----, Cornelius 39; Elizabeth 13,43; Francis 53; George 51; Henry 53; John 32; Leonard 53; Margaret 53; Martin 53; Mary Ann 38; Michael 53; Patrick 54
35th Street, Chicago 16
Adams street 72,73
Addis, John 23,29; Solomon 23,29
Ahearn, John 50
Ahern, Angela 51; Rev. Jeremiah 73
Aisses, Pierre 22
Alerdings History of the Diocese 55
Allen, Dennis 45
Alpin, Elleanor 10
Alsace 30
America 1
American Catholic Historical Association 32
Ammon, John 44
Andrews, Julian 32
Andros, Conlan 14; Rose 14
Annestray, Margaret M. 11
Antigone, Bishop of 73
Antony, Joseph 51
Archives, parochial 33
Armstrong, Catherine 13; Charles 52; Elisabeth 39; Elizabeth 52; Elleanor 11; John 50; Thomas 45
Army, paymaster in, 16
Aroma 65,67,69
Arriage, Marianne 3
Artis, John 23
Astell, Mary A. 15
Athens 65,67,69
Athy, Stephen 43
Aurora 58,59,60,61,63-4; Junction 65, 67,69
Ausable 60, 62,65,67,69; Grove 58,59,60
Austin, Ann 26
Babcocks Grove 59,65,67,69
Badin, Very Rev. Father 59; Very Rev. Stephen T. 60
Badter, John 43
Baer, Anna Marie 50
Baille, Rose 10
Baillie, Esther 10(3); Rose 18
Bailly, Rose 9,45
Baillystown 43
Balladin, Marianne 43
Banck, Eleanor 24
Banigan, Christopher 8; Mary 8
Banin, Margaret 7; Mary 10
Banks Lake 59
Bannon, John 40; Mary 27(2); Michael 7; Patrick 7
Banon, Martin 40; Mary 39
Banyra, Andrew 25
Baragan, Richard 42
Bardely, Marie Jane 51
Barkelson, Bartholomew 29
Barkleson, Bartholemew 23
Barkley, Bridget 10
Barner, Gotlieb 53
Barrens 30,60,61,63,65,68,70,71,72,74
Barry, Andrew 8; Cornelius 42; Ellen 45; John 52
Bartholome, Theresa 53
Bartles, John 45
Bartlet, Margaret 6
Bartley, Bridget 14
Bartly, Francis 37; Margaret 24
Basaly, Caleb 26
Bassonet, Felix 23
Batavia 62,65,67,69,70,71,73,74
Batr, George 53
Battle, John 14; Winefred 14
Baumgarden, Catherine 4; Elizabeth 4
Baumgarten, Catherine 7,22; Charles 53; Christopher 7,38; Elisabeth 38; Marie Emilie 52
Baus, Catherine 51
Baxter, James Henry 14; Patrick 14
Bay, John 24
Bayer, Amelia 50
Bays, John 12; Patrick 12
Beala, Francis 40
Beamer, Mary 14
Beamister, May A. 25
Bean, John 45; Judy 37
Bear Creek 21; Catholics of 21; Sangamon County 3(3); Sangamon County, Illinois 22,28
Beaubian, Mark 3
Beaubien, Arluage 3; Elizabeth 14; George 3; Jean Baptist 15; Jerome 32; John B. 10; John E. 18; John William 5; July 53; Mark 3,14,15; Mary 43; Medard 3; Monica 12; Susan J. 12; Susanna 7,13; T.B. 5,7; T.B. George 3
Beaubiens 15
Beauvel, John 12(2)
Beaver 65,67,69,70
Beck 19
Beecher, Catherine 8
Beer, Josephine 26
Beffel, Nicolas 51
Beghlan, Ellen 46
Beglan, Margaret 11
Begley, Ann 14,24,25,39
Beglin, James 42; Marguerite 24,29
Begly, Ann 14,40
Beir, Georges 51; Margaret 51
Beirizera, Marie 50
Beitler, John 40
Bell, John 24
Belz, John 24
Benehan, Rosamond 7
Benjamin, John 39; Robert 42
Benjamins Grove 58; Settlement 59,60, 65,67,69,70
Bennet, James 15; Nancy 23; Timothy 15
Bennett, Bridget 46; Patrick 46
Bennette, Sarah 39
Benoist, J. 13; Julien 26
Benson, Bridget 39
Berg, Adam 11,24; Agnes 11; Barbara 53; Catherine 27,50; Henry 3,46,53 ; John 44; John Owen 52; Josephine 10
Berge, Catherine 15
Bergen, Julian 12
Berger, Mary 9
Bergeron, Adelaide 4; Eloi 4
Berkley, John 27
Beshor, Rev. James M. S.J. 71,72
Best, Matthias 44
Beubien, T.B. 22
Bey, Josephine 14
Beyer, --- 53; Martin 53
Bier, Lorentz 53
Biggs, John 27
Big Rock 65,67,70
Bigs, Thomas 42
Bishop, of Vincennes 2(2),11,30(3),36; third 71
Bishop, Annah 46; John 46
Bishops house 72,74
Bissel, John 23
Blackberry 59
Blackbury 65,67,70
Black Hawk War 16
Blackhawk War 18
Blaesi, Bernard Joseph 52
Blake, Eleanor 54; Mary 52; Philip 54
Blesse, Barnhart 26
Blum 61,62,63,65,68
Bohan, Jude 7
Bohlig, John 51
Bohner, Marguerite 50
Boice, Dennis 40
Boker, Catherine 26
Bolan, James 11,26
Boland, John 11; Mary 27
Boles, Elleanor 9; Hugh 9; John 9
Bolles, Frantz 50
Bollig, John 54
Bomgarton, Catherine 12
Bondrin, Margaret 12
Bonin, Augustin 4
Bonnet, Helene 51
Bonsbana, John 52
Book seller 28
Borduel, Henry 3
