City of Choteau News Highlights from 1920-21 Teton County Montana. A 2013 Centennial Project "Summarized from the Choteau Acantha Newspaper with its permission by Nancy Thornton, Choteau, Montana. All rights reserved." Copyright 2013-present by Nancy Thornton. This file may be freely copied for non-profit purposes. |
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1/2/20 (Photo) Sheriff I.S. Martine and Deputy Sheriff Reiquam and the Bill Harris still. Federal census underway with Bert Christie in charge of the Choteau population. 1/9/20 Commissioners deny request to have a nurse stationed at the public school. Ladies Industrial Society elects Mrs. E.N. Haugen chairwoman. Queen Rebekah Lodge elects May W. Connor Noble Grand. C.S. McDonald is president of Stockmens State Bank of Choteau. Royal Theater offers a movie every night. 1/16/20 Order of Easter Star elects Mrs. Effie Bateman as Worthy Matron. American Legion elects Roy Pillings as Commander. Public School enrollment is 210 including 114 boys and 96 girls. Citizens State Bank Cashier N.E. Roberts, and directors James Eckford and Wm. Hodgskiss report $50,000 of capital stock paid in and resources of $515,482. Stockmens State Bank reports $50,000 in capital stock paid in and resources of $142,271. Choteau also has a third bank, the First National Bank. Jos. Hirshberg & Co. sells groceries, shoes, read-to-wear clothing and dry goods. 1/23/20 A defective flue caused a fire at the Acantha office on upper Main street yesterday, only a small financial loss. 1/30/20 Choteau Commercial Club elects Roy Pillings of the Pillings Lumber Co., as president. 2/6/20 Hirshbergs celebrate 34 years in business in Choteau. In February 1886, or just 34 years ago this month, Julius Hirshberg of the firm of Jos. Hirshberg & Co., Choteau. 2/20/20 Ninth annual meeting of the Teton's Oldest Settlers takes place in Hodgskiss hall in Choteau. A.J. Flynn of Choteau who had been appointed a county commissioner recently, has resigned and E.D. Forrest appointed in his place. 2/27/20 Choteau Lodge No. 44 hosts second annual Masonic Ball. 3/5/20 C.P. Crane calls a meeting in the courthouse of the Farm Bureau Gopher Committee to draw plans for a more systematic and effective campaign. Consultant Hall reports on the feasibility of a proposed water gravity feed line for the present water works system, in response to various problems in the reliability of electricity to the pumps, among other things. 3/19/20 Registered voters in the county, 2,275, including Choteau Ward 1, 211; Ward 2, 248; Choteau outlying, 191. The Choteau Flower Shop will open in the rooms in the rear of the Stockmens State Bank on April 1 with Mary Gray in charge. Soo Son intends to reopen his restaurant on lower Main Avenue about April 1. 3/26/20 County surveyor Freeman Daley resigns over dispute with Commissioners. 4/2/20 Fire threatened Choteau House Hotel, one of the oldest frame and log structures in town. Started in basement in boiler room. Fire department has sufficient water to put it out although flames reached the roof. 4/9/20 City voters elect J.C. Morgan, as mayor; Wm. Hodgskiss Ward 1; John G. Jackson Ward 2. 4/16/20 Jeannie Cain of the Womans Club of Choteau asks every one in town to donate a book to the library collection. 4/30/20 Fire in basement of the school house put out on Saturday. Probable cause matches from boys smoking in manual training room. two lines of hose operated by the fire department put it out. 5/7/20 Twelve seniors graduate from Teton County High School. May 14 is the date set for the laying of the cornerstone of the new Teton County High School building. 5/14/20 A.B. Hamilton, 82, the first storekeeper in Choteau and also the first sheriff of Teton County dies at the home of his daughter on Cut Bank Creek near Browning. Choteau City Council issues warning to all dog owners that unless license tax is paid on or before June 15, it is the intention of the council to order the destruction of each and every dog within the corporate limits, no exceptions, per City Clerk John W. Hall. 5/21/20 Cornerstone laid at the high school. 