St. James at Sag Bridge Catholic Church
Sag Souvenir Booklet 1933

St. James Catholic Church at Sag Bridge in Lemont Illinois celebrated in the year 1933. The pastor asked his flock to provide information on who was buried in the cemetery. The following text is a transcription of the letters in the little book. Copyright 2010-present. Nancy Thornton.
Sag Centennial Souvenir, 1933, Reverend Peter J. Geraghty, Pastor
Pictures of St. James Church and Rectory, George Cardinal Mundelein, Bishop Sheil, the Church, St. James Church and Cemetery. [Excerps]
The first church in which the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass was offered up on Sundays at Sag Bridge was a small log cabin that stood in a field close to the north side of the road leading to the stations of the Chicago & Alton Railroad and the Chicago & Joliet Electric Lines. It was about midway between the point of the hill and the stations mentioned.
The first school was in this log cabin, the cabin being used as a school during the week and as a church on Sundays, when a priest could attend. I was the first altar boy to serve here and also in the new stone church, the present St. James. This cabin had been the home of Michael and Bridget Ford. They moved from here in about the year of 1850 to their farm in Palos Park.
Thr first burial for St. James Cemetery at Sag was a Mrs. Ring, who had lived in a small cabin in Archer Road just east of Carroll’s corner. That was in or about the year 1850. I remember the funeral because I saw it on my way to school in the log cabin.
Note: "The Sag Cemetery land was granted to the Church at the Saginaw by James Murphy and John Sullivan Oct. 13, 1858." M. Hurley Notes. Sag Church Records, Vol. I.
The cornerstone of the present St. James Church was laid in October, 1893 by Bishop Van DeVelde. The first mass in this church was celebrated in the summer of 1862 by the Reverend Father Hurley. This was a mission church and was attended by the pastor of the church at Lockport until about the year 1880. During this year and a part of 1881 it was the mission church of the pastorate of Lamont [Lemont]. Late in 1881 Father Joseph Bollman was assigned as pastor of the Sag church, the Sacred Heart church in Palos being used as a mission church. Father Bollman remodeled the Sag church in 1883 and again in 1890. Martin Carr was the architect who designed the belfry and the timbered roof as it is today. George Weimar of Lemont had the contract for the carpenter work. The stone for the old church was donated by a Mr. Roughnot, who in 1850 owned and operated a quarry at Sag, and the masonry work was done by the farmers. Michael Nolan and his father, who were from Dublin, Ireland, were the carpenters. They built several houses, among them one for Lawrence Kirk and another for Roger Ford. Michael Nolan taught school both at Sag and Palos about the time of the civil war.
The first Catholic church in the village of Lemont was an old frame building near the present Chicago & Alton Railroad depot in the village. It was donated by one of the Brown brothers, who at that time owned considerable property there. There were three brothers, William Brown, N.J. Brown and Colonel Brown. William Brown donated the land on which the old frame St. Patrick’s Church in Lemont was built. It was on the top of the hill just east of where the high school now stands.
The first tavern and store at Sag was built by William Bell and his father on the site later owned by Patrick Kirk. William Bell sold this to Kirk and moved to his farm at the intersection of the Bell and McCarthy roads. His father moved to Chicago and kept a tavern near the Lake street bridge.
My father, Thomas Claffy, lived in or near Joliet and has often related seeing the Indians in charge of a priest passing through on their way across the Mississippi. I believe this was in the year 1837.
Roger Ford, Bridget Ford and her husband, Michael, and my mother, who was their sister, settled here between the years 1838 to 1840. They and many others who, with them faced the wilderness to found a home, are all at rest in Sag Cemetery. Signed Charles Claffy, witness by Thomas J. Claffy, November 1st, 1930.

May 13, 1933
Reverend Father:
We are sending the requirements yhou ask for my husband, the only Sag ancestor. Mathew Subat was born in Zlobin, Jugoslavia, on Feb. 24, 1877; baptized Fev. 28, 1877; received communion in 1889; confirmation in 1890. He was educated in the Catholic grammar school in Zlobin, Jugoslavia. His occupation was inspector on the Michigan Central railroad. He died on Nov. 28, 1924 and was buried on Dec. 1, 1924.
Yours truly, Johanna Subat, Box 177, Lyons, Ill.

May 12, 1933
Rev. and Dear Father Geraghty:
Susan Swartz, St. Pius Church, Baptism, Aug. 1, 1886, Died, Aug. 18, 1887.
Mary Swartz, St. Pius Church, Baptism, Sept. 14, 1883, Died, Apr. 3, 1889.
Annie Swartz, St. Pius Church, Baptism, Nov. 25, 1884, Died, May 28, 1892.
Frank Swartz, Jr., St. Pius Church, Baptism, June 2, 1888, Died, May 31, 1892.
George Swartz, St. Pius Church, Baptism, Jan. 25, 1890, Died, May 26, 1892.
Frank Swartz Sr., Born in Germany, Baptism, July 26, 1851, Died March 1, 1914.
Otto Swartz, St. Augustine Church, Baptism, Dec. 15, 1895, Died, Dec. 16, 1927.
Above are dates of baptism, church where baptized and dates of death, as nearly as possible of the members of my family.
Mrs. Mary Swartz, 2307 W. 50th Place, Chicago, Ill.

