shocked last Saturday upon learning that James Delaney had sustained injuries in Chicago that morning which would probably be fatal. The sad news that he had died from the injuries reached town about 3 p.m. that afternoon.
The young man was employed by the Diamond Saw Company of Chicago, and while at his post of duty received the fatal injuries. He was in the act of mending a belt, where he reached over a shaft and when a pin or key caught into his coat and he was wound about the shaft, his body being terribly mangled. He died about noon.
The deceased was born in Lemont August 11, 1859; he received his education in the Lemont High School, and a number of years ago he went to Chicago. He was employed by the Singer & Talcott Stone Company for a time and then commenced working for the Diamond Saw Company, where he has been ever since. About four years ago he married a young lady in Chicago. He leaves a wife and two children. He was a young man of good habits, and kind disposition. The remains were interred at Sag last Monday. The deceased was the son of Martin Delaney, one of our most highly respected and esteemed citizens.
Mar. 3, 1888LP A child of James Delaney, aged three years, died at Chicago Sunday and was interred at the Sag Tuesday of this week.
Mar. 10, 1888LP Died. Croak. At Hastings Wednesday at 6 p.m. Mr. Robert Croak, after a short illness. Funeral services at St. Patricks church at 10 a.m. Friday. The remains followed by a large concourse of sorrowing relatives and friends were interred at Sag Cemetery.
Mar. 10, 1888LP Barry- Mr. Wm. Barry, Wednesday. The deceased was one of our old settlers and his sudden taking away will be mourned by a host of relatives. Funeral services at St. Patrick's church at 11 a.m. Friday from thence the remains will be taken to Sag Cemetery.
May 19, 1888LP Died. Sunday May 13 infant son of Mr. and Mrs Dennis Hurley. The funeral to Sag Cemetery took place Tuesday.
May 26, 1888LP Died. Thursday. May 17th, Miss Bridget Hurley aged 18 years, at her home on east Illinois street. The deceased will be much missed by her many young friends who mourn her death. She was a member of the Young Ladies Sodality, of St. Patrick church. The funeral took place Saturday at 11 a.m. The remains were interred in Sag Cemetery.
June 2, 1888LP Died- At his residence in Chicago, Mr. W.J. Roebuck, aged 31 years, of pneumonia, Monday May 28. The deceased though a resident of Chicago for the past few years was one of our most popular young men. During his sickness away from home he was ever under the watch of his mother and sisters, and his bedside was thronged by his many sympathetic friends. All that medical skill could [-] not. The remains were brought to Lemont Tuesday on the early train. The funeral to St. Patricks church where a requiem mass was celebrated and from that placed to Sag Cemetery took place Thursday at 10 a.m. The bereaved family have the sympathy of the community at loosing such a dutiful son and kind brother. The funeral was one of the largest in Lemont for some time showing [-] esteem in which the deceased was held.
July 14, 1888LP Died. Wednesday, July 11, 1888, Annie Sullivan, aged 14 years, daughter of Mr. John Sullivan of Homer. The deceased has been ailing for the past six months and all [] medical skill could accomplish was [] to relieve the suferer but it availed []. -e fell destroyer that makes all equal [] -ed her for his own. She passed peacefully away attended by her many relatives and friends by whom she will be deeply mourned[?]. The funeral proceeded to Sag [] at 10:30 a.m. Friday where a requirem mass was celebrated by Dr. McGovern of Lockport. The mass was sung by Maggie Duggan of Joliet. After [] Rev. Dr. delivered one of the most []ent simple and touching sermons we [] heard for some time. It brought [] and consolation to the hearts of the bereaved parents, family and relatives. He [] to show them that they must bear [] affliction with patience and resignation to the all wise providence of God. []logy on the deceased must have been [] to the afflicted parents. The remains were interred in Sag Cemetery.
July 21, 1888LP In Memoriam. Miss Annie Sullivan who died Wednesday July 11, 1888.
Golden rays of summer sunset
Cast their glory o'er the land;
Peaceful is the face of nature
Crowned with radiant halos grand.
Brightly gleams the evening sunlight
Through the windows of a room,
Where a fair young flower of summer
Now lies blighted in its bloom.
Death has cast a sable mantle
O'er a household once so gay,
And a loved and cherished daughter
From this home has passed away.