Borew, Catherine 7
Bouchard, Delaide 14
Bouderin, Margaret 9
Bourassa, Mark 22,28; Mary 5(2)
Bourbonnais 60,61; Grove 63,66,68,70,71, 72,74
Bourbonnois Grove 60
Bourgeois, Mary 4
Bourk, Rev. Thomas C. 72
Bourque, Wm. 31
Bourrassa, John Baptist 31; Leon 31
Bower, Ferdinand 43
Bowes, Dennis 38
Bows, Marie 50; Patrick 41; Sara James 50
Boyer, Mary 3; McIntie 3
Boyle, Mary 11; Rev. John 74
Bradley, Patrick 25
Brady, Elisabeth 37; George 37; Hugh John 42; Michael 54; Rev. H.P. 61; Rev. H.T. 61; Rev. Hugh 64; Rev. John 58
Branehean, Joseph 4(2)
Brannen, W. 31
Breen, John 10; Rev. J. 61; Rev. John 63,65
Breeze, Esther 36
Brehler, Elizabeth 52
Breit, Barbara 44
Brennan, Mary 14; Patrick 12; Rev. W.G. 59; Rose 12; Simon 36; Thomas 12(2)
Bressnehan, Michael 39
Brick Church 41,60; (church) 61,62,64, 67,69
Bridgeport 59,60,62,65,67,68,70,72,74
Brien, Johanna 39; John 26
Briggs, Peter 44
Brock, John Edward 42; Mary Ellen 43
Broderick, Samuel 3
Brohmburger, Michael 51
Bronock, John 54
Broshenen, Michael 37
Brown, Alfred Francis 42; Daniel 39; E.L. 23; George 4,13,50; George H. 13; Isabelle 50; Johanne 50; John 6,39; Joseph 5,6,23; Thomas Charles 4; William 50; William Joseph 22
Brun, John 46
Brusseau, Julie 4
Bruté, Bishop 31; Right Rev. Simon William Gabriel 2,30(2); Simon G. 11(4)
Bryan, George 24(3)
BS, see Schaeffer, Bernard
Buckley, Bridget 15,40,45
Buckly, Bridget 37
Buffalo 73,74; Grove 61,63,66,68,70,71
Bulger, Martin 11; Patrick 11
Bulkly, Jane 25
Burbons Grove 59
Burbonais Grove 58
Burg, Henry 23
Burger, Agnes 14; Anne Marie 52; Henry 14
Burjois, Mary 37
Burk, Addy 23; Bridget 4,26; Catherine 4; Elizabeth 14; Elleanor 10,37; Honorah 40; James 51; John 24(2); Joseph 8; Mary 4,26; Michael 8,22
Burke, Abbie 29; Abegail 13; Daniel 39; Elizabeth 44; John 44; Mary 10,13, 41,44; Maryann 42; Michael 23; Owen 10,13(2); Rev. T.C. 71; Rev. Thomas 73; Wm. 31
Burn, Michael 25,29
Bush, Francis 11; John 11,24; John B. 51
Butler, Rev. T.J. D.D. 71,73; Rev. Thaddeus J. D.D. 72,73
Byer, Maria E. 12
Byrne, Catherine 13; Mary 25,29
Byrnes, Catherine 11; John 11; Mary 37
Byrns, Catherine 13,25; Jane 14; Michael 25,26; Patrick 13
Cahil, Catherine 13(2)
Cahill, Bridget 6,8; Catherine 8; Rev. Michael 65
Calkin, Ellen 43
Callahan, Daniel 25; Jane 10; John 10(2); M. 24
Callen, John 13
Campbell, Agnes 42; Eliz Jane 52; James Robert 42; John 24
Campion, Mary 15,27
Canal, Illinois and Michigan 30
Canavan, Catherine 5; Daniel 5
Can&Mac222;eld, Dennis 45
Cannon, Elleanor 26
Canty, Elleanor 7
Capehorn, Christina 37; Godfry 37
Capporn, Apollonia 52
Carius, Rev. Mr. 59,61
Carlan, Hugh 27; Philip 27; Sarah 14
Carland, Patrick 25
Carlin, Sarah 11
Carly, Rose 4
Carney, Arthur 52; Bridget 4,39; James 6,14(2),23,40; John 14(2); Julia Rose 4; Marianne 44; Mary 14; Michael 4; Patrick 10; William 43(2)
Carolan, Alice 47
Carolus, Rev. Mr. 69; Rev. P.J. 70,71, 73,74
Carr, Eleanor 27; Elleanor 10,39; Hannah 11; John 45; Margaret 44
Carret, Rose 12
Carrigan, Anne 13; Jane 11,13; Owen 13
Carrol, John 9; Michael 9; Owen 9; Thomas 7; Thos. 7
Carroll, Ann 24,37; Anne 5; Catherine 10; Charles 4; David 44; Edmond 38; Edward 10; Jack 3; James 50; Jane 42; John 26; Louisa 42; Margaret 38; Marianne 43; Mary 3,24,38; Owen 37,51; Patrick 9,22,28; Rev. M. 73; Rev. Michael 74; Rose 9; Thomas 4(3),6,22,38(2); William 44
Carson, Sophie 50
Carteyfels, Rev. L. 70; Rev. Louis 72,74; Rev. Mr. 71
Carty, Andrew 15; Catherine 27(2),29; William 15
Carville 68,70,72,74
Cary, Margaret 42
Casey, John 38,40; Stephen 37
Cash, Mary Jane 11; Stephen 11,24
Cashen, Patrick 12
Caspar, John 52
Cass 70,71,73,74; Precinct 61,63,66,68; street 72,73,74
Cassidy, Hanorah 14
Cathedral 65,68,70,71,72; of the Holy Name 73; of St. Mary 58,59,60,61,62
Catholic Church 57;churches and institutions 17; directories 57; gentleman 29; rites of 31,32; societies 29
Catholics 41; in Illinois 21
Caton, Judge 17(2); Judge John D. 17; Mrs. 17
Caughten, Thomas 38
Cavanagh, Charles 42; Eleanor 46; Janet 12