Summit, Ill. May 12, 1933.
Reverend and Dear Sir:
In reply to your letter of May 8th, I am pleased to enclose herewith a record of what I know of my ancestors, who are buried at the Sag. Very truly yours, James Wrenn.
Edward Donnelly came to this country in the year of 1830, and settled in Schenectedy, N.Y. After living there for 15 years he and his family, with 22 other families journeyed west in covered wagons. May hardships beset their trail and the group had dwindled down to seven families when they reached what is now known as Palos Park. He became a large land owner and it was he who founded the first school by hiring a teacher for his and the neighbors’ children and lending a cabin as the first school house. His death occurred in 1866 and he was buried at Sag Bridge.
Catherine Wrenn, daughter of Edward Donnelly, was born in the year of 1842 in Schenectedy, N.Y. At the age of 24 years she married James Wrenn of County Kerry, Ireland. They settled in Summit, Ill., where they raised a large family.
James Wrenn died in the year of 1881 and the interment took place at Sag Bridge. Catherine Wrenn was much beloved not only by her older friends, but by her grandchildren and all their young companions, always being of a sunny disposition, fond of fun and of telling witty stories and anecdotes. She died Jan. 11, 1929, at the age of 87 years, the oldest pioneer resident of this region. She was buried beside her parents, sisters, brother, husband and children at Sag Bridge.
The following relatives were interred in St. James cemetery, Sag Bridge, Ill.
Maternal grandparents, viz:
1. Thomas McLaughlin, born in Carlingford Co., South Ireland in 1806. Died in Palos in 1872. He was a resident of Palos for 28 years; a contributor to sustain the Catholic religion in manual labor and a shelter to the early Missions, priests and people.
2. May Raferty McLaughlin, wife of Thomas McLaughlin, born in Carlingford Co., South Ireland; married there; died Feb. 3rd, 1855. The children of the above are buried in St. James cemetery.
3. Arthur McLaughlin, born in Lockport in 1838. Rev. Father McLaughlin, of Lockport, attended him in his last illness. He died in Palos in 1856.
4. James McLaughlin, born in Palos.
5. Mary Ann Igoe (nee McLaughlin) born in Albany, New York in 1836; died in 1896.
6. Mrs. Mary Marely, daughter of Mary A. Igoe (nee McLaughlin.)
7. Ann Wilson, daughter of Mary Morely.
8. Lily Wilson, granddaughter of Mary Morely.
9. Ellen E. Ryan, (nee McLaughlin), born in Lockport, in 1844; baptized in Lockport; first Holy communion in St. James, Sag Bridge, Ill.; married Patrick H. Ryan in Chicago, Ill., in St. Patrick’s Church, Chicago, Ill., Father Bennett officiating. Ellen Ryan (need McLaughlin) died March 29th, 1900.
10. Patrick H. Ryan, husband of Ellen McLaughlin, was born in Hurles, Co., Tipperary, Ireland; died March 15th, 1891.
11. Leo. P. Ryan, son of the above was born in Chicago, April 19th, 1884. Baptized in St. Columkille’s church; confirmed at the age of 5 years in St. Columkille; educated by the Christian Brothers in the parish school; became a permanent resident of Palos in 1900; a knight of Columbus; died Oct. 18, 1918.
12. Mrs. Margaret O’Brien (nee McLaughlin) daughter of Thomas and Mary McLaughlin; born in Palos.
13. Murtagle O’Brien, husband of Margaret (nee McLaughlin).
14. Ann Ryan (nee McLaughlin); born in Palos.
15. Philip Ryan, husband of Ann.
16. Joseph Ryan.
17. Thomas Ryan.
18. Edward Ryan.
19. Rose Ryan.
20. Margaret Ryan Sebesla; died Sept. 1931.
Paternal relatives, viz:
21. Thomas Ryan, brother of Philip and Patrick H. Ryan.
22. Mary Maher, cousin of the above, Thomas Ryan.
23. Mrs. Margaret Guilfoyle McLaughlin, second wife of Thomas McLaughlin, grandfather; married in Lockport in 1856, father McLaughlin officiating. She was born in Ireland and was housekeeper for Rev. Father McLaughlin at the time of her marriage. Died Nov. 2, 1888.
Respectfully submitted, Blanche A. Ryan, Anna L. Ryan.

Chicago Ill., May 11, 1933.
Rev. Father Geraghty:
I received your welcome letter and request for information on the Sag cemetery. My father, George B. Allen, was buried here October 6th, 1881.
Bridget Allen, his wife, and my mother, was buried Oct. 29, 1883. My brother, William was buried October 24, 1879, and I have two sisters buried there in the early 60’s of the year 1800, and John J. Murphy, my husband, Dec. 21, 1923. He graduated in the year 1876 from the De La Salle school in Canada. His daughter, Dorothy May Murphy Kiser was buried April 20, 1931.
Father, this is about all I can give you. Hoping it will be of some use, I remain, as ever, Mrs. Sarah Murphy, 5506 S. Albany Ave., Chicago, Ill.

Chicago, Ill., May 12, 1933.
Dear Father:
The following is my family history: My father and mother were born in Ireland. They came to the United States in 1843, and raised 10 children - 7 sons and 3 daughters. My father, Peter McGuire, enlisted in the Civil War from Lemont, Ill., in October, 1861. He was in the 23rd Illinois Infantry. He served in the Union Army until Nov. 12, 1864, when he was honorably discharged. He lived to be 72 years old and died in November, 1887.
My mother died on Feb. 5, 1907. She was then 88 years old. My mother and father lived at Lemont for almost 50 years.
Very truly yours, Thomas McGuire. 38 S. Dearborn St, Chicago Ill.

Chicago Ill. May 11, 1933.
Dear Father Geraghty:
Received your letter yesterday and I will jot down a few facts from which you can probably take what you want.
Mr. and Mrs. James Murphy came to Sag Bridge in the year of 1848, from County Wexford, Ireland. Mrs. Murphy’s maiden name was Margaret Kent, and her uncle kept a tavern at the corner, where Hanrahan ran his saloon in recent years. There wasn’t a church any closer than that of Lockport in the early days, and a priest used to come once a month and say mass in the tavern. Those old settlers used to come, some of them over 10 miles with a team of oxen. They had to start the day before in order to get there on time. The first Catholic cemetery was at a place called Haytown, about two miles southwest of Lemont, which was called Athens in the early days.
When the St. James church and cemetery were organized, some of the bodies were moved from Haytown to St. James cemetery, as the Haytown cemetery was being infringed upon for quarry purposes. In time it was entirely knocked out.
There were 10 children born to Mr. and Mrs. James Murphy. One died at nine months old and another at 13 years. The others lived to be a good old age, and are all dead except martin and James, who now reside in Chicago.
The names of the children were; Bridget, Robert, James, John, Mary Ann, John, Patrick, Thomas, August and Martin. They all made their first communion through the parish of St. James, although in the early days they had to go to Lockport to church most of the time.
The church of St. James is supposed to be built on the spot where the French missionaries camped and held services in their trip down the Desplaines Valley. This camp is often referred to as the Hog Back.
My father died July 15, 1910 and my mother died Jan. 23, 1911. My father was 90 years old when he died, and my mother was 84 when she died. They lived in the vicinity of Sag Bridge since 1848, until their death. They were always very active in church affairs and the boys served mass and acted as janitors through their boyhood years in their turn, according to age.
I do not quite remember the exact dates of the others, but you probably could get them from the tombstones in the cemetery.
Wishing you great success in your undertaking, I am, Yours respectfully, Martin Murphy, 4113 Leamington avenue, Chicago, Ill.

