City of Choteau News Highlights from 1930 Teton County Montana. A 2013 Centennial Project "Summarized from the Choteau Acantha Newspaper with its permission by Nancy Thornton, Choteau, Montana. All rights reserved." Copyright 2013-present by Nancy Thornton. This file may be freely copied for non-profit purposes. |
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Compiled by volunteer Jeanne Anderson on Feb. 22-26, 2013. Transcribed with the cooperation of the Choteau Acantha. 1/2/30 New 1930 cars now showing. Fords at L.E. Taylor's and Chevrolets at Power Morgan's. Popular New Year's Eve dance sponsored by Choteau Woman's Club well attended. Proceeds to support Choteau Public Library. 1/9/30 Public skating rink in A-1 shape, sponsored by Lions Club. George Jackson purchased interest in Curtis Barber Shop from owner, H.O. Bagley. 1/23/30 Lions Club says Let Us Have Publicity! to advertise the many good things to be found in Choteau. T.F. Dwyer announces opening of implement house, will have Oliver farm machinery line, Hart-Parr tractor and other products. 2/13/30 Beaupre Café changes hands, Mr. and Mrs. George Benedict purchased Soo Son's interest in the fixtures and leased the place from Mrs. H. Beaupre. 2/27/30 Talkies to be installed in July at Royal Theater, announced owner Mrs. E.J. Crary. 3/6/30 Choteau Creamery to install ice cream plant, owner W.W. Smith announced. 3/13/30 George Coffey files petition for mayor. 3/20/30 Choteau Lions Club host railroad officials. 3/27/30 C.S. McDonald elected president of Choteau Golf Club. 4/3/30 City election to be held next Monday. The Citizens' ticket is headed by George Coffey for mayor, L.E. Taylor and R.R. Mellon, aldermen. No opposition. March says farewell with bad blizzard. Loss of electricity but no fatalities, only slight loss to livestock and property. Businessmen favor closing on holidays. Public service to customers is objective by having all stores closed for the same holidays. Spring fashions shown by J.C. Penney at Royal theatre. Was a distinct success according to K.E. Sturgis, local manager. 4/10/30 Only 39 out of 406 vote at city election. George Coffey, new mayor, replacing retiring Mayor H.W. Bateman. R.R. Mellon first ward and L.E. Taylor second ward, drew 100 percent of votes. April Fool Golf tournament is popular affair. First tournament of this kind in Montana. Only 14 ballots cast in annual school district No. 1 Buell Roll and John W. Hentges elected as trustees. W.G. Bloomdahl is clerk of the board. 4/17/30 Water pipe breaks, city loses an estimated 100,000 gallons of water. Cause was a broken hose connected to a hydrant at corner of the L.E. Taylor garage. 4/24/30 Hirshberg's Store receiving extensive remodeling along latest lines. Charles Strand and Ole Holland are in charge of the work. Power-Morgan Company robbed. About $50 and a watch was all that was taken. Work starts on new Richfield Service Station, according to W.E. Rice. Joe Knudzton successful bidder for construction, sublet plumbing to J.E. Byrne. Stop and Shop grocery changes hands under management of Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Moye and Miss Anna Mullaney. Building is owned by George Coffey, was once the post office. 5/1/30 Legion Band is warmly received here Saturday. Bandmaster Robert Clarkson announced next concert will be May 10. District Judge R.M. Hattersley holds court here. Three admitted to citizenship. Three divorces granted, numerous other matters heard. Poplar trees planted in city this week. One hundred trees known as northwest poplar set out on the west side of 7th Ave. N.W. An additional 100 of these and 200 green ash trees placed in city nursery. A.H. McGinnis named commander of American Legion post No. 6. 5/8/30 New city council organized, John T. Moore reappointed city clerk, water department superintendent and acting city engineer. Mayor George Coffey was sworn in. 5/15/30 Rainfall up to this date in May is 1.32 inches, exceeds total of amount of precipitation during the month of May for several years. 5/22/30 Local creamery commences to make ice cream product known as Quality Brand. 6/12/30 Richfield Company to open new service station Saturday according to E.L. Kueck manager. Lions celebrate third year since issuance of charter. R.E. Nelson first president. 6/26/30 Chautauqua organization formed. K.G. Sturgis elected president. 