Fourteen years she dwelt amongst us,
And her loving, gentle ways,
Her gay jests and merry laughter
Earned a love which ne'er decays.
She, it was, who made home happy;
Her bright eyes and merry voice
Always spoke a heartfelt welcome
Making all her friends rejoice.
Seven months had sickness tried her,
Patiently all pain she bore;
Now, her earthly cares are ended,
Annie sleeps forevermore.
When at last her fettered spirit
Strove in other realms to dwell,
Annie called her friends around her,
Sadly spoke a last farewell.
Who can tell the bitter anguish
Of her parents who stood near?
Of her sisters, and her brothers,
When Death's icy hand drew near?
Annie saw their looks of sorrow,
Feebly struggled for her breath,
Strove to utter words of parting,
Closed her eyes; could this be death?
No - once more she looked upon them,
Saw their speechless agony,
"I am with the angels", said she,
"Mother, do not weep for me."
She had caught a glimpse of Heaven
Through the shadow of the tomb;
This frail flower then quickly faded
In far brighter lands to bloom.
When the fervent sun of noonday
Kissed the earth with heated breath,
Annie's voice was hushed forever;
Peacefully she slept in death.
In the coffin, soon they'l lay her,
For 'tis Annie's funeral day,
While her friends and parents gather,
Sadly their adieus to say.
Resting in a spotless casket,
Sleeping in her last repose,
Gather round her friends and parents
E'er the cofin lid you close.
Gently smooth those tresses
From her fair white brow;
Fearfully kiss those youthful lips
Oh! so silent now;
Sadly offer up a prayer
For her departed soul;
Annie, free from earthly care,
Has reached her earthly goal.
Place her shinning medal
O'er her robe of white;
Up in heaven her soul will gleam
With a glow, so bright.
Tenderly, kind schoolmates,
Bid your last adieu,
Annie sought for knowledge,
Hand in hand, with you.
Often in the schoolroom
You'll miss her merry face;
In her class will always
Be a vacant place.
Parents, brothers, sisters,
Murmur your farewell;
God alone, can comfort you;
He, your grief, can quell.
To the grave-yard winding
Move a mournful train;
Through the church they bear her
'Mid a sad refrain.
Softy peals the organ,
While the saddened throng
Hear the sweet and mournful strains
Of that solemn song.
"Grave, where is thy victory?"
Low the voices sing;
Louder, clearer, fall the words
"Death, where is thy sting?"
God's true servant in her illness
Tended kindly to her soul;
Now, He strives with words of solace
With the sorrowing to condole.
While his saintly soul is mirrored
In those tender words, and wise
Yet, they are to the afflicted,
Treasures they shall always prize.
Annie's pure and gentle spirit,
Casting sunshine round her home,
Has departed from its threshold,
In far brighter lands to roam.
Never more her merry laughter
Through that household will resound;
Never, that young voice of music,
In sweet melody will sound.
"At the fireside, and the table
There will be a vacant place;
In your hearts will be a yearning
For her dear and absent face.
Who can ease the bitter sorrow
Of the hearts now bowed in grief?
Who can take the place of Annie?
Then why blame them, if they weep.
"It will be a sacred memory
As the future years roll by,
How, in her fair bloom of childhood,
She was called by God to die.
Weep not, friends, for this dear angel,
This much cherished household pet
She has reached the court of Heaven
By the gate which we call death."
He has finished, and they bear her
Mid the shades of grief and gloom,
To her resting place forever
In the bosom of the tomb.
With them walks God's humble servant
Mid this cloud of pain and woe
"Dust thou art, to dust returneth,"
Spoke the priest, in accents low.
Then they lay their cherished Annie
In that cold and narrow bed;
As they sadly turned homeward
Many bitter tears they shed.
All must cross death's gloomy portal
She has gone, but you must wait
Dear friends, you will one day meet her
Smiling near the "golden gate".
M. Harrington.
Jan. 14, 1899 LWOL Mrs. Margaret Murray died at her home in Palos last Tuesday, aged 71 years. The funeral was held at Sag Bridge Thursday.
Feb. 25, 1899 Rev. Fr. Ballman of Sag visited with Rev. Fr. Sixt in Kankakee last week.