Chicago, Ill, May 15, 1933.
Dear Father Geraghty:
Bernard McCanna died Nov. 25, 1900. He was the husband of Ann Carroll McCanna, father of John, Peter, Bridget, Frank, James, Bernard, Catherine, Rose and William.
He served his country in the civil war. He worked in the quarry, and helped to haul stones for St. James church, Sag Bridge.
Ann Carroll McCanna, died Sept. 1881. Bridget McCanna died Nov. 11, 1900.
Yours respectfully, Mrs. Wm. Moston, 8715 S. Racine Ave., Chicago, Ill.

Chicago, Illinois, May 13, 1933.
Rev. and Dear Sir:
Re - your letter, received May 11, 1933, and asking for certain "Data" on or before May 13, 1933. Kindly advised that due to conditions beyond my control, a reply was not possible until this date.
Briefly, the parents of the writer, Michael D. Harrington and Margaret Sullivan Harrington are interred in Sag cemetery.
They were born in Ireland in the Island of Saints and Scholars, and came to America, the then land of opportunity, in youth. They settled in Lemont many years ago, when the place was a small village. They believed in church and schools and gave of their limited means in support of each.
Their conduct in life was exemplary. They set a good example and were well respected and well thought of as good neighbors. They worked hard in an endeavor to give their children a good Catholic, christian education, and made many sacrifices in so doing.
The date set in your letter does not permit me to go into further details.
Also buried in the family lot is my beloved sister, Mary Harrington, who taught school in Lemont and Chicago for many years (at one period four of our family - two young ladies and two young men - taught in Cook County schools _ Lemont, Sag, Willow Springs, Palos, Orland and Chicago - in each and every place with a good record.
The Island of Saints and Scholars sent out priests and teachers to the far corners of the earth and to a lesser extent Lemont also sent out priests and teachers, who were a credit to their sterling, struggling, God-fearing pioneer parents.
Regretting the lack of time, as set forth in your letter, and with kindest personal regards,
Sincerely yours, J.H. Harrington, 8715 S. Racine Ave., Chicago Ill.

May 14, 1933
Dear Father Geraghty,
This is my family history: My mother, Eliza Huestis, nee Leary, was born Oct. 1853 and died Jan. 1924. My father, Chas. E. Huestis was born Aug. 1851 and died Nov. 1932.
My mother, Eliza Huestis, was born in Lemont, Ill. My father was born in Brooklyn, N.Y. They were married on the 25th of July, 1882, by the Rev. James E. Hogan of St. Patrick church of Lemont, Ill.
My father was a convert at the time of his marriage, and worked as a railroad man all his life.
Yours truly, Chas. Huestis Jr., 5408 Shields Ave., Chicago Ill.

May 15, 1933.
Dear Father Geraghty,
Ida Roch, my mother, was born October 22, 1836, died January 12, 1912. John Roch, my brother, was born June 2, 1875, died March 26, 1910. I do not know the dates of baptism, communion, confirmation, marriage, etc., of the members of my family. I trust this will be satisfactory.
Sincerely yours, Anna Erlan, Elsinore, Calif.

May 13, 1933.
Rev. and Dear Father Geraghty:
The following is my family history:
Augustus C. Dolan, born in Roscommon, County of Connaught, Ireland, October 1804. He migrated to America in 1836 and settled on a farm at Sag Bridge, Illinois.
In the month of June 1854, he married Anne Smollen, of Lemont, Ill., who was born January 1811, in Kings County, Ireland. To this marriage two children were born, Mary Anne, who later became the wife of John Reid of Lemont, Ill. April 1856; and Augustus C. II, March 7th, 1858.
During his life time he engaged in farming his farm located one mile southeast of the Cemetery Hill. He was an active citizen in all community affairs and at various times served as school trustee, township trustee, and member of the board of assessors.
He died April 7th, 1891 in Chicago, Ill., and is buried at St. James cemetery, at Sag Bridge, Ill.
Anne Smollen Dolan, died in Chicago November, 1897, and is buried at St. James cemetery, Sag Bridge, Ill.
Augustus C. Dolan II, born at Sag Bridge, Ill., March 7th, 1858, (son of August C. and Anne Smollen Dolan). He engaged in farm work on his father’s farm as boy and man, until he moved to Chicago. He married Catherine McGuire (daughter of Peter and Catherine McGuire of Lemont, Ill.) November 27th, 1883. To this marriage seven children were born: Gertrude Dolan Callahan, Marcella Dolan Sugrue, Augustus C (III), William S., Clement T. (deceased), Victor E. and Leonard G.
In 1891 he moved his family to Chicago and settled in close proximity to the then proposed World’s Columbian Exposition, since known as Woodlawn.
Quotation from Chicago Daily newspaper at his death:
"He is a resident of Woodlawn for 36 years having moved from Sag Bridge, Ill., in the year 1891. He served as a city detective for 22 years, being stationed at the Woodlawn station, until his retirement from the police department. He then entered the employ of the Woodlawn Trust and Savings Bank and remained in their employ until his death. In every movement for the betterment of Woodlawn, Mr. Dolan was always unselfishly interested, always taking an active part in neighborhood affairs.
His record during the World War helping with the sale of Liberty Bonds and War Drives furnished a striking example of his patriotism, particularly, as he had three sons fighting in France.
H was the type of neighbor and type of citizen whose passing marks a distinct loss to the community. The memory of his hearty good nature and kindly humor will long be cherished by his many friends. He died as he lived, at peace with the world."
July 19th 1827 [1927]
He died at St. Barnard’s hospital Chicago, Ill., and was buried at St. James Cemetery, Sag Bridge, Ill.
Mrs. Catherine Dolan, 7732 Phillips Ave., Chicago Ill.

