1910 Election Precincts Teton County Montana
"Transcribed from the Choteau Acantha Newspaper by Nancy Thornton, All rights reserved."
Copyright 2001-present by Nancy Thornton. This file may be freely copied for non-profit purposes. All other rights reserved.
Election Precinct No., Name, polling place, and election judges as of Sept. 9, 1910
1 Choteau, court house basement - T.L. Thompson, John R. Gleason, Paul Jacobson, T.J. Moore, Wm. Krofft.
2 Fairfield, west school house John Zimmerman, P.O. Nasse, Henry Radcliffe.
3 Farmington, Davidsons store A.H. Gamble, Ed Bollerud, Elias Rekdahl.
4 Bynum, school house N.O. Tuttle, Geo. D. Porter, N.O. Saterlie.
5 Dupuyer, Harris hall - C.B. Perkins, Geo.N. Campbell, J.F. Leech, R.D. Anderson, C.F. Lassell.
6 Birch Creek, east school house - L.A. Messecar, Jacob Lauffer, Cal Stewart.
7 Fish Lake, school house Griff Jones, C.D. Phemister, E.M. Miller.
8 Raymond, school house John Taylor, Timothy Cook, Roy McNeal.
9 Belleview, old school house J.W. Ward, E.J. Osgood, J.R. Young
10 Lowry, Lowry Mercantile Cos Store Angus M. Rose, J.C. Quinn, C.V. Zimmerman.
11 Collins, school house William Vaughn, Louis Bauer, Fred Gewald.
12 Conrad, school house Bowen S. Conrad, T.W. Luce, Mark Fowler, P. Kelly, F.H. Pings.
13 Shelby, school house S.L. Potter, H.F. Stoltenberg, John Shinnick, Chas Klockler, Thos. M. Meade.
14 Sweet Grass, Nichols building Willis Nichols, Pat Buckley, W.R. Crockford.
15 Cut Bank, Halvorsons hall A.E. Rasmussen, D.L. Hope, A.E. Allison.
16 Fowler, school house R.R. Ferguson, Elmer V. Fowler, Mathias Rachac.
17 Brady, school house E.L. Marriott, W.E. Ballard, Ed Tanner.
18 Elizabeth, old post office building Olaf Brusgard, J.A. Calwell, John D. Godwin.
19 Valier, school house W.L. Campbell, Joseph Sturgeon, Jesse J. Morgan.
20 Dutton school house E.S. Whitacre, J.A. Sweat, N. Whitacre.
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