1896 Voter Lists for Choteau, Burton, and Lake Basin Precincts,
Teton County Montana
Transcribed from the Montanian Newspaper by Nancy Thornton. All rights reserved. Copyright 2004-present by Nancy Thornton. This file may be freely copied for non-profit purposes. All other rights reserved.
List of Registered voters.
A full complete and true list of all names registered by the registry agent, and remaining on the official register at the close of registration, and residing in Choteau voting precinct No. 1, said precinct being in Choteau election District No. 1, Teton county, Montana.
Acton, Schuyler C.
Adlam, George
Angus, John
Armstrong, James W.
Armstrong, John
Arnold, Joseph
Atkinson, Harry W.
Austad, Jacob N.
Bailey, Edwin
Bailey, Herbert F.
Bair, John G.
Barrett, George M.
Beaupre, Henry
Beuerman, George F.
Blackman, Charles M.
Blake, James W.
Bowen, George H.
Brillon, Regnier
Bruce, Angus
Bruce, William
Burd, Julian F.
Burd, Myron
Burgy, William F.
Burt, George
Butler, Eugene P.
Carr, Joseph
Carr, Thomas R.
Cashman, John
Clark, John
Collins, James
Connor, Charles H.
Cook, William
Cooper, Charles W.
Cooper, Milton D.
Corson, George W.
Corson, Shuler M.
Cowan, Thomas
Crossen, Patrick H.
Crouch, Edwin B.
Davis, Charles
Davis, Claiborn
Davis, Jesse
Day, Timothy
DeHaas, John E.
Dennis, Edward
Dodge, Henry
Donnelly, Gerald
Doolittle, Dudson
Dorrington, William
Drake, Clarence
Drake, Simon H.
Dunlap, Charles H.
Dunlap, James
Duval, John
Eaton, William
Endersby, William
Erickson, John E.
Evans, John
Fawcett, Clinton
Fisher, J. Amiel
Flinn, John W.
Fowler, George
Garrett, Edward
Gastonguay, Alfred
Gibson, James
Gleason, John
Gleason, Joseph
Gordon, John St. Clair
Grady, James
Grant, Daniel
Graves, John
Gulick, John W.
Hagen, William
Hamilton, John
Hammond, Robert
Harris, Alfred
Harris, Robert
Hirshberg, Julius
Hodgskiss, William
Hofer, Bert
Hopkinson, John
Hopt, William
Hopwood, Johe
Hutchinson, George
John, Benjamin
John, Jackson
Joyce, Peter
Kelly, Jenry
Kerr, John
Knowles, Philander
Kraus, Fred
Krofft, Charles
Krofft, George
Ladd, Lee
Lamb, Charles
Larance, Basil
Leach, William
Lehr, Lewis
Lepage, Charles
Logan, George
Longmuir, A. Ord
Loucks, Charles
Lover, Peter
Lucero, Phillip
Lyon, John
Lyon, Michael
Lyon, William
Manton, Dennis
Marks, Harry
McBean, James
McDermott, Frank
McDonald, Charles
McDonald, John
McDonald, Sterling
McPhee, Silas
Mestes, John
Mestes, John Sr.
Miller, Clyde
Miller, William
Monkman, Charles
Moore, Thomas
Morann, Thomas
Morrissy, John
Moulton, John
Mumberg, Gus
Munroe, Daniel
Nequette, Joseph
Nesbit, John
OConnor, James
Ortez, Abraham
Overstreet, Lewis
Paisley, Albert
Pambron, Fsanels
Payne, John
Peebles, James
Penrod, Samuel
Penry, David
Pernell, John
Porter, Thomas
Pugsley, Oscar
Ralston, Samuel
Redding, Frank
Reece, George
Reradan, John
Rimell, Phillip
Robare, Louis
Rondell, Alex
Schmidt, Jacob
Shaw, Jackson
Shields, John
Shurlock, William
Silver, Julius
Silverman, Solomon
Smith, George I.
Smith, Thomas
St. Clair, William
Steel, Ewing
Steel, Finis
Steel, Robert
Stephens, John
Stillman, Erwin
Stone, James
Stonehouse, Edgar
Stuart, Reuben
Sulgrove, James
Sullivan, James
Summers, Phillip
Suttle, Thomas
Swiste, Charles
Taylor, Jesse
Taylor, Wallace
Toilefson, Nels
Truchot, Francis, Sr.
Truchot, Frank
Trudo, Peter
Vail, John
Vance, Alvin
Wagner, William
Waimsley, Jacob E.
Walker, John
Walker, Victor
Walsh, Ferdinand
Warner, Alfred
White, Charles
Wilkinson, Emanuel
Wilson, William
Wright, Hampton
Zimmerman, John
Burton Precinct No. 3
Allen, Ulysus
Auestead, Nels
Bollrud, Edward
Burton, Zachary
Carlson, John
Daacke, Frank
Drinkwine, Francis
Drinkwine, James
Farris, Harry
Franklin, Charley
Franklin, William
Gamble, Allen
Granda, Gilbert
Hanson, Carl
Hanson, Gunder
Iverson, Iver
Larsen, Edward
Larson, Martin
Larson, Thomas
Lemon, James
Linderman, Asa
Lindseth, Jacob
Mitchell, John
Monson, Martin
Nassett, Lars
Otness, Jacob
Otness, Lars
Peterson, Enoch
Peterson, Joachim
Peterson, John
Rogers, Byron
Sandvaig, Mads
Shea, James
Shea, John
Shea, Thomas
Stanford, Edward
Tellefson, Louis
Thompson, Henry
Thompson, Ole
Widell, John
Lake Basin Precinct No. 2
Bailey, Benjamin
Chadwick, Wesley
Davis, Lawrence
Erickson, Peter
Green, Charles
Green, Erastus
Hadley, George
Hughes, Jeremiah
Langlais, Eugene
Read, Stephen
Wilcox, Morall
Notice is hereby given, that I will receive objections to the right to vote on the part of any person registered whose name appears on this list until six oclock p.m. on Saturday Oct. 31, 1896, the third day previous to the day of the election.
All persons whose names may be erroneously entered in this list are requested to appear at my office and have such errors corrected.
Seal Chas. Dunlap, Registry Agent, Elections District No. 1, Teton County Montana. [Transcribed from the Montanian 7-26, Oct. 30, 1896.]
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