May 12, 1933
Rev. Dear Father:
As per request just received, beg leave to state that my father, Jeremiah Day was born at Killmalloch, Ireland, in 1823, was baptized there, came to America when six years old with his mother, who is buried at the Sag. They came to Chicago in 1833. My father died at Palos in 1908 and is buried at the Sag quarries. My mother was Mary Driscoll, born at St. Johns Newfoundland, in 1825, and came to Chicago with her parents when 10 years old. Her parents are buried at the old Hay Town cemetery, two miles west of Lemont.
My mother died in 1895, and is buried at the Sag cemetery. She married my father when 18 years old, at old St. Mary’s church, Chicago. An older sister of mine has the old family bible with the records. This information is from memory only. Kindly breathe a little prayer for the happy repose of their souls.
As ever yours, Jim Day, 5409 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago Ill.

Chicago, Ill., May 12, 1933
Dear Sir:
I refer to your letter on May 10, 1933. Father, Thomas Houran, born in Ireland and baptized in Ireland and made his first communion in Palos. He was confirmed at St. James church, Sag Bridge, educated at Palos, Ill. His occupation was farming. He died January 18, 1914 at Palos, Ill., and was buried at Sag Bridge.
His parents were David Houran and Hanorah Houran, born in Ireland and married in Ireland. He died at Palos, Ill., and was buried at Sag Bridge. His occupation, a farmer. Mother, Ellen Houran, born in Romeo, Lemont, Ill. She was educated in Lemont, Ill., made her first communion in Lemont, and had been baptized in the same town. She was the wife of a farmer. Died Feb. 11, 1882 and was buried at Sag Bridge. Her parents, Michael McMahon and Mary McMahan were born in Ireland. Married in New York, died at Lemont and were buried at Sag Bridge. I remain, Hanorah Collins, 6835 S. Laflin St., Chicago, Ill.

Chicago, Ill., May 11, 1933.
Dear Father Geraghty:
William Cronin was born in the year 1818 in a town called Skibbereen, Ireland. He came to America in 1836 and was employed at the railway’s construction and the construction of the Illinois-Michigan canal. He purchased a quarter section of land in 1848 and was engaged in farming near the village of Mt. Forest, where he resided until his death in 1899. He was married in 1845 to Mary O’Shea, who was born in Queenstown, Ireland, and came to America when six years old, and died in 1904. They were buried in the Sag cemetery. Mrs. Margaret Rogers, Clearing Station, R. 3, Chicago Ill.

Chicago Ill. May 12, 1933
Rev. Father Geraghty:
In request in your letter about our parents and relatives at the Sag Bridge cemetery; My father, Edmond Hunt, was born in County Roscommon, Ireland, was baptized and made his first communion and confirmation in Ireland. He came to this country when he was young. He joined the regular army, and when the Civil war was started he joined the 5th U.S. Regiment, Illinois Volunteers. He also belonged to the Chicago Mercantile Battery. He was a railroad man by occupation, and lived to be 85 years old. He died 10 years ago in 1823, and was buried from Our Lady of Solace church, Chicago Ill.
My mother, Mary Connelly Hunt, died two years before my father died. My mother was born in New York and came to Lemont with her parents when she was 12 years old. She made her first communion and was confirmed at St. James church, Sag. My mother also was buried from Our Lady of Solace church, Chicago, Ill.
Two of my brothers, Edward and James, were born in Lemont, baptized at St. Patrick’s church. They made their first holy communion and were confirmed at Holy Trinity church, Chicago, Ill. They are both buried at the Sag. My sister, Mary Hunt Wolf, was born in Chicago, baptized at Holy Family church and made her first holy communion and confirmation in the same church. She died in August, 1930 and was buried at Sag cemetery. Her baby, Robert, was baptized in St. Michael’s church, Chicago, and was also buried at the Sag. Yours respectfully, Mrs. Ma Kasteeldi, 6249 S. Wood St., Chicago Ill.

Chicago Ill., May 11, 1933
Very Rev. Fr. Geraghty:
What a grand idea. Congratulations! Surely it is deserving of more. Press for time and a weak memory, I’ll try: My father, D.B. Murphy was six months old when his parents, brothers and sisters came to Lemont (by way of Canada from Ireland, where he was born). All now are buried at the Sag.
Away back before 1871, when Lemont did not have a parish priest, his home was open to all priests and nuns, both Irish and German children were baptized in our home by the much loved Fr. J. Bollman, who lived with us. My father was a merchant 50 years, a mayor and a holder of other public offices, Grand Marshal of the Ancient Order of Hibernians many years. He died at 84 years, March 15, 1913. My mother is a native of Downers Grove. Its time to mail this. Do the best you can with it. Thank you. Mrs. Wm. G. Earnshaw, 4655 Lake Park Avenue, Chicago Ill.

Lemont, Ill., May 13, 1933.
Dear Father Geraghty:
The following is a history of my ancestors as far as I can go back and remember. Father, Dennis Finnegan, was born in Carlingford, Ireland, in the year 1826 and died in Lemont, Ill., in the year 1876. Father’s first work was as a sailor, but after coming to this country, he worked in the wire mills in Worcestor, Mass., and, moving to Lemont, worked in the stone quarries. He also lived at the Sag for some time and worked in the Alec Reed Quarry there. He was always well thought of and respected as a loving father and kind neighbor. My mother, Ann Finnegan (nee Rafferty), was born in Carlingford, Ireland in the year 1829. Mother’s occupation was a housewife, and she, in caring for us children and teaching us to grow up in the love and fear of God. To know her was to love her and every one in our neighborhood always liked to come and visit with mother and they would leave in a happy frame of mind because of her amiable disposition. May their souls rest in peace. Respectfully yours, Thomas Finnegan, Lemont Ill.

Lemont, Ill., May 15, 1933.
Rev. and Dear Father Geraghty:
The following is my family history: Peter Helenhouse Sr. was born in Coblenz, Germany, December 12, 1847 and died January 5, 1923. He was buried at St. Alphonses cemetery at Lemont, where he resided at the time of his death. When a member of St. James parish at the Sag, he was always a faithful worker at all church doings. He was always a good provider for his family. He was a member of St. James parish for 24 years.
Mrs. Peter Helenhouse was born in Ireland March 1, 1849 and died April 29, 1928. She was buried at St. Alphonsus cemetery at Lemont, where she resided at the time of her death. She was a member of St. James parish at the Sag for 24 years. She was always a faithful worker at all church doings. Mrs. Jake Luks.

