City of Choteau News Highlights from 1932-33
Teton County Montana
A 2013 Centennial Project

"Summarized from the Choteau Acantha Newspaper with its permission by Nancy Thornton, Choteau, Montana. All rights reserved." Copyright 2013-present by Nancy Thornton. This file may be freely copied for non-profit purposes.
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Teton County, MT Message Board

Compiled by volunteer Jeanne Anderson on March 21, 25, 26, 2013.
Transcribed with the cooperation of the Choteau Acantha.

1/14/32 Violent windstorm sweeps area. School closed while buildings are cleaned. Financial affairs of city are in excellent condition, City Treasurer W.B. Butchart report shows cash balance of $12,431. No registered warrants.

1/28/32 The Arcade Billiard Hall now located in Thompson building, formerly Smith building, adjoins First National Bank building.

2/4/32 Mrs. E.J. Crary announced a reduction in prices at the Royal Theater. New rates are 35 cents instead of 50 cents for adults, children 15 cents, high school students 25 cents.

2/11/32 Choteau has lowest tax levy (29 mills) of four cities in area, one of which is 56.4 mills.

2/18/32 Tom Dellwo, manager of Tom's Service Station has accepted a sub-agency for Plymouth and Dodge cars. Petitions asking for the nomination of C.W. Burns for mayor on the Citizens ticket are being circulated.

3/3/32 February sets new warmth record. Snow about 80 percent of normal in Teton division of Lewis and Clark Forest.

3/10/32 Opening of Choteau Implement Co. announced by manager J.B. Conlin. (International Harvester Co.) Council acts on definition of boulevards and acquires spring near Cowgill Addition from J.E. Hodgskiss.

3/17/32Work in progress on Conrad Refinery plant here. Lease Teton Service Station #2 located at south entrance to Choteau. Three file petitions for city offices C.W. Burns, mayor; L.E. Taylor and Russell Mellon, councilmen.

3/24/32 New grill and bar room are new improvements at the Choteau Hotel, according to Mrs. Emma Thompson.

4/7/32 Large turnout for city election. Ballots cast 144 in ward one, 116 in ward two. C.W. Burns, mayor; Russell Mellon and L.E. Taylor, aldermen. Hirshberg's plan to increase hardware stock, will offer specials.

4/21/32 Public asked to cooperate in water use. City Water Superintendent John Moore states “compliance with rules is a privilege and a duty.”

5/5/32 Municipal administration changes. In addition to those elected: C.W. Burns, mayor; and the aldermen, J.G. Jackson is named city clerk and A.H. McGinnis will be water superintendent and city marshal.
Dr. C.W. Boussard installs modern X-ray machine to facilitate his work.

5/12/32 Dr. E.J. Crary, president of local Lions Club presided at “Charter Night” (the fifth anniversary of “Lionism.” Julius Wuerthner of Great Falls was speaker.

5/19/32 A.H. McGinnis, city marshal, reports that about 220 cottonwood trees have been set out. All were replacements of ash trees that were winter killed or broken down.

6/2/32 Mrs. Rachel Edwards announces opening of new restaurant in the Hodgskiss building. Was used by Nick Vlinker and Swedancky as the Cash Meat Market. Named My Café.
Memorial Day exercises held under the direction of American Legion, led by George Carroll, adjutant. Rollie Ferris, World War veteran, led the parade.
Diplomas presented to 39 eighth graders of Choteau Public School.

6/9/32 City Council acts to raise $648 for financing street sprinkling or oiling. Parkway Café to open in the building formerly known as Merchants Café. The proprietor is Mrs. Harry Young.
Lions name K.E. Sturgis, president of club. Mr. Sturgis is manager of the J.C. Penney store.

6/16/32 (Photo) After weeks of planning by the Choteau businessmen's committee, assisted by a women's committee, the Public Wedding in Choteau was a big event attended by about 400 people. The couples married were Miss Edna Bingham to James Wesley George and Miss Velma Gladys George to Arlen Howell.
The Choteau Public Library closed for the summer, as an economy measure. Electric and gas services to be disconnected.

6/23/32 Adv. Private lessons in piano. Mrs. Arnold Hanusa, Ph. 41J.

6/30/32 Announcement of marriage of Miss Charlotte Cornell and Lyall S. Crary, son of Dr. and Mrs. E.J. Crary of Choteau on June 18.

7/7/32 J.H. Van Auken is selling pasteurized milk and cream.
On display at one of the large windows of the Jos. Hirshberg & Co. store are two large canvases in oil from the brush of J.L. Gleason. Favorable comments.
Main Avenue and two side streets to be closed for a week for oiling as part of highway project.