Cavanaugh, Bridget 9; Margaret 9; Mary 7
CcCarty, Patrick 12
Celli, Peter 46
Cement (church) 64,67,69
Chadonette, Mary 53
Chago, Anne 6
Chalilel, Adolphus 37
Chamberlain, Manda Magdalen 43
Chambers, Francis 45
Chandler, Catherine 15; Joseph 26
Channis, Mary 42
Chapel of University 60
Chapel of the Holy Name 59
Chapereau, Adolphus 37; Augustus 37; Julia 37
Chaperton, Sophrona 23
Chapman, Mary Ann 12
Chapperon, August Michael Peter 4; Augustin 4
Charles, Ann 5,23,28; Anne 22
Chester, Gregorious 54
Chevalier, Josette 22,28
Chicago 1(3),2(2),15(2),16,17(5),18, 19(5),21(3),28,29(4),30(6),31(6), 32(2),35,36,40(2),41(5),47,49(3),54,57, ?,58,59,60,61-73; Avenue 72,74; Catholic laymen 2; Catholic records and circles18; church record 29; city 2; diocese 18, 31; early maids and matrons of 16; East 61; father of 18; fire 2; first Church records of 35; first fire in 16; first frame store in 16; first Irishman 18; first mayor of 32; first Priests in 29; first Protestant minister 28; first book seller 28; first records 36; founders of 15; North 61,63; parish records 18; pastor 35; river 18;South 61,62,63; the Story of 17; West 61,63
Chicagoan 31
Chicagoans 31(2),49
Cholera patients 28
Chouette, Martin 24
Choulet, Caroline 23; Claudine 4; Delphine 4; Michael 4
Chrystal Lake 59,60,61,63
Cirmagle, Moritz 22
Cismoinyrkyum 23
Clancy, Mary 25
Clappy, Ann 12
Clare, Marguerite 6; Marie 6; Michael 6
Clark, Margaret 5; street 72,74
Clarkson, John 46
Claus, Alexander Joseph 50; Andrew Philipp James 51; Christoph Louis Philipp 51; Joseph 19(2),26(2),29; Magdaline 51; Salomi 51; Virginia 51
Clifford, James 51; John 45; Michael 44; Nicholas 15; Thomas 15
Cline, Francis Washington 42
Clinton, James 7; Mary 25,37; Michael 7,36,39
Clinton street 72,74
Clodi, John 51
Clowry, Rev. Wm. 61,63,65
Cloyne, Lucretia 39
Coales, Catherine 23; Thomas 23
Codman, Henry 54
Cody, James 41; Patrick 8; Thomas 8
Coen, Mary 14,40
Coffman, Mary 54; Michael 54
Coffy, Catherine 38
Coin, Luke 25
Colby, William 43
Colewell, M. 31
Colkin, Catherine 9
College 63,65
Collins, Catherine 15; David 39; Elizabeth 8; George C. 13,25; George Francis 41; John 12; Marie 51; Maurice 42; Patrick 8; William 12
Communion 28
Conaty, Mary 6
Conlan, John 12; Patrick 10,12
Conley, Elizabeth 50
Conlin, Rev. Mr. 72
Conlon, James 44; Patrick 18
Conly, Mary 3
Connel, Denis 13; Elizabeth 24; Julia 13
Connell, John 50
Connelly, Margaret 46; Michael John 44; Thomas 37(2),45
Connolly, Bridget 39; Eliza 12; John 12; Mary 11,24
Connor, Alice 15; Catherine 44; Jeremiah 14; Mary 54; Thomas 24
Conoway, Edward 13; Michael 13
Conron, Michael 9; Thomas 9
Conroy, James 38,44
Considine, James 50; Martin 37; Patrick 37
Cook Co. 57,58,60,61-75
Cooney, John 54; Margaret 46; Mary 7
Coony, Bridget 27
Coquillard, Cecelia 43
Corbett, Rev. Michael S.J. 74
Corboy, Paul 50
Corcoran, Bridget 10,18,26; Elizabeth 10,18,24; Hanora 12; Maria 10; Mary 44; Rev. P. 72; William 24
Cordell, Louis 51
Corkstown 58,59,60
Corktown 60
Corley, Sara 6
Corly, Marguerite 6
Corporation Counsel of Chicago 29
Corrigan, John 37; Michael 50; Owen 24
Costello, Jane 13
Costellow, Thomas 45
Costigan, Martin 24
Cotards, Frances Mary 42
Coughlin, Brien 14; Cornelius Daivid 44
Courjault, Rev. Mr. 60, Rev. Rene J.E. 60
Cowan, Catherine 39
Cowen, John 52; Mary 12; Norry 27(2),29
Coyle, Ann 45; Francis 22; Rev. H. 60, 62,72,73; Rev. Henry 64,67,69,71; Rev. James 74
Craders, Martha 42
Cragha, Francis M. 23
Cratick, Honorah 40
Cratty, Ann 4
Crawford, Ellen 44; William 37
Creak, Catherine 45
Cremble, Ellen 45
Cringin, Mark 26
Criset, Louis 53
Cronan, Margaret 8
Crosby, Barrille 26
Crowley, Ann 25; Catherine 8,25; Cornelius 8; Francis 44; Mary A. 14; P. 14; Patrick 9; Timothy 8(2)
Crowly, Catherine 10; Marie 52
Crystal Lake 66,68,70,71,73,74
Culver, Charles 26,37; Julia E. 37; Thomas 43
Cummings, Mary 29
Cummins, Mary 26
Cunningham, Bridget 36; Elleanor 10; Henry 4,9,10,14,23,29; James 43; Margaret 26,27,40; Mary 4
