City of Choteau News Highlights from 1897-99
Teton County Montana
A 2013 Centennial Project

"Summarized from the Choteau Acantha Newspaper with its permission by Nancy Thornton, Choteau, Montana. All rights reserved." Copyright 2013-present by Nancy Thornton. This file may be freely copied for non-profit purposes.
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Compiled by Nancy Thornton on June 17, 2013 from the Teton Chronicle.

March 1897 Choteau gets telephone service, 40 phones in village as of Sept. 10, 1897.

9/10/1897 Byron Corson purchases the line from A.J. Vance and C.H. Dunlap for $800. It connects Choteau with Great Falls, Sun River, Augusta, Burton, Dupuyer and Bynum.
School opens with nearly 100 students. Prof. Hammond in charge of upper department, Lillian Day, primary students.
First issue of Teton Chronicle, John E. Low publisher.
The S.T. boys hosted a dance in town hall, tickets $1.

9/17/1897 Teton County Wool Growers Association hold annual meeting in Choteau. County Commissioners award bid for county courthouse for four years to William Hodgskiss for his building at $1,976 per year including lights, fuel, and janitor privileges.

10/15/1897 Peter Joyce hosts reception at Home Restaurant.

11/5/1897 Teachers Institute held Nov. 15. Earthquake wakes people in Choteau, Bynum and Blackfoot. The bid of $200 made last Friday for the old school house was rejected by the school trustees. Enrollment for October, grammar department is 20 boys, 19 girls; primary department, 28 boys and 25 girls, total 48 boys, 44 girls, 92 total.

11/12/1897 All those interested in the establishment of a catholic church are requested to meet at the sheriff's office, Thursday evening, Nov. 18 at 8. Peter Joyce sells his Home Restaurant to Jacob Austed. The Ladies Industrial Society will host a Thanksgiving dinner for 35 cents adults, 25 cents children, at the old school building beginning at noon.

12/10/1897 G. Donnelly has opened a carpenter shop in J.E. Erickson's former law office. Chinook of the past week has caused the snow to completely disappear. Committee formed to raise funds for a catholic church. Negotiations underway to buy old school house and move it to lots donated by Jacob Schmidt.

12/17/1897 George Burt this week sold his freighting team to Ed Bailey. Band organization formed, Harry Read president.

12/24/1897 The program for the school entertainment and Christmas tree at the Town Hall tonight promises to be interesting and every effort will be put forth to entertain the audience in a first class manner. Jacob N. Austed has leased the St. Clair building, formerly occupied by the county officers, for one year. Choteau Social Club sponsors Christmas dance held on Saturday night. Joe Cottrell pans to open a restaurant in the Jackson building and will run a bakery there too.

12/31/1897 Residents glad to survive “a hurricane of no small dimensions” meaning high winds that started at about 10 at night and continued all night. Came from the northwest. Damaged roof at A.J. Vance's residence, tore roots in the Jackson and church buildings, and several residences. As strong as wind event four years ago about Christmas time.
Choteau has four hotels serving supper, the Home Restaurant, Klondike, Choteau House and Beaupre House.

Copyright 2013-present  Nancy Thornton  All Rights Reserved