8/4/32 City Council makes no changes in city tax levy; to remain at 29 mills. Fire truck assured for use this fall.

8/11/32 James Willard Schultz, noted author, was a Choteau visitor. He and his wife were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C.S. McDonald.

8/18/32 Lions buy 2,500 pounds of watermelon for festival. Baseball game, sports and dance will follow feed.

8/25/32 Melon devoured speedily by large crowd. Attendance exceeded expectations. Mrs. Chas. G. Roberts, owner of Roberts Funeral Home, has leased the Parkway Café from Mrs. Harry Young. Choteau Creamery's “Quality Brand” ice cream places first at Great Falls fair.

9/1/32 Among many achievements done by the Lions Club as a result of their fund raising are: maintained a free public skating rink each winter and a free swimming pool each summer for the past four years, sponsored a Boy Scout troop and conducted a Red Cross drive.
Annual golf events of club attract interest. C. Looney gives former champ, C.S. McDonald a hard battle.
Farewell party given for Rev. and Mrs. E.R. Kaemmer. Rev. Edwin Dover will succeed him at the Methodist Church.

9/15/32 Clint Core wins 1932 golf contest, defeating Denzil McDonald. The F.A. Buttrey branch store, which has operated in Choteau for the past three years, closed. Operators Mr. and Mrs. George O'Hare will soon leave Choteau.

9/22/32 George Burrell, proprietor of the Club, is found brutally murdered; robbery evidently motive.

9/29/32 George Hoffman admits murder of George Burrell. Verbal confession obtained by Undersheriff J.L. Billings while enroute to Great Falls.

10/6/32 High School dormitory closes due to lack of patronage. The operation of buses and private cars are among the reasons for closure. Mrs. C.H. Davis has been in charge the past few years.

10/20/32 Monster crowd, estimated to be up to 1,000, attended Lions Club dance. Over 1,100 tickets were sold on a Ford V-8, which was won by a Whitefish man. Net proceeds $345.50, all go to welfare works which the Lions sponsor.

Compiled by volunteer Jeanne Anderson on April 1-2, 2013.

10/27/32 George Hoffman arraigned here, charged with murder of George Burrell on 9/20. Entered plea of “not guilty.”

11/3/32 Oscar Provost opens law office in Larson building. He and Mrs. Provost come from Washington, D.C.

11/10/32 Complete plans for Armistice Day program announced by American Legion Chairman Halvor Daley. Will include a parade, address by Chas. Davidson, Great Falls, and a dance.

11/17/32 Hoffman murder trial set for Nov. 28. Thermometer drops to 14 below zero. Choteau reported to be coldest spot in the state.

11/24/32 New fire truck will pack a wallop. Fire chief J.G. Jackson states that new regulations regarding traffic and pedestrians will be enforced.

12/1/32 Prosecution seeks to convict George Hoffman of first-degree murder in court proceedings. Fire department off in two minutes in first practice run. Fire Chief J.G. Jackson is pleased with the performance of the new truck and with the men.

12/8/32 Hoffman gets death sentence. Defense pleads insanity.

12/15/32 Sentencing of Hoffman does not take place. His attorney asks for new trial. Choteau lawyer, Oscar A. Provost, given post in office of Attorney General. Will move to Helena.
Tragedy of last week's storm disclosed. Irene and Sylvia Linjatie frozen to death while on their way to school. The storm broke just after the girls, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Linjatie, had started to school.

12/29/32 Hoffman sentenced to hang Jan. 28; court denies motion for new trial.

Compiled by volunteer Jeanne Anderson on April 2, 4, 8, 11, 15, 16, 2013.
Transcribed with the cooperation of the Choteau Acantha.

1/5/33 Service station changes hands, Tom Dellwo, manager of Tom's Service Station, appointed to position of undersheriff. The new manager will be John “Chick” Sulgrove.
Weather service says 1932 broke all time weather records here. Produced hottest August day (99 degrees) and the coldest March day (-36 degrees), records show.
Ernest Arensmeyer has been named local agent for the Oliver Equipment Sales Co., replacing T.F. Dwyer, who has been assigned to Dutton.

1/12/33 Hoffman's attorney files notice of appeal. Automatically stays the execution, which was set for Jan. 28.

1/26/33 Teton Service Co. purchased by Shirley Wallace and Gay Bagley, to be operated under the name of Park-Trail Garage; will handle the Chevrolet agency.