Chicago, Ill. May 17, 1933.
My dear Father Geraghty:
Sorry I have not more information for you. All I know is that my grandparents’ names were: Patrick and Mary Dee, originally from Mount Forest; my parents, Thomas and Mary (Dee) Cavanaugh. They had 12 children, all dead but two, and all buried at Sag. Five of those children died in infancy. The other names were, Thomas, William, John, Catherine, Jane, Frank, Clara, (the last being born in Chicago), Catherine, and myself are the survivors. Mrs. Clara Cavanaugh Russell.

Sag, May 13, 1933.
James Conway, father of May and Ellen Conway, was born in County Killkenny, Ireland and always lived there until he came to America, in 1850. We do not know the parish he lived in; his mother was a widow when he was a small boy, and know he made his first hold communion and was confirmed there.
His first place of employment in America was on a boat on the Mississippi (he followed that work in Ireland). He served on the Mississippi until he came to Lemont in 1854, where he was employed until he moved to the farm in 1861, where he lived until he died in 1907.
He was always a member of St. James parish, Sag. He is buried in St. James cemetery. One tribute paid him by a neighbor (William Bell), was that "His door was always open to the stranger passing by." Ellen and Mary Conway.

Sag, May 13, 1933.
Dear Father Geraghty:
My mother, Mrs. James Conway, was born in County Wexford, New Ross parish, Ireland. Her maiden name was Catherine Murphy. She attended a Catholic school in that parish, where she made her first holy communion and was confirmed. She came to America in 1851. A year later she came to Lemont, where she lived until she moved to the farm in 1861. She was always a member of St. James parish, Sag, until she died in 1885. She is buried in St. James cemetery. She was always well liked by her neighbors and friends and always had a kind word for everybody she met. This is all I can say about my mother. Mary Conway.

Sag, May 13, 1933.
Dear Father Geraghty:
My brother, Daniel Nolan, was born in Lemont, 1857, moved to the farm in 1861, where he lived all his life. He was baptized in Lemont, made his first holy communion and was confirmed in Lemont June 12, 1872. He was always a member of St. James parish, until his death in 1930, and is buried in St. James cemetery. He always helped at all church entertainments and worked for the upkeep of the church until his health failed. He was liked by all his neighbors and always tried to help any of them if they needed his help. This is all I can say about my brother. --

Chicago, Ill., May 11, 1933.
Dear Father:
I got your letter yesterday afternoon; so did the best I could, my member is so poor I can’t remember back very far. Very truly, Mrs. Margaret Rogers, Clearing Station, R 3, Chicago, Ill.

Chicago Ill., May 15, 1933.
My dear Father Geraghty:
Your efforts to record historical events in connection with St. James Parish at Sag are very commendable. I trust your success may be complete. That is one of the most important points on the old missionary trail to St. Louis, because of its setting at the point where two valleys join. I shall briefly set down what I know of our own family.
My father, Charles Claffy, was born Dec. 26, 1843, in a cottage along the 111th street road, about midway between Sag and Lemont. His baptismal, first holy communion and confirmation record, as well as his marriage record, are undoubtedly in the archives in Lockport. He was the first altar boy at the old Sag church. He served mass in the old log cabin used as a church until the present structure was completed.
Mother, (Annie Claffy, nee Gannon), was born in Buffalo, N.Y. Aug. 8, 1844. Baptized and made her first holy communion at St. Patrick’s church in Buffalo. It was on Main street, not far from the shores of Lake Erie. She was confirmed at St. Patrick’s on Desplaines and Adam streets, Chicago, about 1861. My parents were married at the Sag church in April 1869. They are the oldest living couple of the original parishioners of the Sag.
Grandfather Thomas Claffy was born at Ballinasloe, County Galway, Ireland. He arrived in this country about 1833, and lived at Roxbury, Mass., about a year or so, then returned to Ireland. After six months, he left Ireland again and came west to this part of Illinois. He was living near Joliet and was there when the Indians were passing through in charge of a priest to their exile beyond the Mississippi River about 1837.
Grandmother Claffy was here then. She was born in parish Cluenfush (?), Tuam, county Galway, Ireland. They were married evidently at Lockport or by a priest from there and lived at or near the Sag ever after, except for two or three years when they lived in Chicago (1848 to about 1850). From there they moved to the farm on which both ended their days.
Grandfather Claffy is recorded as one of the early settlers who helped build the old stone church at Sag Like all early Irish settlers, he worked on the old Illinois-Michigan canal, then took to farming. My father and his brother and sister were born there and baptismal and first communion records should be there or at Lockport.
Grandfather Michael Gannon was from Clondalin Parish of St. Mary’s, County, West Meath, Ireland. His wife, Mary Kelly, was from the Parish of Cloutaskent, near Tuam County, Galway.
They were married in Buffalo, and lived in St. Patrick’s parish until they moved to Chicago in 1853. They lived on the old farm until death took them to their resting place in the Sag cemetery. Gray’s famous Elegy is a fitting epitaph for all the old Irish and German ancestors who now live so peacefully at rest there.
They were men and women of simple faith, honest, industrious citizens; the type on which this country of ours was founded, but now to our sorrow more or less in the hands of brigands. The finest legacy a man may leave is the fact that he tamed the wilderness, built a home, raised a large family, educated them to the best of his ability and started them in life with a love and fear of God in their hearts. Teaching them to be honest, industrious and firm in their faith and to maintain it at all costs. I shall try to visit you before Decoration day. The state of the times has prevented me doing so before.
With best wishes, Father, and kindest personal regards, I am, Respectfully yours, Thomas J. Claffy, Room 704, City Hall, Chicago, Ill.