Cure, Catherine 3,41; Frederick 51; Margaret 7; Mary 43; Michael 13(3); Peter 24,25
Curly, Owen 9
Curran, Elizabeth 3; Helena 5
Curry, Johannah 37; William 6; William C. 41
Curtain, Catherine 24(2)
Cury, Anne Marie 50
Daenzler, Marie Anne 50
Daily, Thomas 23
Daley, Denis 8; Johannah 39; John 6; Mary 6
Dalton, Bridget 12; Catherine 15; Edward 12,38; Heleni 52; John 23,38; Mary 43; Michael 15,38
Daly, George 24; Marianne 44
Damen, Rev. Arnold S.J. 71,72,74
Damon, Loretta 43
Daniel, Helena 5
Daugherty, Edward 38; Ellen 42; Mary E. 38
Daughrety, Honora 42
Davelin, Ann 12; Edward 9; John 9; Mary Ann 9; Michael 12
Davlin, John 45
Dawsant, Luna 51
Dawson, Catherine 12,26; Joseph 53; Marie Anne 51; Mary 8,10,15,27(2),28; Peter 44
Day, Catherine 45; Harriet 6; Mary 42
Dayly, Catherine 45
Dealy, Bridget 9
Deasy, Michael 27(2),29
Dedrick, Agnes 37(2); Cortuta 37; Frederick 37; Laurence 37
Dedy, John 14
Deelenty, Catherine 11; Michael 11
Deer&Mac222;eld 63,66,68
Deigan, --- 27
Deis, Catherine 50
Delaney, Mary 42
Delay, Edmond 9(2)
Delvot, Peter 50
De Maitre, Rev. Mr. 65
Dempsey, James 44; John 8,14,40
Deneen, Patrick 37
Denis, Ann 23; Catherine 26
Dennis, Catherine 24
Dentz, Mary 6
De St. Palais, Rev. Maurice 30,35,41,42, 43,44, 45(2),46,47,58
Deschamps, Benjamin 4; Eliza Marguerite 4; Marie Louise 4
Derwin, Rev. Francis 60
Des Moines, Iowa 16
Desmond, Cornelius 46; Mary 9
Desplain street 73
Desplaine street 72
Detroit 16(3)
Devine, Catherine 8,15; Michael 7
Diamond, John 43; Martin 52
Dietrich, Ernestine Julie 50
Dietrick, --- 53; Cristine 52
Dillon, Rev. M. 70,71; Rev. Mr. 65,68
Dinneen, Bridget 41
Diocese of Chicago 47; Indianapolis 55; Vincennes 35,55
Diversey, Barbara 52; Margaret 36; Michael 36
Diversy, Marie 51
Doherty, Owen 38; Thomas 38
Dolan, John 37; William 37
Dolesey, John 5; John Peter 5; Mary 5; Peter 5
Dolisee, Peter 26
Dollmanns, Martin 4
Donaghen, John 5
Donavan, Bridget 8
Donchen, Denis 6; John 6
Donelan, Ann 27
Donelly, Elsie 23
Donellys Settlement 59,60
Dongan, Julia 45
Donlan, John 40; Marie 51
Donley, Janet 5
Donneher, Noiry 7
Donnelly, Andrew 8,13; Ann 45; Bridget 15; Catherine 8,13(2)
Donnolan, John 14
Donnolly, Ann 14; Jane 9
Donoghoe, Rev. Michael 65,67
Donoghue, Jeremiah 9
Donohoe, Margaret 12; Rev. Michael 65; Rev. P.J. 59,60
Donohue, Margaret 53; Rev. Michael 75
Donovan, Anastatius 4; Ann 32; Bridget 9; Elizabeth 24; Francis Agnes 4; Simon 4
Doolan, Mary 9; Maurice 9
Doolisie, John 26
Dooly, John 42; Thomas 3
Doppler, Joseph 22
Doran, Honora 6
Dorcan, Maria 13
Dorsey, Honora 46; Lawrence 25,29; William 6,25,27
Dour, Frederick 51
Dover, Ann 4
Dowdle, John 24
Down, Marie 50
Downes, Ellen 41
Downey, Ellen 8,40
Downie, Caroline 12
Downy, Owen 46
Doyle, Alice 14; Bridget 10; Elizabeth 43; James 39; John 8; Mary 5,37(2); Patrick 41; William 38,45; Wm. W. 22
Draper, Bridget 40
Dresden 58,59,60,61,63,66,68,70,71,73,74
Drew, Catherine 15,46
Driscol, Dennis 40; Joannah 8; Johannah 8; John 24
Driscoll, John 23
Drum, Redmond 10; Susanna 10
Dube, Pierre 23
Dubuque, Coadjutor of 71
Ducharm, Josephine 52
Ducharme, Mary 46
Duffey, Michael 45
Duffy, Bridget 10,13; Eleanor 27; Elizabeth 9,15,18; Henry 11; Hugh 6; James 6,43; John 9,11,18,24,40,43; Margaret 6; Patrick 27(2)
Dugdil, Edward 45
Duggan, Eleanor 25; Elleanor 25; Ellen 9,14; Margaret 6,10; Mary 7,9,14,39; Rt. Rev. James D.D. 72,73; Thomas 9; William 42
Duleany, Ann 25
Dungan, Margareth Catherine 52
Dunn, Joanna 41; Rev. D. 65,70,71; Rev. Denis 72; Very Rev. D. 68; Very Rev. Denis 73
Dunne, Catherine 8,13; Louise Joseph 7; Thomas 43
Dunnegan, Hannah 10; Michael 10
Dunphy, Mary 26,36,38
DuPage 60, 65,67,69,70
DuPage Co. 60-74
Dupontavice, Father 49; Rev. Hippolyte 41,58
Duquoin, Thomas 5
Durbin locality 28
Durbin, Ann 5(2); Anna 5; Elizabeth 3; Hy 22,28; John 3; Marguerite 3(2); Mary 22,28; Phillip 3(2); Thomas 5; William 5
Durkan, Catherine 42
Dutchmans Point 59,60,62,63,66,68
Dutch Town 61,63,66,68
Dutchtown 70,71,73,74