Mar. 25, 1899 LWOL The remains of James Murray, a former resident of Lemont were brought to Sag for burial Thursday.
May 27, 1899 Philip Koch Sr. an old resident of this vicinity, died at his home east of Sag Bridge last Wednesday morning at an advanced age.
Feb. 2, 1899 The remains of Michael B. McMahon, aged 61 years were brought to Sag from Chicago, for interment last Monday.
Feb. 23, 1899 The remains of Peter McCullough, aged 57 years, were brought to Sag cemetery from Chicago last week Friday.
Mar. 9, 1901 Michael Neville a well known citizen of Lemont, residing near the Derby school died on Thursday of last week aged 87 years, of grip. Decedent's wife died a couple of years ago since which time he has lived alone at the old homestead. The funeral was held Sunday from the residence to St. Patrick's church here where Rev. Father O'Dwyer conducted the funeral services. Interment in the Sag Bridge cemetery.
Mar. 23, 1901 Jeremiah Whelan died last Thursday morning of brain fever, aged 62 years. The funeral occurred this morning from St. Patrick's church. A wife and three children survive. The family moved here from Chicago last September.
Mar. 30, 1901 The remains of Mrs. Honora Dineen were brought from Chicago to Sag cemetery for burial last Tuesday.
April 20, 1901 The remains of John T. Drake aged 17 years were brought to Sag cemetery from Rensellar, Ind., last Thursday.
June 8, 1901 the remains of Mrs. Alice Hanrahan were brought down to Sag cemetery from Chicago last Saturday morning.
Aug. 17, 1901 The funeral of Martin Queenie occurred at Sag Thursday of last week and was attended by many from this place. The decedent was 94 years of age and was one of the very oldest residents of this section. He died at the home of his daughters, Mrs. Thos. McGraw, Sag. He was a well known citizen and had always occupied a high place in public esteem.
Sept. 21, 1901 Patrick Kelly, aged about 43 years, died at his home in Sag Bridge last Monday.
St. James fair at Sag opened last Thursday evening and will continue until Oct. 5th.
Sept. 28, 1901 Miss Maggie Driscoll, daughter of Timothy Driscoll, at Hastings died Sunday in Chicago, of pneumonia, aged 24 years. The remains were brought here Monday and the funeral occurred Wednesday evening.
Oct. 5, 1901 The Sag fair has attracted many of our young people each evening the past week.
Oct. 19, 1901 LWOL The funeral of Matthew Tabloski occurred at Sag Tuesday. The decedent leaves a widow and six children.
Nov. 2,1901LWOL James Kennedy who shot his wife and then himself in Chicago, last Sunday morning was a former resident of Lemont, and his remains were brought here and interred in Sag cemetery. His brother Peter, the only surviving member of the family was a policeman under D.C. Norton's administration and is now connected with the Chicago police department. Two children Frank aged 11 and Nellie, seven years, were made orphans by the terrible deed.
Nov. 7, 1901 LPA James Kennedy who shot and killed his wife in Chicago and then committed suicide was buried Wed. at Sag Bridge. His brother Peter, the only remaining member of a family of eleven, and the deceased's two children were among those who attended the funeral. Mr. Kennedy formerly lived here and it was here that he received his schooling. The terrible tragedy enacted by a former Lemont resident was a severe shock to the community when the news became known here.
Nov. 16, 1901LWOL The remains of Mrs. Cecelia Ludden, an aunt of Mrs. M.B. Madden were brought to Sag cemetery from Chicago to-day.
Nov. 30, 1901LWOL Barney McCanna, formerly of Lemont, died last Monday in Chicago, at the home of his children. Burial was Wednesday at the Sag.
Dec. 7, 1901 LWOL After Jan. 1 a body cannot be buried until a permit has been issued by the town, village or city clerk for their respective jurisdictions. To procure a certificate of burial, a proper certificate of death must be issued by a legally qualified physician, midwife or the county coroner. Under the law, a fine of from 10 to $100 dollars or imprisonment in the county jail for 30 days, is provided for violation.
Dec. 18, 1902 Mrs. James Donahue age 77 from Chicago, buried Thursday S.B.
Jan. 1, 1903 LPAO Daniel Eagan to be buried tomorrow in Sag Bridge.
Jan 26, 1905 LPAO Lizzie Fous of Chicago 22 yrs old, died last week, funeral Friday morning SB.
