1899 Society of Montana Pioneers
Teton County, Montana

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Teton County 1899
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1899 Society of Montana Pioneers — Transcribed by Nancy Thornton from pages 243-245 in Volume located at the Great Falls Library. Copyright 2009-present.Nancy Thornton.
Teton County — Taken from Choteau County. Created and boundaries defined by Act of February 7th, 1893, to take effect March 1st, 1893. County seat established at Choteau. Boundaries defined by Sec. 4127, Political Code, 1895.

JULIAN F. BURD, son of Myron H. and Elisabeth (Phillips) Burd; born at Grand Rapids, Michigan, January 18th, 1853. Place of departure for Montana, Grand Rapids, Michigan; route traveled, railroad to St. Joseph, Missouri, south side of Platte River, Red Bluff, and joined Bridger’s train via the Clark’s Fork; arrived at Virginia City, July 10th, 1864. Occupation, merchant. Residence, Choteau.

SAMUEL BURD, son of Samuel and Elisabeth Burd; born in New York, February 15th 1835. Place of departure for Montana, Michigan; route traveled, across the plains; arrived in Alder Gulch, July 10th, 1864. Occupation, freighter and stock raiser. Residence, Choteau.

CHARLES CHOUQUETTE, son of henry and Rosalia (Piquette) Chouquette; born at St. Louis, Missouri, February 9th, 1823. Place of departure for Montana, St. Louis, Missouri; route traveled, up the Missouri River; arrived at Fort Benton in 1844. Occupation, blacksmith and interpreter. Last address, Choteau. Mr. Chouquette was in the employ of the American Fur Company from 1842 till 1870.

MRS. NATHANIEL COLLINS, nee ELIZABETH M. SMITH, daughter of Solomon and Elizabeth (Wood0 Smith; born at Rockford, Illinois, May 16th, 1844. Place of departure for Montana, Iowa; route traveled, across the plains via Denver, 1859, and the Bozeman Cut Off; arrived at Virginia City in November, 1863. Occupation, miner and stock raiser. Residence, Choteau.

MILTON D. COOPER, born in Pennsylvania in 1842. Place of departure for Montana, Iowa; route traveled, across the plains via the Bozeman trail; arrived at Alder Gulch, September 4th, 1864. Occupation, farmer. Residence, Choteau.

MRS DAWSON, nee ISABEL CLARKE, daughter of Malcolm and Cothcocoma Clarke; born in Montana in 1862. Residence, Browning.

ALFRED B. HAMILTON, son of James H. and Grace (Baker) Hamilton; born at New Haven, Connecticut, September 2d, 1839. Place of departure for Montana, Denver, Colorado; route traveled, across the plains via Forts Halleck and Bridger; arrived at Virginia City, August 20th, 1863. Occupation, stockman. Residence, Browning.
[Hamilton served in the Montana Territorial Legislature for two terms in 1870 and in 1883.]

JOSEPH HOWARD. Place of departure for Montana, St. Louis, Missouri; route traveled, up the Missouri River; arrived in Montana in 1851. Occupation, farmer. Residence, Choteau. Mr. Howard was with the American Fur Company from 1851 till 1867.

HENRY ATKINSON KENNERLY, son of George Hancock and Alzier M. Kennerly; born at Jefferson Barracks, St. Louis County, Missouri, December 2d, 1835. Place of departure for Montana, St. Louis, Missouri; route traveled, up Missouri River to Fort Union at mouth of Yellowstone River, thence across country via Valley of Milk River to Fort Benton; arrived at Fort Benton, last of August, 1855. Occupation, ranchman. Residence, Kipp. Montana, east of the mountains, was then part of the Territory of Nebraska, and known as "Indian Territory," Mr. Kennerly was one of the Secretaries of the Commissioners who concluded the treaty at the mouth of the Judith with several of the Northwestern tribes of Indians in October, 1855. Member House of Representatives, Fourth and Extra Sessions, 1867, Territorial Legislative Assembly.

JOSEPH KIPP, born on Heart River, Dakota, November 29th, 1849. Place of departure for Montana, Dakota; route traveled, up the Missouri River; arrived in northern Montana in 1859. Occupation, ranchman and stock raiser. Residence, Dupuyer. Mr. Kipp was at Fort Union near the Montana line in 1857, and with the American Fur Company at Fort Benton from 1862 till 1864. He was at the Fort Baker massacre.

SAMUEL F. RALSTON, son of Matthew and Hannah (Conyers) Ralston; born in Hart County, Kentucky, January 31st, 1835. Place of departure for Montana, Denver, Colorado; route traveled, across the plains via Fort Bridger and Soda Springs; arrived in Montana, July 4th, 1864. Occupation, miner and ranchman. Last address, Choteau. Member House of Representatives, Seventh Session, 1871-72, Territorial Legislative Assembly.

WILLIAM R. RALSTON, born in Jefferson County, Missouri, September 10th, 1858. Place of departure for Montana, Missouri; route traveled, across the plains via South Platte, the Cherokee trail, Fort Bridger, and Soda Springs; arrived at Virginia City, July 4th, 1864. Occupation, farmer. Residence, Choteau.

GEORGE STEELL, son of William H. and Nancy (Simpson) Steell; born at Hinchinbrook, Lower Canada, January 15th, 1837. Place of departure for Montana, St. Louis, Missouri; route traveled, up the Missouri River; arrived at Fort Benton, August 18th, 1857. Occupation, ranchman and stock raiser. Residence, Dupuyer. One of the proprietors of the Diamond R. freight line.

FRANCOIS TRUCHOTT, son of Herbert and Ann Truchott; born in France, November 21st, 1833. Came to the United States. Place of departure for Montana, Utah; route traveled, overland via Malad Valley; arrived at Deer Lodge Valley in 1859. Occupation, trapper. Residence, Choteau.

JOHN WREN, son of James and Mary Wren; born in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, December 27th, 1824. Place of departure for Montana, St. Louis, Missouri; route traveled, up the Missouri River; in the employ of the American Fur Company as trader; arrived in Montana in 1857. Occupation, miner and ranchman. Last residence, Choteau. Mr. Wren was on the Frazer River stampede in 1859, and on Oro Fino stampede in 1861.

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