Dwyer, Alice 14; Ann 7; Catherine 10,37,46; Cornelius 7,13,14,24,26; Elizabeth 45; Elleanor 9,10; John 8,10; Julia 44; Margaret 14; Mary 39; Michael 50; Patrick 8,25; Rev. Patrick 71; Wm. 10
Dwyers 61; Settlement 59,60,63,66,68,70, 71,73,74
Eagan, Bridget 5,23
Early, Catherine 46
Eastbrough, Cornelia Ellen 43
East DuPage 59,60
Easter duty 21
Eastern apples 17
Ecclesiastical law 33
Edge, Esther 7,23(2),37; Samuel 7,23
Edwards, Rev. 70,71; Rev. Mr. 70; Rev. William 74; T. 71; W. 72
Egan, Anna M. 38; Bridget 7; James 8,24,38; Lisa 45; Margaret 27(3),40,45; Mary 46; Patrick 10; William 5,44
Eivers, Christoph 50
Eleventh street 72,74
Elgin 59,60,61-3,65,66,68,70-4
Elk Grove 63,66,68,70,71
Elkington, William 23; Wm. 23
Enderlein, Charles 25
Engel, Elizabeth 11
Engler, Marie 53
English 58; names 28
Ennis, Calistus S. 29; James I. 29
Ennises 29
Erdhardan, George 24
Erin P.O. 64,66,68,70,71
Erwin, Robert 6; Wm. 6
Estet, Catherine 54
Etthoffer, Rev. Mr. 69
Eustace, Rev. Mr. 72
Evans, Ann 25
Excommunication 31
Fagan, James 11(2),26
Fahey, Bridget 10(2)
Falby, Mary 6
Fallon, Margaret 8
Falvey, Mary A. 8
Fannel, Johanna 6
Fannin, Wm. 8
Fanning, Wm. 13
Faraher, Thomas 22
Farelly, Rev. 70; Rev. Mr. 68
Farley, John 43; Margaret 25
Farney, Margaret 27
Farrell, Edward 53; John 27; Margaret 12,37; Mary 12,38; William 50
Farrelly, Rev. P. 71,73,74
Farris, Marie 51
Farsley, Hugh 46
Feely, Rev. William 62; Rev. Wm. 60, 61,62
Feeney, Margaret 15
Fegan, Ann 12
Fellway, Mary Ann 3
Fennerty, James 44
Fenton, Hanora 12; Johanna 39
Ferdinand, Dubois County, Indiana 54
Ferguson, Elizabeth Ann 5
Ferris, Arthur 46; Elleanor 9; James 9(2); Margaret 9
Ferry, Samuel 4
Fettermann, Elisabeth 52
Fhaspach, Hubert 52
Finegan, Michael 25
Finen, Joseph 5
Finerty, Catherine 26; James 25,26
Finigan, Michael 8
Finley, Martin 37
Finn, Mrs. Clara Alice 19
Finnan, Thomas 6
Finnegan, Patrick 46
Finnerty, Ann 9,10,26; Maria 26
Finnigan, Josepha 6
Finukane, Bridget 4
First boys school 36
First priests in Chicago 29
Fischer, Father 49(5),54(5); Father Francis Joseph 41; Rev. Francis 58;Rev. Francis Joseph 49,50,51,52(2), 53,54,58
Fisher, Lena 9
Fitton, Rev. James 4
Fitzgerald, Catherine 7,27,45; James 43; John 44; Margaret 37; Patrick 11; Rev. James 61,62; Rev. Jas. 63; Rev. Mr. 66; Rev. Thomas 69; Richard 11; Terence 11; Thomas 5,25,37; Thos. 7
Fitzgibbon, Anastitia 10; John 38,40; Mary 38; Patrick 38
Fitzgibbons, John 9; Margaret 44; Patrick 9,38,43; Rev. James 65; William 38
Fitz-Martin, Mary 4
Fitzmorris, Bridget 11; Mary 7,8
Fitzpatrick, Catherine 27; Gana 15; John 15(2),42; Sara 22; Thomas 52
Fitzsimmons, Daniel 27; Michael 38,45
Fitzsimons, Michael 9
Flaherty, Mary 4,12,22
Flanagan, John 38
Flane, Ann 3; Mary 3
Flanigan, John 11; Mary 5
Flannery, John 7; Michael 7
Flavin, Margaret 40
Fleming, James Francis 51; Thomas 46
Flood, Michael 44
Floretorn, Thomas 23
Flory, Michael 6
Flynn, Abraham 5; Ann 5,10,14; Bridget 14,24; Catherine 5,9,25,37; Elizabeth 42; John 24,38; Margaret 5; Mary 13; Mary Anne 5; Mathew 38; Patrick 23
Fogarty, Catherine 13; Edward 13
Fogerty, Catherine 14
Fognant, Francis 44
Foley, Elinor 13; John 25; Mary 3; Michael 24; Rev. Mr. 59
Foran, James 5; Jeremy 5
Force, Rev. B.J. C.S.C 72; Rev. M.B. C.SS.C 71
Ford, Celia 38
Forde, Rev. M. 71,72,73; Rev. Michael 73
Forest, Catherine 6
Forester, Bridget 3
Forestorn, Catherine 4; Thomas 4
Forestron, Catherine 4
Forster, William 43
Fortman, Rev. H. 59
Fortmann, Rev. H. 60
Fort Dearborn 16(3),18; Massacre 16; Barracks 16
Fort Wayne 54
Fort Winnebago 16
Foundation at the Barrens 30
Fox river 21
Fox, Rebecca 23,29; Thomas 6
Frame, (church) 61,62,66,67,68,69,71; Church 54,60,61
France 30,31(3),49(2),55
Frances, Catherine 50
Franchere, L. 22; Lewis 5
Frank, Theresie 52
Franken, Marie Theresa 50
Franklin street, North 74
Franzen, Mathias 54
Frauner 22, 28
Fraunhofer, Rev. Mr. 74
French 65,66,68,70; clergyman 31;, names 28; pioneers 28; priest 28,30