Feb. 2, l905LPAO Michael Killeen of Chicago. buried SB last Wed.
Mar 30 1905LPAO Mrs Shelly of St. Louis died last week. buried SB.
Apr 20, 1905 Timothy E. Sullivan, an old resident of this locality, died at his home about two miles southwest of Lemont, Monday morning, April 17, 1905. The funeral occurred Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock, with services at St. Patrick's church, conducted by the pastor, Rev. Fr. O'Dwyer. Interment was at St. James cemetery, Sag Bridge. The decedent leaves a wife, one daughter and three sons, besides other relatives and numerous friends.
May 25, l905 Mrs Mary Kane age 53 from Chicago, buried last Sat at SB.
The marble statue of the Sacred Heart presented to St. James Church at Sag by Mrs. J.D. Shea, in memory of her husband, the late Inspector Shea, has arrived, from the famous Carara quarries in Italy and will be blessed sometime in June.
June 22, 1905 Mrs. Mary Keegan, of Chicago, died Monday night at the age of 65. The funeral was Thursday and she was buried in SB. Surviving are sons John, James, Michael, and Christopher, and one daughter Mary, who resides in Denver.
June 29, 1905 A grand fourth of July ball will be given in the hall at S.B. next Monday night July 3, 1905 for the benefit of the new St. James Church at that place. All are cordially invited and all who attend will receive a handsome souvenir of the occasion.
July 20, 1905 Dennis Hurley Fatally Shot. Nels Nordine, bartender in Joseph Warger's saloon on Canal street, shot and killed Dennis Hurley Jr., known as "skinny" during an altercation last Thursday evening about 8:30 o'clock.
There had been feeling between the two men for some time and they had frequently quarrelled, although never coming to blows.
When Hurley entered the saloon Thursday evening, Nordine was behind the bar and refused to serve him. An argument followed and culminated in the shooting.
The bullet pierced Hurley's right lung and he staggered out of the saloon and fell on the sidewalk. Dr. Leahy who happened to be near when the shooting occurred, immediately hastened to the injured man's assistance but pronounced him beyond recovery and he died a few minutes after the shot was fired.
Nordine immediately surrendered himself to Chief of Police Kane.
Hurley's body was removed to O'Brien's undertaking rooms, where an inquest was held the following day by Deputy Coroner Reynolds and Nordine was held to the grand jury, without bail.
The funeral occurred Sunday from the home of his parents where services were conducted by Rev. Fr. O'Dwyer and the remains were interred in Sag Bridge. Besides the parents, one sister, Anna, and two brothers, William, of Hammond Ind., and Timothy of Milwaukee survive.
Funeral of Mrs. Lambert of Summit occurred Tues burial SB.
Aug 3, 1905 Michael Kerwin, Hastings, died Sunday July 30. Funeral Tuesday SB.
Aug 10, 1905 Funeral of Mrs. Barbara Fuhs of Palos Wed morning (died Aug 6.) SB. surviving are husband and three sons, Michael, Nicholas and Bernard.
Aug 17, 1905. Miss Margaret Walsh who taught the primary grade in the public school here last year, died at her home in Summitt, Sat night, Aug 12, 1905, of spinal meningitis. The funeral occurred Mon with services in the Summit church, the remains being brought to Sag Bridge for interment. Miss Welsh? was exceedingly popular and had a large circle of friends and acquaintances who deeply deplore her untimely demise.
Sept 7, 1905 John Sullivan died at his home three miles south of Lemont Friday Sept 1, 1905 after a lingering illness. A wife, two sons, Timothy Sullivan, of Joliet and John of Homer, and two daughters, Mary and Mrs. Jacob Brachle survive. The funeral occurred Sunday afternoon from St. Patrick's church, and the remains were taken to SB for internment. Decedent was born in Ireland and at the age of three years came with his parents to this country and settled in Lowell, Mass. In 1849 with his brothers Timothy and Eugene he went to California and worked in the gold mines a few years, after which he came to Lemont and settled on a farm in Homer Township where he lived to the time of his death.