Summit, Ill., June 30, 1933.
Dear Father Geraghty:
James F. Mallon, son of John and Ellen Mallon, was born February 14, 1869, at Willow Springs, Ill. He was baptized and received his religious training in the Sag Church. He was educated at the Maple Hill school. James worked on his father’s farm until shortly after his marriage to Julia A. Cassidy in 1892, when they moved to Chicago, Ill., where he worked for the Chicago Elevated Lines. Later he joined the Chicago Police department and worked there until the time of his death. James and his wife had six children, three of whom are still living. They are Loretta A.W. Jennings, and Julia M. In 1905 James and his family returned to Willow Springs to make their home. He died August 13, 1919, and was buried in the Sag cemetery, August 15, 1919. John O’Brien, undertaker. A Purgatorial Shrine to his memory has been donated to the Sag church by his wife.
James’ wife, Julia Cassidy Mallon, daughter of Michael and Julia Cassidy, was born in Lemont, Ill., June 24, 1870. She was baptized and received her religious and elementary education at St. James Academy, Lemont, Ill. Later she attended the Chicago Normal teachers’ college. After her graduation she obtained a position as teacher in the Maple Hill school, where she taught until the time of her marriage, on July 20, 1892 at the Sag Church. She served as manager of the Illinois Bell Telephone Co., for 15 years, at their office in Willow Springs, resigning in 1927, to move to Summit, Ill. She died August 12, 1928, and was buried from St. Joseph’s Church, Summit, Ill., to the Sag cemetery on August 16, 1928, Fredrick’s and Hayes, undertakers.
John Mallon, son of James and Isabella Mallon, was born in Ireland in 1831. He came to America and located on a farm in Willow Springs, Ill., in 1856. In 1862, he enlisted in Company F., 100th Illinois Volunteer Infantry and participated in the battles of Murfreesboro and Chickamauga, in which he was wounded by a gun shot in his skull. He was honorably discharged June 9, 1864.
In 1867 he married Mrs. Ellen Williams, daughter of Eugene and Bridge McGovern. This union was blessed with three children: James E., John H., and Charles F. Mr. Mallon’s chief occupation was farming. He served the town of Palos as clerk for six years. He died in Chicago in 1902, and was buried from the residence of his son, James, at the Sag cemetery. A window to his memory and a station to his wife’s memory, are now in evidence in the Sag Church. Julia and Loretta Mallon.

Chicago, May 19, 1933.
Dear Reverend Father:
I received your letter asking for information in regard to my ancestors, of which I am afraid I can give you very little except about my parents. My father was a native of Ireland, education very good, took farming in this country. Died in 1892 when he was about 75 years old.
My mother was a native of Toronto, Canada, education ordinary, but good for a farmer’s wife. She was the mother of a large family. Mrs. Kathryn Barnes, 9354 S. Halsted St., Chicago, Ill.

May 11, 1933.
Rev. Dear Father:
In reply to your letter in regard to those dear to me, who are buried in Sag cemetery, I am very glad to volunteer the following information.
Thomas Barry. Born in County Cork, Ireland, and also education there. Came to America at the age of about 19 years. Toured the middle west with Father Damen, conducting missions. Settled in Lemont, Ill., and worked on the Illinois Michigan canal for the rest of his life. Died October 26, 1894.
Mrs. Ellen Barry. Born in County Cork, Ireland, came to America at the age of 8 years. Settled in Summit, Ill., with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Scanlon. Married Mr. Barry at the age of 16 years, at Lyons, Ill. Died Dec. 8, 1911. Sincerely yours, Mrs. Frank Dillon, 3706, W. 22nd St., Chicago Ill.

Joliet, Ill. May 11, 1933.
Reverend Father, Dear Sir:
I just received your letter today and am answering just as soon as I can get it out. This is nearly as I can get the information.
Daniel Gaynor Driscoll was born in the parish Bally Highne, county Kerry, Ireland, in the year of 1839. Baptized, received communion and confirmation in the Bally Highwe parish church, had no education, was a hard working labor. Died July 14, 1932 and was buried July 17th at the Sag church, Sag cemetery.
Ann Corridon Driscoll was born August 7, 1836 at Bally Highwe, County Kerry, Ireland. Baptism, communion, confirmation and marriage was performed in the Bally Highwe parish church. She had a common school education. Died December 10, 1917, buried December 20, at Sag church, Sag cemetery. Yours respectfully, Mary Driscoll.

West Chicago, Ill. May 13, 1933.
Dear Sir:
I was glad to hear from you, for I have often wondered if all was well out there. I was at the cemetery one day last summer, but you were gone and I fully intended to go again before the end of the season, but did not do it. I am back with the upkeep lot, but I believe through no fault of mine. I have had very little for a couple of years, but what I have earned, but I hope to pay part of it soon.
I know very little more about the folks than is on the tombstone. They died in 1872, I think, about six months apart. We were brought out her and put among protestant families. My father was born in England, I think, and was overseas until almost up to the time of his death on John Wentworth’s farm at Summit.
My mother came from Canada, I have understood, and was of French origin. We know very little about ourselves or them, and no one ever seemed to pay very much attention to us. We were just children and of course did not understand. I have not given you much information, but I thank you for remembering me. It always seems like going home to go to the Sag cemetery. Yours sincerely, Jennie Haigh.