French, John 13,24,26; Mary 13,24; William 26
Frenchman 1
Frett, Mary Ann 53
Freund, John 53
Frey, Peter 53
Fulda, Indiana 54
Fur Trade 16
Furlong, Bridget 8; John 6; Mary Ann 3; Michael 3,8,46
Gabel, Angella 51; Peter 23
Gable, Catherine 15; Peter 15
Gaffney, Rev. 70
Gaffy, Ann 7; Hugh 7; Mary 43; Patrick 41
Gagler, Charles 45
Gagneaux, Alexis 4
Gahan, Margaret 11; Mary 11,43; Thomas 24,29(3); Thos. 11
Gaheran, Catherine 26
Galaher, John 43,51; Marianne 42,43
Gallagher, Ann 37; Catherine 27; Eleanor 37; James 51; Jane 27; John 27; Patrick 10,26; Rev. J. 63,65,68; Rev. James 63,66,68,70,71; William 14,26
Gallaher, Wm. 7
Gallen, Margaret 24
Galloway, Marie 51
Galvin, Ann 38; Bernard 43; John 38,39; Michael 44
Game, Susan 6
Ganghan, Ann 10; James 11
Gannon, Catherine 44; John 42; Liza 43; Peter 43
Garain, James 46
Gardner, Agnes Ann 5; Catherine 5; Robert 5
Garity, Bridget 12
Garrity, James 36; Patrick 36
Garvey, Bridget 45; Joanna 42
Gately, Bridget 45; John 26
Gauer, Helen 51
Gaughan 29; Ann 3,36; Bridget M. 22,37; Bridget Matilda 8; Daniel 13; John 3,22,46; Margaret Eliza 45; Mary 37; Patrick 22; Susanna 51; Thomas 11,37; Virginia 4
Gaughans 29
Gaul, Ann 25
Gaunan, Mary 12
Gavin, Alma 38; Edward William 43; G.K. 38; Mary 42
Gay, John 46
Gebel, Peter 23
Gegan, Julia Ellen 43
Gegen, Susannah 46
Gehan, John 50
Geib, Francis 53
Geneva 65,67,70
Gerard, Joseph 42
Gerhart, John 6
German54,58,59,65-74; Catholics 49; names 28; priest 28
Germans 32
Gerry, John 50
Gibbons, Edward 10,15,39,43
Gie, T.F. 7
Gill, Bridget 23
Gillen, Sarah Ann 44
Gilligan, Patrick 8
Gipperich, Rev. M. 67
Giroi, Edward 23
Glaser, Joseph 50
Glass, Mary 13
Glavin, Johanna 7; Thos. 7
Gleason, Edward 13; Honorah 13; John 13
Glennan, --- 37(2)
Glennon, Marianne 42
Golden, John 14,27,39
Golding, Alexander 25
Gollgark, Bridget 3; Henry 3(2)
Goodman, Barbara 13,24; Catherine 25; Christian 3(2); George 3
Gorman, Mary 38
Gouer, Catherine 53
Goughin, John 26; Mary 26
Gourd, Elizabeth 50
Grace, Elleanor 11,24(2)
Graceland Cemetery 17
Graham, Andrew 42; Hugh 15; James 6,15; Mary 6; Sylvester 42
Grand Calumet 57
Grass Point 59
Gray, Charles Joseph Bernard 43; Jane 37; John 37
Green, Mary 4,22
Griffin, Catherine 43; Darby 26; Ellen 43; Margaret 25; Patrick 46
Grime, Elizabeth 26
Grimes, Ann 44
Gross Point 59,66,68,71,74
Grosspoint 60,63,71,73,74
Groubre, Lena 9
Gruber, Magdalen 5
Grundy Co. 60,61-74
Gueguen, Rev. John 58
Guion, Marguerite 4
Haas, John 27
Haffy, Michael 47
Hag, Catherine 51
Hagan, Ellen Ann 44
Hagener, Margaret 53
Hagerman, Christoph 53; Frederic 52; Susannah 46
Haggerty, Timothy 27
Hahn, Josephine 52; Marie 51
Hait, Margaret 53
Haley, Bridget 7; Martin 44
Haliandiere, Bishop 36,41
Hallan, Margaret 8
Halligan, Eleanor Bedelia 10; Elinor Bedelia 13; Mary 13; Samuel 10,13
Halloran, Catherine 45; Mary 45; Michael 7,47
Halpin, Marguerite 23; Mary 6
Haly, Catherine 43
Hamel, Michael 26; Peter 46
Hamilton, Louisa 42; Rev. G.A. 61; Rev. Geo. A. jr. 64
Hampston, Rev. P. 61,62,67,69; Rev. Pat. 64,66,68,70
Hanavan, Mary 40
Hand, John 27
Hanecy, Edward 37(2)
Hanler, Marie Elisabeth 52
Hanley, Mary 42
Hanlon, Edward 26; Elizabeth 14,15
Hannagan, Mary 38
Hannan, John 27
Harbard, Rose Anne 50
Hard, Charles 4; John 4; Marie 6
Harkin, Mary 12; William 12
Harmon, Jacob 44
Harney, Elizabeth 42; John 12; Michael 12
Harny, Anne Maria 6; Richard 6
Harrison, Cornelius 42
Hart, James 8; John 8; Timothy 39
Hartigan, Mary 14
Hartland 61-4,66,68,70-5
Hartman, Gertrude 52
Hartney, Bridget 13(2)
Harvard, John 52
Harvey, Owen 52
Haslet, Joseph 13
Hatala, Rev. A. 74
Hatton, Phebe Ann 46
Hau, Johanna 50; Susanna 50
Haupt, Hubert 52; Peter 51
Havey, Thomas 12
Hay, Harriet F. 12
Hayes, James 50; Mary 6; Wm. 6
Hayne, Margaret 44
Hays, Catherine 46; Philip 50
Healey, James 27
Heally, Elleanor 7
Healy, Catherine 25; Denis 8; Dennis 8; Edward 12; Jeremiah 7,11,25; Johanna 7; John 10,13; Julia 27; Louise 50; Mary 37; Robert 12; Thomas 10
Hearn, 15; Dionisius 6; John 6; Sidney 5