5/28/20 Choteau hosts Memorial Day Program on May 30, with a parade that starts at the public school and march along First Street and Main Avenue to the courthouse. Veterans requested to attend. Public to bring flowers to be deposited by the American Legion on the graves of the soldier dead. 6/18/20 Group forms Teton League of Woman Voters. Choral Society formed. A kindergarten is established in the public school with Mrs. F.M. Anderson in charge. (Photo) Article on Fort Whoop-up, Al Hamilton and John J. Healy. The Beaupre Hotel advertisement, J.M. Weaver, prop. First class rooms moderate rates, café in connection, headquarters for commercial men and farmers. 6/25/20 The Threshermen's association of Teton County puts on a thresher school at Choteau. Boys attend the Boys' Better Farming Camp at Choteau. Choteau Rifle association meeting at the Smith & Liptak insurance building elect officers. Choteau Baseball Club elects manager W.H. Gorham at a meeting at the Power-Morgan store. High School Board seeks proposals to employ a number of teams to grade around the new high school. Preference will be given to farmers. Nine dollars for nine hours. George C. Core of the Rexall drug store received a commission as Choteau postmaster. Members of the Jolly Matrons club of Choteau spent Sunday at the Frank Salmond ranch on Willow Creek. 7/2/20 Fire at the Milwaukee depot quickly put out by the Choteau fire department. Corner stone of the Connor garage was laid Thursday. Thresher school fails to draw local farmers. Old Settlers Association to hold basket picnic at city park. 7/9/20 A.C. Burbank resigned as voluntary weather observer for Choteau and has turned over the instruments and office equipment to C.E. Trescott, who will take the readings in the future at Trescott's home. Farm Bureau to hold picnic at the Iowana Ranch on Deep Creek. Admission $1. The Choteau Montanan notes its 8th year in publication and its now being published in a new cement block building on 1st street NW, a block and a half west of Main. Choteau Old Timers picnic was held in the Great Northern park. Choteau has four doctors, two dentists and two hospitals. The Choteau Hospital has Dr. H.T. Rhoads in charge with Dr. H.W. Bateman, MRC, U.S. Army; McGregor Hospital, Dr. H.J. McGregor in charge; Dr. E.B. Maynard, homeopathist in the Larson building' Dr. C.J.B. Stephens, dentist; Dr. E.J. Crary, dentist in the McDonald building. 7/16/20 Choteau physician H.T. Rhoads elected president of the Montana Public Health association. Assessed valuation of city of Choteau is $1,727,803. High school board announces that girls and boys desiring room and board at the dormitory for school this fall should make application. Post office department advertises for new quarters somewhere close to the main part of town, to be at least 800 square feet and well lighted. Advertisement: For your Haying needs see us, Choteau Hardware Company. 7/23/20 A chapter of Women's Auxiliary of the American Legion is to be organized in Choteau. 7/30/20 Fire quickly put out after discovered in the basement of the post office store, undoubtedly started by a young boy playing with matches. Between 80 and 90 kids ages 7 to 13, left Wednesday morning by a dozen autos for Great Falls to spend the day taking in the John Robinson circus. Ad: Choteau Mercantile Company says its prices are lower Sears Roebuck, offers the motto, gives most of the best for the least. 8/6/20 Ad: Citizens State Bank, to save your money and make your money safe. Ad: C.H. Swaine, the only Choteau tailor in the Bair building on Main. Ad: Lumber Prices Drop, Pilling Lumber Co., yards in Dutton, Power, Bole, Agawam, Choteau and Farmington. 9/10/20 Census figures announced. County had 5,800 in 1900; 95,546 in 1910; but county divided since then. Teton now at 5,870, with Choteau school district 1,339. (Photo) New Teton County High School building. 9/17/20 Ad: Beaupre Café, Guaranteed Coffee, Royal Corona Registered Blend. Choteau Merc. Co. hosts annual grand fall opening on Sept. 25. 10/1/20 Wm. Hodgskiss gets the contract to provide Choteau with a new post office. He will build a new brick building on the lots adjoining the pool hall on north Main Avenue in front of the Houck tin shop. 10/8/20 The C.H. Connor building on Main avenue north is being rapidly brought to completion, and will be ready for occupancy in a few weeks. Will have lodge rooms and an undertaking parlor. 