Sept 7, 1905 Died Sept 1, 1905 at his home in Homer, John Sullivan Sr., age 73 years. Mr. Sullivan was born in Cork Ireland and came to Mass in 1849. He with his brother, Timothy who died last April, went to the California gold fields in 1861, and after a short stay came back to this state and to the farms where they both resided until their death. He leaves a wife and four children Timothy of Joliet; John Jr., Mary and Mrs. Julia Brachley of Homer. The funeral occurred Sunday with burial at Sag Cem.
Nov. 2, 1905 Mary O'Donnell, daughter of Edward, of Chicago, died last week and was buried in Sag Bridge Cemetery.
Nov. 9, 1905 Mrs. Otis Graves of Summit died Sunday, funeral was at Sag Bridge Cemetery Tuesday Nov. 7.
April 19, 1906 Jeremiah Sullivan of Chicago, funeral was Tuesday morning at Sag Bridge.
April 19, 1906 Died - Florence Brown of Joliet, age 20, daughter of John G. Scott, adopted by Captain John Brown at age 2. Funeral was held Monday at Sag Bridge Cemetery.
April 19, 1906 James J. Murphy passed away at his home one mile east of Lemont Apr. 13. The decedent was born in Ireland some 63 years ago. Coming to this country at an early age he settled in Boston, Mass. Came to Lemont 26 years ago. Wife and daughters Nellie, Sadie, both teachers in public school, survive.
Sept. 13, 1906 Lizzie Rupperts died Tuesday, buried in Sag Bridge Cemetery.
Nov. 22, 1906 A number from here attended the funeral of Policeman Fitzpatrick who was shot by robbers in Chicago last Saturday, at St. James Cemetery, Sag Bridge, Tuesday morning. Decedent had a number of relatives in this locality.
Dec. 6, 1906 James Kelleher, one of our best known citizens departed this life Friday morning Nov. 30, 1906, at the age of 62 years. Although he had been in poor health for a long time and at home ill for several days, the sudden news of his demise came as a shock to the community. Decedent resided in Lemont for more than 30 years and had served faithfully for 22 years as the janitor of the public school building. A wife, four sons, Mathew of Cleveland, Ohio, Michael, John, and Daniel of this place, three daughters, Mrs. Roger Dunning of Cleveland, Ohio, and Nellie and Nora of this place survive. The funeral occurred Sunday afternoon with services in St. Patrick's church and the obsequies were very largely attended. Interment was at St. James Cemetery Sag Bridge.
Dec. 20, 1906 Timothy Sullivan, a former resident of Lemont, died at his home in Chicago Friday of last week and the remains brought to Sag Bridge Sunday morning for interment.
Daniel D. Driscoll, aged 52 years, died Tuesday morning Dec. 18, at 6:30 o'clock at his residence on South Stephen Street of cancer. Decedent had resided in Lemont for many years and was well and favorably known. Three sons Patrick, John and Joseph, and three daughters Mamie, Katie, and Nellie survive. His wife died about four years ago.
Jan. 10, 1907 James Conway, old resident of Sag Bridge died Friday.. Funeral occurred Monday morning at Sag Bridge.
Feb. 14, 1907 Mrs. McGuire, a former Lemont resident died in Chicago last week. Interment was at Sag Bridge.
The funeral of Mrs. Mary Shea from Chicago was held last Thursday at Sag Bridge. she was the mother of Patrick Shea, Mrs. Johanna Connors, Mrs. J.C. Murphy and the late Timothy Shea and Ellen Driscoll.
May 30, 1907 Tillie Zarn died in Chicago May 23. She was the daughter of Rudolph Zarn. Interment Sag Bridge cemetery.
July 7, 1907 The funeral of the late Cornelius H. Sullivan who was instantly killed last week at Tolo, Va., by the explosion of a box of dynamite was held Sunday afternoon from St. Patrick's church. The untimely death of this popular young man is deeply regretted and a very large concourse of sorrowing friends followed the remains to their final resting place in St. James cemetery at Sag Bridge.
July 25, 1907 Mrs. W.A. Clay died at her home on Illinois street Thursday morning July 25, at 4 o'clock. Decedent was formerly Miss Grace Murphy and she was born and raised in Lemont. She was esteemed by all and the entire community mourns her untimely demise. Mr. Clay, who was formerly agent for the Santa Fe here but is now employed by the Northwestern R'y in Wisconsin arrived here at 9 o'clock Wednesday evening. Besides the bereaved husband and an infant son on week old, her father D.B. Murphy, two sisters, Mrs. W.C. Earnshaw, and Miss Belle Murphy and two brothers, C.X. and Robert, survive.