7/3/30 Harrison and Archie Craig have leased old Choteau garage (Pioneer Garage) from T.H. Givens. Will be general garage business. 7/10/30 Legion pleased with annual July 4th celebration. Included in the festivities was a band concert, patriotic exercises, baseball game and a dance. City council votes to increase city levy of 29 mills. Petitioners Milwaukee Railroad Teton Co. and Julius Hirshberg request City Council to close portion of Second Street S.E. to be used for railroads street years. A.B. Guthrie Jr., city editor of he Lexington (Ky.) Leader is here for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.B. Guthrie. 7/17/30 Dr. C.J.B. Stephens, dentist, here for 22 years, passed away on July 11. Mayor George M. Coffey explains necessity of 2-mill increase for street fund. 7/24/30 Tennis court in shape; Arnold Hanusa, Choteau Tennis Club president announced court is located on First St. N.W. just back of C. Looney residence. 8/7/30 W.E. Rice, state distributor of Richfield products appeared before the city council seeking a permit to build a group of cabins on block 3 of Choteau. Location between Third Street N.E. and 4th Street N.E. City Engineer John T. Moore conducted an intensive program to standardize Choteau Fire hose and plugs. To conform with requirements of the 1929 Session of the Legislature. Ray McClue, owner of Choteau Bakery, announced substantial cut in the price of bread. A pound of bread will sell for 15 cents or two for 25 cents. 8/14/30 Hit the Deck is first Choteau talkie at the Royal theater, opening on Aug. 21, announced owner Mrs. E.J. Crary. Mr. Joe Mozer, proprietor of Mozer Shoe Shop announced opening of move to new building. On First Avenue S.W. east of the courthouse. 8/28/30 A total of 105 entries at flower show held here, sponsored by Choteau Woman's Club. Show and dance both complete successes, cleared about $100. 9/4/30 R.E. Nelson, Choteau drugstore owner, appointed Deputy Governor of Montana Lions Club. Adv. Power-Morgan Co. Farmall tractor priced cut $50. New priced $825 FOB Chicago. 9/11/30 Dr. Boussard, dentist, opens office in city. Purchased equipment belonging to the late Dr. Stephens. Office located in Larson block. This week at the Royal Broadway Free and Easy Young Eagles. 9/25/30 C.S. McDonald named county chairman of Russell print sales. Proceeds to be used to place a statue of Charlie Russell in the national hall of fame in Washington DC. 10/2/30 American Legion Auxiliary benefit dance nets over $200 for war veteran Harry VanDeRiet. 10/16/30 Drs. Bateman and Maynard to administer first toxin-antitoxin treatments for eradication of diphtheria. Choteau is blessed with a natural decoration of trees. The ones in full bloom can't last forever. It isn't amiss to do our early Christmas shopping and remember to plant a few new trees next spring. 10/23/30 Cub pack is organized in Choteau sponsored by Boy Scouts and work leads up to a degree. John Hentges heads parents' committee. At meetings of the library committee of the Choteau Woman's club, arrangements were made for the addition of a number of new books. Expenditure of $60, $40 for adult books and the balance for juvenile books. 23 cars of livestock leave Choteau. Most of the cattle went to Chicago, and the sheep to Perry, N.Y. 10/30/30 Mayor Coffey tells Choteau Woman's Club of Choteau's early history and its financial affairs. The title of the talk was Know Your City. Drs. Bateman and Dulaney dissolve four-year partnership as of Nov. 1. 11/6/30 New Choteau Garage, Goodyear tire dealer here, awarded trophy plaque to Mr. -- Ness, proprietor. is in recognition of sales achievement attained in July and August this year. 11/20/30 Joe Mozer opens second-hand store in building adjoining Choteau Hospital on the north. 11/27/30 James Eckford, President of Citizens State Bank and outstanding citizen, succumbs at Mayo hospital last Saturday. County agent Robert Clarkson reported that during the recent snowstorm, an inch of moisture was recorded. 12/4/30 Lions Club Ladies Night is an enjoyable affair attended by 70 guests. Club President L.E. Taylor was in charge and reported on the club's progress and achievements. Power-Morgan Co. now showing new 1931 Chevrolet Coach here. Adv. Photographs for Christmas, order Now. Emerick's Studio. 12/18/30 Tom toms sound and war paint donned on eve of Browning-Choteau Hoop game. The local town team chose the name Racketeers. 12/25/30 Racketeers win two games here. Will play return game on Saturday. |