2/2/33 Old Timers to meet tonight. From the secretary's book, it shows that the organization was formed in 1912, James Gibson, first president.

2/9/33 City Council acts on examiner's recommendations. First was in regard to the status of street bond sinking; the second was in regard to a change in the city's accounting system.
New Choteau-Augusta road to be much shorter. Survey crew here now.
Process of manufacturing rayon explained by K.E. Sturgis, manager of J.C. Penney store. Many of the members of the Choteau Woman's Club were surprised to learn that rayon is made out of wood.

3/2/33 Lions Club minstrel show a big success. Net proceeds near $125. Used for civic and charitable purposes. City officials have been making preliminary investigations with the view of erecting a city hall.

3/16/33 A business deal was completed here whereby Carl Hager, Conrad, joined Mrs. C.H. Swain in the Choteau Tailor Shop.

3/23/33 Two attempt early morning jail break. Albert Boughman and George Hoffman implicated.

3/30/33 Big crowd enjoys master performance of the Harlem Globetrotters when they met the local Racketeers, defeating the local team 51-35.
Early day log cabins at the rear of Berndt Barbershop and the Choteau Hotel were torn down. Were erected in 1883 to take care of hotel overflow, particularly in the case of cowpunchers and sheepherders who came to town.

4/6/33 “Beer” ordinance passed by city council. Makes it a duty to enforce beer law. Prescribes license rates, hours, penalties, etc.; “necessary for the preservation of peace, health and safety.”
In the city election, C.H. Moulton received 92 votes and Dr. E.B. Maynard, 46, for alderman in Ward 1 and Chas. A. Franks won over Henry Robison, 121 to 58 in Ward 2.

4/13/33 Violent storm brought much-needed moisture, recorded at .63 of an inch, was accompanied by violent wind. Record low temperature of 4 below zero.
Choteau Country Club to make final payment on real estate. Land was purchased from the estate of James Sulgrove and contains 158 acres. At the meeting, R.F. Baillie was elected president, Fred Barribal named secretary, A.H. Doughty, Treasurer, and directors, J.J. Hannan, C.D. McDonald and R.E. Nelson.

5/11/33 Precipitation up to date in May is 2.13 inches. Normal is 2.56.
Hoffman appeal case is set for May 24 in Helena. He is under death sentence here for murder of George Burrell.

5/18/33 Building of city hall starts. Technically, the building belongs to the water department, as funds were accrued to the water department. Thus water users, not taxpayers, generally are paying for the building.
Gene Murphy has established his law office in the Larson building.

5/25/33 Graduates from Teton High School number 49, the largest class in the history of the school.
Choteau has: 14 retail stores, two meat markets, four hotels, five garages, five service stations, seven eating places, two drug stores, three barbershops, two tailor shops, one laundry, two banks, one natural gas office, one electric shop, two blacksmith shops, one shoe shop, two hospitals, three physicians and surgeons, two dentists, three lawyers, three insurance agents, five implement dealers, three churches, two schools, one newspaper, one public library, two lumber yards, five wholesale gasoline and oil plants, two railroads, two cigar stores, six lodges, one telephone exchange, two telegraph offices, one city park and tourist camp, two privately-owned tourist camps, two elevators, five apartment and rooming houses, one plumbing shop, one creamery, one swimming pool, five beauty operators, one abstract office, two licensed real estate dealers, one picture show house, four public halls, one photographer, two undertaking establishments, three dray lines, one bakery, eight carpenters.

6/8/33 New Deal dance to be held to help local library at the American Legion pavilion sponsored by Woman's Club. Donated music by Clarkson's, Mrs. Cohoe's and Tennant's orchestras.
J.E. Byrne appears before the city council at the regular meeting to request a plumber's license. This is necessary before he can make any connections with city mains, service pipes or appliances pertaining to city water works.
The Choteau Acantha begins its 40th year of publication. The paper has become an institution, according to editorial by E.L. Jourdonnais, owner.

6/29/33 City moving to new quarters at the corner First street and First avenue Northwest. Will mean annual savings of $480 in rent. Erected out of city water department funds. Mayor C.W. Burns said the cost of the building will be about $3,500, and the cost of the lots about $500.
“Million Dollar” rain after parched June month. Precipitation was .45.

7/6/33 Montana Supreme Court denies Hoffman a new trial. Hanging now almost certain. He was convicted of the murder of George Burrell in September.
Car driven by an 8 year old girl crashed into a plate glass window at the Cash and Carry store. Only one of various kinds of accidents here on July 4th.