Aug. 1, 1907 Elizabeth Mathey, aged 17 years, died Tuesday, funeral was at Sag Bridge Friday.
Elizabeth Kelly, aged 46 years, died at her home in Sag Bridge July 30, after a lingering illness. Seven brothers, John Stephen, Peter, James, William, Eugene, and Thomas, and one sister, Mrs. N. McCullough survive. The funeral was at Sag Bridge Thursday.
Aug. 15, 1907 James Kirk, aged 46 years, a well known resident of Sag Bridge died Tuesday night, Aug. 13, 1907 at the hospital in Chicago. His death was the result of an accident. Friday noon of last week while descending from a hay mow by reason of the rope, the hay knife fell upon him and pierced his side. He was removed to the hospital and died while submitting to an operation. The funeral will occur Friday from St. James church. Besides the parents one brother Lawrence and one sister Mrs. Hanecy survive.
Oct. 24, 1907 The remains of A. McDonald who died Monday Oct. 15 at Missoula Montana, after a few days illness, were brought here Friday and taken to his late home on Stephen Street, where they repose until Sunday afternoon when the funeral was held from St. Patrick Church. Interment was at Sag Bridge.
Decedent went to Montana about six weeks before to take charge of some construction work and the news of his sudden death was a sad shock to his family and friends. A wife, four daughters, Mrs. A. Mahoney, Misses Regina, Gladys, and Gracie and two sons Arthur and Leo survive.
Nov. 14, 1907 The funeral of Joseph Murray occurred Monday morning from his home in Palos to St. James church at Sag Bridge. Decedent died of heart disease while returning in a wagon with his son from Orland last Friday. Two daughters and one son survive.
Nov. 14, 1907 The funeral of Mrs. Catherine Hennessey was held from the residence of her brother Lawrence Kirk at Sag to St. James church last Saturday. She was 48 years of age and died the preceding Wednesday at Mercy Hospital in Chicago of dropsy. One daughter Mabel and one son William survive.
Jan. 9, 1908 The remains of Lawrence Driscoll, Salt Lake City, Utah, were buried in Sag Bridge on Tuesday.
Jan. 9, 1908 Jacob Koller, a pioneer resident of Willow Springs, died on Jan. 8 at 8:15 a.m., cause of death being pneumonia. Mr. Koller was 86 years and five months at the time of his death. Mr. Koller came to this country from Germany in 1848, and moved to Palos in 1850 where he was well known and respected, holding offices as trustee and town collector for years.
Mr. Koller was a man who was kind and considerate to all and will be missed as a friend by everybody. He leaves five sons Martin, Henry, Chas. Fred, and Jacob, and three daughters, Mary, Anna, and Kate. He also had 35 grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren. The funeral will be on Friday Jan. 10 at the St. James church cemetery.
Apr. 2, 1908 Lightning struck St. James church at Sag Bridge last Friday afternoon and damaged the southwest corner of the structure to the amount of about $200.
May 28, 1908 Michael J. Morrissey, former resident of Lemont, funeral occurred last Saturday at Sag Bridge.
May 28, 1908 William Gaffney, aged 26 years, died at his mother's home, Mrs William Gaffney in Sag Bridge last Friday of tuberculosis. Besides his mother, three sisters Mrs. P.J. Rupperts, Mrs. McNeff, Miss Mollie Gaffney and three brothers, Hugh, John, and T.J. survive. The funeral occurred Sunday afternoon at 2.
June 25, 1908 The remains of Patrick Murphy were brought to Sag Cemetery from Chicago last Monday morning. Decedent was about 40 years of age and was a brother of Cornelius Murphy, a boatman for the Western Stone Co. Services were held in St. James Church. His mother died March 9 last and his father in August 1906. Several brothers survive in Chicago. Funeral director John H. O'brien had charge of the funeral arrangements.
July 16, 1908 A young man from Chicago who was visiting at the farm of William Wagner near Sag Bridge accidently drowned while bathing in the Delaney quarry last Sunday. The funeral occurred Tuesday morning at Sag Bridge.