Heavy, Edward 10,24,27,39; Elizabeth 10; Elleanor 7
Heckins, Patrick 4
Heffernan, Bridget 25; Margaret 25
Heffner, Thomas 43
Heffren, John 41
Hein, Nicolas 52
Heinz, Emelia 50; Henri 53; Margaret 53; Marguerite 50
Hemmeyer, Francis 53
Hendrick, Elleanor 24(2)
Hennebery, Bridget 54
Hennerty, Catherine 12
Henry 73
Herbert, Rev. 70; Rev. William 73
Herly, Catherine 11
Herod, John 9,19; William 9,19
Herrick, Ann 25
Herson, Julia 10,18
Hess, Nicolas 52
Hextel, Elizabeth 8
Heydan, John 46
Hibbard, Peter 44
Hickey, Dolly 12; John 50; Michael 52
Hickory Creek 62
Hickory Grove 65,67,70
Hicky, Dolly 27
Higgenbotham, Rev. John 73
Higginbothem, Rev. John 72
High Prairie 64,66,68,69
Higgins, Bridget 10; Catherine 8,38,45, 52; John 7,12,24,25,29,39(2); Mary 9,13,14,26; Michael 25; Patrick 7,13; Rose 8,10
Hilandiere, Bishop 49
Hilderbrand, John William Owen 52
Hill, Gerry Francis 51; James Elmore 51
Hines, John 27,39
Hipp, Catherine 54
Hirn 15
Hiru 15
Hobbs, Francisca Jane 52
Hoey, Alice 44; Marianne 43
Hoff, Marie 51
Hoffman, Laura 36
Hogan, Bridget 7,38,40; John 12,31,43,51; Mary 3,7,9,14,22,28; Mary Ann 12; Michael 51
Holland, John 51; Mary 14
Holley, Robert 4(2)
Holy, Family 71,72,74; Name 68,70,71; Name of Jesus 61,63,65
Holy Name, Church of the 72
Hoolahan, Mary 9,38(2)
Horan, Edward 11; Mary 8; Thomas 11
Horn, Edward 12; James 42
Horney, John 4
Hotchkiss, Aurelia 5; Listy 11
Howard, James 43
Howe, Francis 45; Rose Bailly 51; Sarah 44
Hudd, Jane 40
Hughes, Ann 12; Catherine 43; Edward 9(2),23; Honora 11; James 23,37(2),51
Hughs, John 36
Hurd, Ann 38
Huren, Marie Anne 50
Huicq, Rev. L. 61
Hurley, John 6; Rev. Michael 65,73,74; Rev. Michael 72
Hyde Park 18
Hyde, Elleanor 12; Patrick 12,27,37; Patrick R. 37
Hymanway, Maria 26
Hynes, Bridget 5; Ellen 42; Mary Jane 44
Illinois 15,35; and Michigan Canal 30; Canal 57,58; Catholics in 21; Northeastern 57; River 57; Western Central part 30
Illinois Catholic Historical Review 1(2), 2,21(2),35,49
Immaculate Conception 61,63,66,68,70, 71,73,74
Independence Day 29
Indhout, Rev. Mr. 75
Indiana 55(2),61; northern 54
Indians 5,16(2),31,32; Chief Big Foots Band 16; Pottawatomi 16
Ingoldsby, Rev. J. 60,73; Rev. John 58,59,60
Inthout, Rev. Mr. 69,71
Ireland 31(2)
Irish 28,30; Catholics 30; names 19,28; priest 28,30,31
Ivens, Denis 14; Margaret 14
Jackson 29; Gideon 37; Gideon M. 8,22; Jonathan 51; Leonora 50; Patrick Henry 8; Thomas A. 37
Jacomet, Rev. J.B. 61,64
Jane, Mary 3
JB, see Benoist, J.
Jeffery, George 45
Jelet, Michael Alexander 12
JFP see Plunkett, John F.
John, Anne Marie 52
Johnson, John 5; Susanna 5; Thomas 5
Joliet 2,30,59,60,61,62,64-74; Illinois 41
Jordan, Bridget 10; Catherine 44; Dennis 43; John 7,12; Mary 12,27,44; Richard 12; Stephen 41; Thomas 7
Joursky, Basil Ignatius 43
Joyce, Bridget 10; Hanorah 14; Joanna 7; Patrick 10
JSC see St. Cyr,John
Juliet 58
Juneau, Abraham Peter 5; Eugene Andrew 5; Mathilda 5; Peter 5; Solomon 5(2)
Jung, Hugh 51; Rev. Mr. 59; Rev. N. 61,62
Kaiser, Rev. 71; Rev. Eusebins 63
Kalling, Elizabeth 53
Kalvalage, Rev. Ferdinand 74
Kanane, Honora 40
Kane Co. 60,61-75
Kane, Patrick 22
Kaneville 62,64,66,68,69
Kankakee Co. 63,65-9,70,71,72,74
Kansas 16
Kapplian, Ferdinand 50
Kartenburger, John 52
Kastler, Anne Marie 52; Mathias 53; Nicholas 53; Suzanna 52
Kauer, Appoline 3; McHenry 3
Kautenbauer, Christine 51
Kavenagh, Mary 44
Keally, Mary 9,13
Keane, Rev. James A. 59
Kearns, --- 9
Keating, John 43; Thomas 12
Keefe, Elene 51; Mary 45; Patrick 45
Keegan, Jane 38
Keeley, Bridget 13
Keenan, Edward Patrick 5; John 5,11; Mary 39
Keffe, James 12; Margaret 12
Kegan, Jane 27
Kehoe, Edward 37(2)
Keilleher, Catherine 13
Kelagher, Eugene 37; Margaret 37
Kelley, Ann 12; Daniel 9; Helena 3; Mary 9,14
Kelly, Alice 37; Catherine 37; Clare 51; Elleanor 11,37; James 27; John 3,22, 47(2),52; Marie Anne 51; Mary 10; Michael 14; Patrick 12,22,23; Rev. Mr. 68,70; Rev. Thomas 71,72,74; Sarah 47(2); William 42