7/20/33 Attending dedication exercises of the Going to the Sun highway were Mr. and Mrs. B.I. Packer, Mr. and Mrs. G.C. Coffey, Miss Ruby Miller and Mrs. C.W. Boussard.
City has a favorable financial year, report of City Clerk J.G. Jackson to state examiner shows. Balance June 30 was $14,692.42.

7/27/33 Hoffman to be sentenced on Friday July 28. Free show planned for Saturday shoppers. Choteau merchants are going to give everyone who buys a dollar's worth of goods at their store, a ticket to the Royal Theater.

8/3/33 Hoffman execution set for Aug. 29. Butte gallows to be transported here.
Choteau bids farewell to Soo San at notable function. Had been a resident of Teton County for 44 years. He is returning to his homeland China. D.P. Fabrick arranged the party for him. Among those attending were former Gov. John E. Erickson (now U.S. Senator,) State Sen. Tom Larson and Mayor C.W. Burns.
Water rules flagrantly violated, officials say. Most frequent violation of law was disregard of sprinkling hours and use of hoses without nozzle. Public cooperation is asked.
426 persons guests of merchants here Saturday at the Royal Theater.

8/10/33 Water shortage forces cancellation of scheduled water carnival at local pool. Applause heard for Chataqua. Audience votes 100 percent for holding another next year.

8/17/33 City must operate on $1,745 less than a year ago. This course taken to avoid increase in tax levy because of drop in valuation. Levy to remain at 29 mills.

8/24/33 Three-year old child lost. Dies in a cold rainstorm. [Kathleen] was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.D. McGillis, who reside on a ranch near Pishkun reservoir.

8/31/33 Hoffman faces death on gallows without a murmur or a quiver. Trap sprung at 4:40 a.m. About 200 persons were there.

9/7/33 K.E. Sturgis and Dr. H.W. Bateman met with the city council to discuss the matter of building a race track and rodeo grounds at the park. Mayor C.W. Burns promised to look into the matter. The body of George Hoffman was interred at the Choteau Cemetery on Tuesday.

9/14/33 Dr. and Mrs. Henry Beaupre celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. The register of guests showed 218 called.

9/28/33 Minimum temperature of 16 degrees officially recorded. Clint Core retained golf crown for the championship of the Choteau Country Club. He defeated J.J. Hannan.

10/5/33 September weather was normal, records show. Mean temperature 50.6.
Adv. Ford V-8 $490 up. FOB Detroit plus freight, delivery and tax. Bumpers and spare tire extra. L.E. Taylor Garage.

10/12/33 Mrs. Shirley Wallace new golf champ in ladies golf at the Choteau county Club. Mrs. A. Hanusa, 1932 champ, second.
W.H. Gorham resigns as City Marshal. No plans for his replacement are made at this time.

10/19/33 Violent wind causes death of boater on Priest Lake. Victim was Ford Lake of Great Falls. First snowfall of the season occurred with temperature as low as 10 degrees. Snow depth 2-3 inches.

10/26/33 “Blue Ribbon” flour is now on the market. Manager J.B. Conlin of the Teton Milling Co. is optimistic for success of the enterprise.

11/9/33 Armistice Day will be observed here Saturday. Legion will present ceremony. Stores to close during program.
Woman's Club holds book day at local library. Many new books brought in and cash receipts warrant a payment on the building.

11/16/33 City gets through October with cash balance of $7,990, the books of City Clerk J.G. Jackson show. Repairs on water main at 2nd Ave. SW between Division and 1st St. SW are progressing. Pipe deterioration is causing concern.

11/23/33 Local men Dan Lindseth, 65, and Kenneth Smith, 26, were killed in tragic accident while working on a bridge across the Little Muddy near Cleiv. The men were buried alive by a landslide.

12/14/33(Photo) Lions Club gives Awards of Merit to winners of the yard and garden contest: Mrs. W.W. Smith, Mrs. Gay Franklin, George Coffey, W.D. Helm and Joe Mozer.
Postmaster G.C. Core explains rates on Christmas cards. Cards in unsealed envelopes must have 1-1/2 cent stamp. Sealed cards take 3 cents.

12/21/33 Hocker Smith, a representative from the state director of the airport program, was here to investigate the feasibility of equipping an airport here. Among those meeting with Smith were C.D. McDonald of the Lions airport committee, Mayor C.W. Burns and W.N. Streeter, chairman of the civil works committee here.

Copyright 2013-present  Nancy Thornton  All Rights Reserved