147 E. Blair St., Chicago Ill.
Dear Father Geraghty:
Grandfather and grandmother Horan were married in Ireland, County Kerry. David Horan married Hannorah Ahearn in 1819. One son, Maurice, was born in Ireland, December 1820. The second son, Thomas, was born in Ireland, November 1, 1827, and the third son, David, was born in Ireland on March 17, 1831.
David Horan left Ireland in 1830, coming to Detroit. He worked on the Illinois Michigan canal, and in 11835 the family left Ireland in April, coming directly to Detroit in July. In 1835 they came to Chicago by way of what they called the stage, landing in Chicago in September 1835, and then walked to Fairmont cemetery, not in one day, but in a week or more. They settled down in a log cabin.
Grandmother met his wife and three boys in Chicago and they lived in a log cabin that winter, in the spring buying 40 acres and starting a farm. There was a boy and girl born to them on the farm in Palos. Grandfather bought the land on December 4, 1889 in Palos and the family lived on the farm until grandfather died and then my father, Thomas married Ellen McMahon, Jan. 9, 1861. She was born in Lemont, baptized, received her first holy communion, was confirmed and married in Lemont by Father Hurley. They were married at her father’s home in Lemont, where she was born on December 25, 1843. Both father and mother were educated in public schools.
Family born to Thomas and Ellen Horan: eleven children with three private baptisms and eight baptized in church. Hannorah Horran was baptized, received her first holy communion and was married to William Collins at the Sag. She was born on October 22, 1861 and received her confirmation at St. Patrick’s church in Lemont.
May Horan married Simon Keogh at the Sag church. She was born on Jan. 18, 1863, baptized, received her first hold communion at St. James. She was confirmed in Lemont, at St. Patrick’s church. Margaret Horan was baptized, received her first holy communion and was married to James Green at St. James church, the Sag, but she was confirmed at St. Patrick’s church in Lemont. She was born on march 25, 1865. All received their education in the public school, the old district No. 5 in Palos.
Michael Horan was born August 15, 1868. He was baptized, received his first holy communion at the Sag church (St. James), was confirmed at Lemont in St. Patrick’s church. He attended school in the old district No. 5 school and was buried at Sag cemetery. David Horan was born April 4, 1870, was baptized, and received first holy communion at St. James, the Sag. He was confirmed in St. Patrick’s church, Lemont and received his education in the public school District No. 5. He was buried at Sag cemetery.
Ann Horan was born September 15, 1873, was baptized and received her first holy communion at Sag church. She was confirmed at Sacred heart church, Palos, Ill., and was married to Cornelious Mahoney. She received her public school education in the old district No. 5 school in Palos.
Thomas Horan was born Sept. 2, 1875 and was buried at St. James cemetery, the Sag. Maurice Horan was born Oct. 16, 1877 and was buried at Sag cemetery in 1893.
All the members of the McMahon and the Horan families are buried at the Sag cemetery. Mrs. Mary Keogh.

Lemont, Ill., May 12, 1933.
Dear Father:
I am doing the best I can concerning the history of my family. Timothy and Margaret Murphy, grandparents, were born in Ireland, were baptized received first holy communion and were confirmed there. Jeremiah Murphy was born in Ireland, was baptized, received first holy communion and was confirmed there. She received her first holy communion and was confirmed in Joliet. Michael Murphy and Mrs. Conley were born in Lemont, were baptized and received their first holy communion and confirmation in Lemont. Timothy Murphy was born in Lemont and was baptized there. Mrs. Margaret Sullivan was born in Lemont and received her first holy communion and confirmation and was educated there. She was buried at Sag. Mary Murphy died March 15th, 1911, 22 years ago. Yours respectfully, john Murphy.

Chicago Ill., May 15, 1933.
To Father Geraghty, Sag Church:
Our family record is as follows: Mother’s name, Ann Queenan Rogers; born in Ireland, attended school in Ireland; died Jan. 7, 1896.
Father’s name: Matthew Rogers; born in Wales; attended school in Wales; occupation, laborer; died July 3, 1888.
Husband, James Thomas Ash; born Lemont, Ill., Aug. 9, 1864; baptized at St. Patrick’s church, Lemont Ill.; first holy communion, St. Patrick’s church, Lemont, Ill.; occupation, Postmaster at Lemont, Ill.; road commissioner, 20 years; member of the school board; died July 21, 1918. Mrs. Catherine Ash, 7757 S. Sangamon St., Chicago, Ill.

Chicago, Ill., May 14, 1933.
Dear Father Geraghty:
This is the best I can do: John Murphy was born in 1848 in County Wexford, Ireland. He died March 20, 1886. He was a railroad employee. Bridget Hoare Murphy was born in 1852 in County Wexford, Ireland. She died may 1883. James F. Murphy, born 1874, County Wexford, Ireland; died Nov. 26, 1916. He was a railroad employee. Martin Murphy, born in 1876, County Wexford, Ireland, died December 1892.
Richard Houre, born in 1832, County Kerry, Ireland; died Oct. 27, 1915. He was an Indian war soldier from 1855-1860. Catherine Gallagher Hoare, born in 1852 at Boston, Mass. Died Dec. 21, 1912. Richard D. Hoare, born Jan. 26, 1895, Chicago, Ill.; died March 20, 1929. He was a World War soldier. Martin J. Hoare, born Nov. 9, 1890, died June 9, 1931. He was a World War soldier. John A. Murphy, 4063 Rockwell St., Chicago, Ill.

Chicago, Ill., May 15, 1933.
Mae Moston was born in Chicago, Ill., April 28, 1905 and died July 15, 1920. She was the daughter of William and Rose McCanna Moston. William Moston was born Sept. 15, 1869, in Lemont, Ill., and died July 13, 1927. He was the husband of Rose McCanna Moston, father of Anne, William and the later Mae Moston. Wm. Moston, 8715 S. Racine Ave., Chicago, Ill.

Chicago, Ill. May 15, 1933.
John F. Reid, son of Alexander and Margaret Reid, was born March 8, 1853, at Sag Bridge, Ill. He was baptized, received first holy communion and was confirmed at Sag Bridge. He obtained his early education at Sag school and later attended Notre Dame, in Indiana. He married Mary A. Dolan, Sept., 1876.
Upon the death of his father, he assumed the position of post master at Sag Bridge, an office his father had filled for many years. Later on he moved to Chicago and made his home there until his death, April 2, 1911. He was laid to rest in Sag cemetery.
Mary A. Reid, daughter of Augustine and Ann Dolan, was born on April 6, 1857, at Sag Bridge. Attended Sag school and later graduated from Cook County Normal college. She then taught school at Sag Bridge until her marriage to John F. Reid. Seven children were born to them.
Her death occurred Oct. 24, 1919. She was buried in Sag cemetery.
Mary H. Reid, daughter of John and Mary A. Reid, was born Dec. 2, 1883, at Chicago. She received her first holy communion and confirmation at Our Lady of Sorrows church in Chicago. She attended school conducted by the Sisters of Providence in Our lady of Sorrows parish, and then lived at home with her parents until death, Dec. 11, 1911. She is buried in Sag cemetery.
Henry J. Litchtenfels was born march 18th, 1873 at Richmond, Ind. Attended school in Indiana and when a younger man came to Chicago, where there were more chances for advancement. He became a convert to the Catholic faith, was baptized and made his first holy communion June 1900. He was also confirmed the same year. He was married to Margaret Reid, daughter of John F. and Mary A. Reid. His death took place suddenly, Jan. 8, 1930, leaving his widow and three children. Burial was at Sag cemetery. Mrs. M. Litchenfels, 4834 Washington Blvd., Chicago, Ill.