Oct. 7, 1909 The funeral of Mrs. Thomas O'Hern of Summit occurred in Sag today. The decedent formerly lived here. Her husband died only a few months ago.
Dec. 22, 1910 The burial of Capt. Adam Penn occurred at St. James cemetery at Sag last Thursday. Captain Penn died Tuesday at his home at 3433 Marshfield Ave. in Chicago and was about 80 years of age. He was captain of the old tug Talcott which was one of the first to ply the I & M canal. This was nearly 50 years ago. He left Lemont about 30 years ago and had since resided in Chicago.
Sept. 19, 1912 St. James Bazaar and Fest. The annual fall festival of the Sag and Palos parishes will open the coming Saturday Sept. 7, and continue for five successive Saturdays. It will be held in the new Sag hall, a two story concrete structure erected by the Chicago Structural Tile Co. (Fred K. Irvine, manager).
Sept. 19, 1912 The ladies of the Sag will serve supper the first night, Willow Springs and Mount Forest the second night, North Palos the third, South Palos and Orland the fourth, and the whole ensemble on the closing night. The music will be furnished by Keenan's orchestra, Chicago. A special car will leave the Sag at midnight for the city limits.
Nov. 14, 1912 Rev. Father Brummer who has been pastor of St. James Church at Sag Bridge for several years past has tendered his resignation of the pastorate there and will probably soon be transferred to another field.
Nov. 21, 1912 The report that Fr. Brummer has resigned is unfounded.
Jan. 16, 1913 Mrs. Katherine Gaffney aunt of John Gaffney of this place died at the home of her daughter in Chicago Jan. 8, 1913 and the remains were brought to Sag Bridge cemetery for burial last Thursday morning by electric car. Mrs. Gaffney is survived by four Edward, Hugh, Michael and John and by two daughters Mrs. M. Rupert and Mrs. Alice Doyle.
Jan. 16, 1913 Mrs. Anna McCanna wife of John McCanna died Monday evening Jan. 13, 1913 at her home in this place as a result of an apoplexic stroke sustained the day before; aged 76 years.
The decedent is survived by her husband but there are no children. She was a native of Ireland and had resided in Lemont for nearly half a century. The funeral occurred Thursday morning from St. Patrick's church and interment was in St. James Cemetery at Sag.
Mar. 20, 1913 Henry, son of Mr. & Mrs. John Mathies of Sag Bridge died at the parents home there last Friday evening after an illness of two weeks with fatal complications resulting there from, aged 13 years. The funeral took place Monday morning from St. James Church at Sag Bridge where a requiem mass was conducted the pastor Rev. V. Brummer. The surviving relatives include the father, mother, three sisters and four brothers.
Dec. 11, 1913 Death of Daniel Sullivan. Daniel Sullivan, pioneer of Lemont and respected citizen, died very suddenly of hemorrhage of the brain at his home in this place last Friday morning, Dec. 5, 1913, aged 83 years. He is survived by two sons Timothy E. and William Sullivan, and six daughters, Mrs. Kate O'Neil, and Mrs. Anastasia Johnson and the Misses Ellen, Mary Bridget, and Rebecca M. Sullivan. Mrs. Johnson resides in New York. The rest are here and in Chicago.
Mr. Sullivan was born in County Cork Ireland, Mar. 25, 1830, and came to America in 1852. Coming to Lemont two years later, having spent the intervening time in New York, he engaged in stone quarrying and became an expert artisan in this line. In 1856 he married Miss Mary Hanifan, and soon embarked in farming, purchasing 80 acres of land adjoining the village which remained his home till the end. Mrs. Sullivan died in 1895.
The funeral took place from St. Patricks church Monday morning conducted by Rev. Father J.A. Hemlock and interment was in St. James Cemetery at Sag Bridge.
Dec. 18, 1913 Fred Cleveland, a brother in law of Mrs. Mary McCarthy of this place, died in Chicago Dec. 12 aged 65. Sag Bridge burial.
Michael McCullough, Chicago died Dec. 8, aged 50, Sag Bridge burial.
Nov. 19, 1914 James Long, former resident of Lemont, died last Sunday in Chicago, aged 88 years. Burial Sag Bridge cemetery.
Mar. 22, 1917 Rev. Rosch died of cancer in Blue Island. LPA&O