City of Choteau News Highlights from 1922-23
Teton County Montana
A 2013 Centennial Project

"Summarized from the Choteau Acantha Newspaper with its permission by Nancy Thornton, Choteau, Montana. All rights reserved." Copyright 2013-present by Nancy Thornton. This file may be freely copied for non-profit purposes.
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Copyright 2013-present  Nancy Thornton  All Rights Reserved

Compiled from the Choteau Montanan by Nancy Thornton.

1/6/22 Mrs. Frank Howard has accepted a position of saleslady at the Jos. Hirshberg & Co.'s store. Parent teachers meeting at the public school hosts a talk by Miss Aagot Lian, the county public health nurse.

1/13/22 The Knights of Pythias held a special meeting Tuesday evening in their new lodge room. Petitions were filed last week with the county commissioners that in view of hard times and high taxes the expense of the county nurse should be cut off at once. Movement to form “Dearborn” county from part of Cascade and Lewis and Clark declared officially dead because of insufficient signatures. Prominent citizen A.B. Jones killed in auto accident.

1/20/22 Fire destroys the old Coffey residence, now owned by Wm. Hodgskiss, although the firemen came as soon as possible with their hose cart and had a steam of water working. Choteau has St. Stephen's Protestant Episcopal Church with Rev. H.E. Bush, minister; and Methodist Church under Harry T. Strong, pastor.

1/27/22 Lewis and Clark Forest offices decentralized again after being centralized earlier due to lack of funds. Col. W.B. Greely, forest supervisor, new policy to have office as close to the forest as possible. Choteau to get an office under the direction of W.M. Rush, effective April 1. Choteau Mercantile Co. pays for centerfold ad proclaiming a big sale of $80,000 inventory that is necessary after five years of doing business under heavy strain of doing business.

2/3/22 Hirshberg's store burglarized of $67 after window broken in door on the north side. Curley Nelson, a war veteran, commits suicide in Choteau House after stealing cash from Hirshberg's store and after being despondent over gambling and drinking habits. According to the newspaper, public sentiment is aroused from the “lethargy and the hell holes which have been operating in Choteau.” Prompted by Nelson's death, American Legion calls a meeting to devise the best means whereby our officers whose duty is to enforce the law, be given the greatest assistance. Dr. H. Rhoads proposed to form a permanent Law Enforcement League.

2/10/22 About 175 people attend mass meeting at courthouse. Law Enforcement League names E.J. Liptak president, pass bylaws. Sheriff and county attorney say they will cooperate with organization. Nelson buried in Choteau Cemetery.

2/24/22 A well filled house at the high school auditorium listened to a talk by the attorney General W.D. Rankin for the Law Enforcement League. About 100 farmers came to a talk at the Royal Theater on potato growing. High school operetta draws big crowd.

3/17/22 Oil struck in Kevin, should arouse interest in Willow Creek this summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Soo Son are back in Choteau after a winter in California, ready to take over the management of the Choteau Café on south Main.

3/24/22 E.H. Myrick to be the head of the Forest Service office in Choteau. S.T. Wiprud has returned from the east with a new stock for the Choteau Mercantile Store.

3/31/22 The Beaupre Café will open April 22 under the management of J.M. Weaver.

4/7/22 City election held April 4 with little or no interest. Geo. M. Coffey Jr. defeated E.N. Haugen for the mayor post. Haugen was the Law Enforcement League candidate. For First ward Alderman, W.E. Logan, defeated the LEL candidate, Jas. T. Robison. In second ward, Dr. H.W. Bateman had no opposition. In school election, no opposition to candidates Dr. H.T. Rhoads and J.C. Morgan. Forest Service office opens in the Larson Building, just across the hall from its old office.

4/17/22 J.W. Shields, 67, former county surveyor, dies at his home in Conrad. The Gold Leaf store advertises “all kids of soft drinks, cigars, tobacco and candy.” Hart & Gains, Props.