1898 and 1901 Jury Duty Teton County Montana

"Transcribed from the Teton Chronicle Newspaper by Nancy Thornton, Choteau, Montana. All rights reserved."

Copyright 2001-present by Nancy Thornton. This file may be freely copied for non-profit purposes. All other rights reserved.

Last Updated: 02/21/2023 21:33:57

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Jurors for this term of district court were drawn Monday as follows. [Reprinted frm the Teton Chronicle June 21, 1898]
Bean S.J.
Boone Jas W
Bowen G.W.
Bridges Fred
Brown S.H.
Buckley Chas
Buckley P.H.
Burd J.F.
Chase John
Coffey G.M.
Cowell A.J.
Cowell F.P.
Davis Lawrence
Davlin Chas
Dennis Ed
Edmonson N.
English Benson
Grady Jas
Hughes Jas
Jahn B.A.
Krofft Wm
Lucro Philip
Miller Dan
O’Laughlin Peter
Penrod S.Y.
Phillips Jos
Rainband Peter
Shea John
Weimer H
Whaley O.P.
Court Proceedings jury is called for Nov.28th. Judge Smith convened court at the court house in Choteau Monday afternoon and transacted the following business. A jury was drawn to appear in court on Monday, Nov 28, 1898 as 10 o’clock as follows. [Reprinted from the Teton Chronicle Oct. 14, 1898.]
Bailey, B.J.
Bean, S.J.
Belcher, H.E.
Bevan, Wm.
Blackman, C.N.
Chadwick, W.
Cooper, C.W.
Corson, B.
Crane, C.P.
Daacke, F.F.
Dean, R.P.
Guerin, H.
Kellogg, J.B.
Kelly, H.W.
Leach, J.L.
Longmuir, A.O.
Lustra, H.
Maloney, Henry
Martin, C.N.
Martin, J.M.
McDonald, C.S.
Moore, T.J.
Mungen, J.
Peppard, Geo. McL.
Perkins, C.B.
Rowley, D.W.
Scoffin, C.R.
Stewart, R.G.
Van Buskirk, J.A.
Ward, J.W.
Weimer, H.
Williamson, T.E.
Yeager, H.W.
Young, J.R.
Zimmerman, J.
Zimmerman, Wm.
Jurors in district court to appear on Monday March 18, 1901. Reprinted from the Teton chronicle March 15, 1901]
Anderson, R.D.
Aylward, W.
Beckdahl, E.
Belcher, H.E.
Bisonet, Jos
Blackman, C.M.
Brown, R.S.
Burd, M.H.
Campbell, W.H.
Corson, S.M.
Crighton, John
Davies, J.V.
Davis, Lawrence
Davis, Robt.
Dean, R.P.
Denson, H.S.
Embody, Bert
English, Ben
Fairburn, Robt
Ferguson, James
Findley, D.
Forseth, Olaf
Gist, John A.
Gleason, John R.
Guerin, Henry
Guth, H.F.
Hilger, W.
Jacobson, O.S.
Johnson, Robt
Kroft, Chas
Lane, J.S.
Marks, Harry
McCarthy, Jerry
Miller, James
Miller, Otto
Miller, Wm. Jr.
Miller. Geo F
Pearson, Chas. H.
Peppard, Geo McL.
Rimell, P.G.
Rogers, B.B.
Salmon, Frank
Shortridge, R.
Stansbury, D.E.
Stewart, Carl
Thompson, H.R.
Wall, Frank
Ward, J.W.
Williams, Chas
Young, John R.