Chicago, Ill. May 15, 1933.
Dear Father Geraghty:
Enclosed find little sketches of the lives of my father and mother; also a little article about my sister. I do not know if you consider my husband, Henry Litchenfels, a Sag ancestor, but I thought I would send a little sketch and you can use your own judgment. Sorry to be late sending this, but your letter was late in reaching me. Margaret Litchenfels, 4834 Washington Blvd., Chicago, Ill.

Forest Park, Ill. May 11, 1933.
Rev. Father Geraghty:
In an effort to comply with your request in letter of May 8, 1933, I submit the following: John McCullaugh was born in Ireland; occupation, farmer; died 1901. Mary McCullough, wife of John (nee Riley), housewife. Born in Ireland, died in 1914. Joseph McCullaugh, son of John and Mary, born in Chicago, Ill., April 20, 1861; baptized in St. Pius church, Chicago, Ill.; educated at Brothers school, Holy Family, Chicago, Ill., but occupation a marble carver and setter. Received his first holy communion and confirmation at St. Pius in Chicago, Ill., died Nov. 3, 1927.
John McCullaugh, son of Joseph and Annie McCullaugh, was born Nov. 21, 1884. Baptized, educated and confirmed in St. Pius church, Chicago; by occupation, marble cutter and setter. Died September 1917. Elizabeth McCullaugh, daughter of Joseph and Annie, born in Chicago, Ill., Jan. 11, 1886, was baptized in St. Pius church, died Sept. 7, 1886.
Mary McCullaugh, daughter of Jas. and Annie born, Chicago, Ill., July 28, 1887, baptized at St. Pius church; died Aug. 3, 1887.
Marian McCullaugh, born in Chicago, Ill., Sept. 10, 1891; baptized at St. Pius church; died Oct. 7, 1894.
Gertrude McCullaugh, daughter of Joseph and Annie, born in Chicago, Ill., June 1, 1896; baptized at St. Pius church; died May 20, 1898.
Michael McCullaugh, born in Ireland; died June 21, 1889.
Respectfully submitted, Mrs. Joseph McCullaugh, 547 Des Plaines Ave., Forest Park, Ill.

Chicago, Ill. May 15, 1933.
Dear Father Geraghty;
Johanna Sullivan McMahon was born in Ardagh, County Limerick, Ireland, March 17, 1841. She came to America at the age of 17 and was a resident of Chicago’s Great West Side for 74 years. She passed away June 14, 1932, at the age of 91, in the home, 2939 Flournoy Street, where she had lived for 42 years, a faithful member of Our Lady of Sorrows parish. She was respected and loved by all her relatives and many friends.
Michael P. McMahon was born in Glenn, County Limerick, Ireland, April 12, 1839. He came to America at an early age with his parents, Patrick and Mary McMahon, and settled in Chicago and vicinity until his death, Jan. 25, 1901. He was a member of the Chicago police department for 30 years and was held in high esteem by all superior and fellow officers. This is an account of my ancestors. Mrs. Mary Joyce, 2939 Flournoy St., Chicago, Ill.

Chicago, Ill. May 13, 1933.
The following is my family history: Michael Keogh, age 7 died May 1914. Patrick Keogh, age 48, Native of County Limerick, Ireland, was a street car conductor, died Nov. 27, 1932. Mrs. Catherine Keogh, 15 S. Kilbourne Ave., Chicago, Ill.

Lemont, Ill., May 15, 1933.
Dear Father Geraghty:
John O’Donnell was born at Knockgraffin, Tipperary, Ireland, was baptized, made first communion, was confirmed, educated and married there. Came to America in 1868, and was buried at Sag cemetery. Catherine Fitzgerald was his wife. Father Hemlock praised them at the funeral. They have three daughters, living, four daughters and one son dead. Miss Mary O’Donnell, Lemont, Ill; Alice O’Donnell, 5601 No. Crawford Ave., Chicago, nurse. This is John O’Donnell’s family record. Miss Mary O’Donnell, Lemont Ill.

Chicago, Ill., May 16, 1933.
Dear Father Geraghty:
John Walsh was born in Kilnaul County Tipperary, Ireland on June 22, 1817, receiving his first holy communion and confirmation there in 1829. He was a classmate of the late Archbishop Feehan. He was a farmer in Palos Park, Ill., where he lived until his death on Dec. 17, 1897.
Patrick Walsh was also born in Kilnal County Tipperary, Ireland in July 1818, where he received his first holy communion and confirmation. He received his education at the parish school in County Tipperary, and became a farmer in Palos Park, Ill., after leaving Ireland. He was a Union Soldier during the Civil War, and died in March 1896.
Margaret Sullivan Walsh was born in the City of Cork, Ireland, in September 1815, where she received her first holy communion and confirmation. She was educated in the parish school in the City of Cork; her occupation was a housewife, she died on April 20, 1911.
Jerry Walsh was born in February 1863, receiving his first communion and confirmation in the Township of Lyons, Ill., and his education in the public school at Summit, Ill., He died on Feb. 28, 1872.
Bridget Graham Walsh was born on June 22, 1871, receiving her first holy communion at St. Mary’s church in the Township of Lyons, Ill. She attended the public school at Summit, Ill., and later became a teacher. She died on Aug. 12, 1895.
Cora Dunbar Walsh was born on Aug. 25, 1874, and received her first holy communion as well as confirmation at Atkinson, Ill. She attended boarding school, and high school at Genasio, Ill. Her occupation was a housewife, and she was organist in the church of Atkinson, Ill. She died on March 17, 1920.
Earl Walsh was born on Feb. 6, 1897, and received his first holy communion and confirmation at St. Charles of Borromeo church in Chicago. She died on June 3, 1898. The above is our family record. Patrick W. Walsh, 5058 W. Monroe Stree.

Sag Baptisms
1857, 38; 1867, 12; 1877, unknown; 1887, 19; 1897, 22; 1907, 11; 1917, 8; 1927, 5; 1932, 5.
End Chronicle of the Sag Church, Lemont. 1933

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