10/15/20 (Photo/artwork) Royal Theater has a special, new Mark Twain Paramount Artcraft picture, Huckleberry Finn. Oct. 20-21, Admission 50 cents, kids 25 cents. Ross Houck moved his tin shop from the Hodgskiss building to the Bateman building on South Main. Fred S. Doege has the contract for construction of the post office building owned by Wm. Hodgskiss. Last Saturday at the jail enclosure, Sheriff Martine and deputies destroyed 225 bottles of booze per court order, the public was invited to watch. 10/22/20 Large crowd fills high school auditorium to hear Sen. Joseph Dixon, candidate for governor, speak on state issues. Girls who are living at the dormitory are in need of games to fill the social hour. (Photo) Harmon T. Rhoads, physician formerly in Teton County, candidate for re-election as state representative. 10/29/20 Former Teton County commissioner L.C. Marsh died last Sunday at his Shelby home of apoplexy. 11/5/20 Armistice Day, Nov. 11, observed on Choteau with big parade of all ex-servicemen, football game, the Choteau Legion Post vs. Great Falls (later canceled); and grand ball in Moose Hall in the evening. Ad: Haugen's to have on hand all times home made candies, made at home and from pure sugar, fruits and nuts. Minstrel Show at Royal Theater Nov. 8 11/12/20 Even Forrest, appointed commission when Flynn resigned a year ago, is defeated in election, won by W.J. Crittenden. Armistice Day reported to include a banquet for ex-service men at the Hodgskiss Hall, given by the Commercial Club. A dance was then held at the high school. Twenty-one cars of cattle were loaded at the Choteau stockyards the first of the week for shipment to the Chicago market. Ad: Choteau Drug Co., for sale on easy terms, The New Edison Diamond Disc Phonographs and Records. (Photo/artwork) Ad: Stockmens State Bank of Choteau, True Community Spirit Ad: Mozer Shoe Repair Shop, west of Stockmen's State Bank, now open for business, with genuine rubber heels. 11/19/20 Ad: J.J. Hannan store, Bargains in Boys' goods, serges, cordorys and Khaki. 11/26/20 Oil Companies who intend to develop oil fields west of Choteau intend to build a warehouse in Choteau to store their well drilling equipment. 12/3/20 Montanan launches big subscription contest. Ad: W.J. Roulston, the jeweler, Larson Block, Gifts that Last.Grand prize Latest style Hudson Seal coat, with squirrel collar and cuffs, worth $400. Old Clothing is wanted by the Red Cross in Choteau. 12/10/20 Choteau Mercantile Co. surplus stock to be sold at public auction to affect a quick settlement of the affairs of the company; $26,000 worth of merchandise to be offered to highest bidder. Dec. 16. Stock to be sold by order of E.J. Dailey. S.T. Wiprud, owner. 12/17/20 Four cars of well drilling machinery arrived in Choteau this week on the Great Northern railway for use of the company. Will have three different rigs in the Choteau territory at once. Warehouse being built next to GN track. Choteau Rod and Gun Club to hold meeting at the Looney barber shop to discuss changes in game law. Dr. Bateman elected American Legion Post commander. 12/24/20 Ohio Oil Co. rumored to have ordered 16 carloads of oil drilling machinery for use here. Log article on oil exploration. Stockmens Bank acquires Bole State Bank and consolidates business in Choteau. Promotion of oil syndicate companies begins. Sells units an undivided interest in an organization formed under common law instead of corporate law. The Durham Oil Co. have now six car loads of machinery and equipment in Choteau and plan to prospect this coming year with the prediction that by July 1, 1921, oil will be flowing from the wells in Teton County. 12/31/20 Article on reasons for oil activities. 10th carload of drilling machinery arrives in Choteau. George Burrell buys the Club, a soft drink emporium, from H.C. Peters. Ice from 25 pounds to a car load available from Billy Miller's pond. See Lewis Thompson for particulars. Compiled by Nancy Thornton on July 13, 2013 from the Choteau Montanan. |