Kendall Co. 60,62,65,67,69,70,73,74
Kennedy, Bernard 25; James 38,43; John 11; Julia 26; Lucy 6; Margaret 38; Mary 39; Maurice 40; Michael 26; Rev. Thomas 61; Richard 52; William 38
Kenney, Bridget 40; Rosanna 14
Kenny, Rev. 70; Rosanna 22; Rose 8; William 43
Kenrick, Julia 38
Keogh, Ann Elizabeth 42; Bedelia 51; James 50; Marie 50; Mary Jane 42; Sarah 14
Keough, Peter R. 14
Kerane, Bridget 45
Kerby, Bridget 11; Elizabeth 10; Margaret 8; Thos. 10
Kern, Mary Ann 23
Kicapoo 58
Kidder, Mrs. Margaret 18
Kiefer, Catherine 53
Kiel, Katrina 46
Kieran, Mary 7
Kilian, Samuel 46
Killalea, James 13; John 13
Kinane, Honora 7
King, James 12; Michael 10,12,37
Kinney, Michael 5; Sarah 5
Kinsella, Rev. Jer 59; Rev. Jeremiah 58; Very Rev. A. 60
Kinzie 15; David 42; Gwenthlean Harriet 11; Gwenthlean Whistler 17(3); John 16; Julie 51; Major 16; Mrs. 17; Robert 11,16(4),17; Robert A. 9,15(2),17; Robert Allen 17
Kinzie, Davis & Hyde, Hardware Dealers 16
Kinzie, family 19; family burial ground 17; Whistler wedding 17
Kinzies 17
Kirby, Bridget Amelia 46
Kirk, John 45
Kirkland, Joseph 17; Mr. 17
Kirkwood, Ann 13
Kittow, Mary 6
Klanheus, Michael 54
Knickerbocker, A.V. 47
Kni&Mac223;er, Eleni 53
Knights of Columbus 19
Knowlan, Mary 26
Kopp, Rev. A 60,61,63,65; Rev. Anthony 63,65,73,74; Rev. Mr. 59,71,72
Koppe, Rev. A. 68; Rev. Mr. 71
Kramer, Rev. J. 64
Kreuser, Theodore 52
Kuhn, Maria 46,53; Shristian 53
Kulozjcky, John 22
Kulozycky, John 28
Kumin, Rev. M. 74
Kupfer, Rev. L. 62; Rev. Laurence 62
Kuppendal, Margaret 54
Kurbey, Daniel 22; Marguerite 22
Lackin, James 9
Lacroix, Joseph 46
Laeser, Mary 6
Lafariese, Lewis 5
Lafontaine, Joseph 46
Laframboise 15; Joseph 3
LaFramboise, Josephine 5
Lafromboise, Julia 14
Lahy, Mary 40
Lake boats 28
Lake Co. 58,59,60-4,66-75
Lake Geneva 16
Lakes 16
Lalley, Edward 4
Lally, Elleanor 37; Julia 14,40
Laly, Timothy 23
Landragon, Cornelius 46
Lane, Anne 51;Catherine 14; Cornelius 10; Eliza 4; Elizabeth 9; James 5,7,10(3),12,14,23,26,37; Maria 10; Patrick 7(2),26,29
Langan, Salina 27
Lanigan, John 44
Lantry, Elizabeth 8; Emily Lucinda 43; Margaret Matilda 42; Michael 8
Lapin, Electa Ann 42; Richard 43
La Pointe, Rev. Epiphanius 72; Rev. Mr. 71
Lapointe, Rev. Epiphanius 74
Lappin, James 15; Richard 6,9,15,37
Larkin, Alice 12; Rev. J. 70; Rev. Mr. 68; Timothy 38
Larkins, Ellen 44; Gregory 43
Larsen, Caroline 8
Lasse, Rachael 5
Latzky, John 22,28
Lauer, Gertrude 53; Joseph 51
Lauermann, Barbara 54; Margaret 51
Laughlin, William 14
Law, Patrick 10
Lawless, Francis H. 12
Lawrence, John C. 12
Lawyer 29(2); prominent 19
Lazer, Mary 26,29
Leahy, Elizabeth 3; Elleanor Maria 11; George 27; James F. 37; Joannah 8; Silveth 11; Sylvester 37
Lebeau, Francois 4
Lebel, Rev. I.A. 66; Rev. Isidore A. 63; Rev. J.A. 61,62
Lebocak, William 9
Lebuke, Fernandis 15
Lee, G.S. 22,28; Michael 50; Thomas 10,26,27,40
Leery, Ann 11
Legg, Ann 25
Leibe, Matilda 5
Lenberger, Heleni 52
Lenegan, Bridget 45
Lenghorn, Hugh 6; John 6
Lennon, Michael 50
Leonard, James 14; Seraphin 7
Lerdan, James 38; Mary 38
Levecca, Christina 37; Theresa 37
Lever, Catherine 26
Levy, John 53
Libera, Ferdinand 45
Lierman, Rev. Mr. 71
Liermann, Rev. Hermann 74; Rev. W. 72
Liker, Charles Constantine 42; Theodore Rinehart 42
Linehan, Mary 14
Little Fork 58
Little Fort 59,60
Little Rock 58,59,60,62,64,66,69
Littleport 58
Little, Thomas 14
Lockport 58-75
Lodgson, Matthew 3
Loer, Anna Catherine 52
Logansport 54
Log church 60,61,62,63,66,67,68,69
Logdson, Cery 22,28; Eliza 3; Elizabeth 3; James 3; John 3
Lonergan, Mary 12
Long, Anna 12; John 22; Judy 24; Margaret 25,54
Loppin, Mary Jane 6
Lorden, Denis 7; Jeremiah 25; Margaret 7
Loughney, Patrick 5(2)
Lovet, Eliza 44
Lowry, James 8
Ludwig, Frederick 53; Peter 53
Lukes, Nicholas 26
Lumbard, Laurence 12; Margaret 12
Lux, Nicholas 27,28
Lynch, Anne 24; Bridget 9,38; Honorah 25; John 27,44; Mary 39(2); Mary Ann 25; Timothy 43
Lyon, James 23(2); John 4
Lyons, Catherine 26; Rev. M. 71,72; Rev. Michael 74