City of Choteau News Highlights from 1944-45 Teton County Montana. A 2013 Centennial Project "Summarized from the Choteau Acantha Newspaper with their permission by Nancy Thornton, Choteau, Montana. All rights reserved." Copyright 2013-present by Nancy Thornton. This file may be freely copied for non-profit purposes. |
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Compiled by Ruth Reiquam March 4-7, 2013. 1/6/44 VV Bill Sorensen to manage Beaupre Café, succeeds Martin Gutierrez. 1/20/44 Meeting to be held in Choteau Saturday to form a local Farmers union. 1/27/44 railway Commission will not order change in the local bus line schedule. 2/3/44 Choteau Lions Club is sponsoring the Boy Scout organization in Choteau again this year, has appointed a committee for the work, headed by Rev. A.B. Gravdal. 2/10/44 Fred Barribal in conformity with a movement initiated by the Montana Bankers Association, said the local bank will remain open Saturday, Feb. 12, even though it is a legal holiday, being Lincoln's birthday. 2/17/44 Frank Allum has taken over the operation of the Standard Service Station. 2/24/44 Lt. Don Dahlin missing in action over Germany, his parents were notified. He has been missing since Feb. 4 while on a bombing mission. Due to the scarcity of milk bottles, it is necessary to raise the deposit on bottles from 5 cents to 10 cents beginning March 1, spring Creek Dairy. 3/2/44 The Silver Tea and Book Day will be Tuesday March 7 at the home of Mrs. R.E. Nelson. It will be for the benefit of the library. 3/9/44 New cemetery rules and regulations passed by city council. It was also decreed that lots must be paid for before graves can be dug. 3/16/44 Woman's Club wants tax to help maintain the public library; seek city council for aid in this. 4/6/44 Lt. Don Dahlin may be in a prison camp in Germany. Several crew members of other airplane witnessed Don's plane shot down and are sure that the crew bailed out. A Pan American program at the meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary April 10. A woman who can sell men's furnishings is needed for a well paid position, apply at J.C. Penney Co. Inc. 4/13/44 Fire destroyed Jim Brewster's home, everything lost. The building was located in the southwest area of Choteau. A short in the wiring is believed the cause of the fire. Three young children were sleeping in the house but all escaped unharmed. 4/20/44 Cerebral hemorrhage fatal to longtime dentist Dr. E.J. Crary. Funeral has one of the largest attendances on record in Choteau. (Photo) 4/27/44 Music and literature group of the Choteau Woman's Club set for May 3. Mrs. Beulah McNeil will review the book The Robe by Lloyd Douglas. 5/11/44 Roy Rabbitt installing honey extraction plant in Choteau in the Mullaney building. Al Barton was informed he would get delivery of trucks this summer. 5/25/44 Memorial Day exercises will be held at Choteau cemetery, Tues. 10:30 a.m., under the sponsorship of the C. James Smith Post of the American Legion. 6/1/44 Lightning kills Isidoro Martinez, American National -- was a farm worker for Hugh Robinson. 6/15/44 Lions hear D.F. Fabrick speak about trip to Washington D.C. as member of the state water conservation board. 6/29/44 Paper and rags collection continuing in Choteau July 2, 11 a.m., leave bundles at curb in front of house. 7/6/44 Choteau in path of violent wind and rain Tuesday 0.83 inch of rain fell in 20 to 25 minutes, electrical power was off for about half hour. 7/13/44 Everett DeRusha leases Club Cigar Store and pool room from J.R. Bus Collins. 7/20/44 -7/27/44 Boyd Stenson with first American contingent on D-Day. With the first American troops landing on the Normandy Beach. 8/3/44 Proposed city levy same as year ago. The amount budgeted for the general fund was $10,310.60. 8/10/44 Pete McCrorie new cemetery sexton, G.L. Banks resigned his position as sexton. 8/24/44 Choteau purchases 160 acres as a site for a municipal airfield. It lies on the bench east of the city and adjoins the Choteau Country Club. 9/7/44 The John Mozer residence on 2nd Ave. S.W. was sold recently to Red Yule, owner of the Wagon Wheel in Choteau. 9/14/44 New Parlor Shoppe opens today, Mrs. Wil O. Nelson formerly of Lewiston is the new proprietor. 9/28/44 Annual '49er to open here Friday, big costume parade up town Saturday. 10/5/44 two years ago, A. and Clair Hensley closed their bakery to serve their country, they are convinced when this war is won by the USA, they will be back to run the bakery again. 10/19/44 Ad. Dance at Claude, Sat. Oct. 21, music by the Bachelor Boys. 10/26/44 The 49'er event nets Civic Fund over $1,200. Lions entertained all who helped make this a big community success. 11/16/44 American Legion Auxiliary will send a Christmas treat to each veteran at Fort Harrison, instead of exchanging gifts. 11/30/44 Swimming pool report was excellent for 1944. Number of swimmers for the two month period was 3,944. 12/7/44 Mr. and Mrs. Ben Coffman re-open the Beaupre Café, after two or more months being closed since the departure of Bill Sorensen, the last tenant. (Photo) Dr. E.B. Maynard dies Monday morning, due to heart ailment. He was an old-time physician, colorful personality and friend of man. His funeral will be Dec. 9 at the Methodist Church at 2 p.m. 12/28/44 The James Pebbles received a German prison camp postal card from their son, John, who was shot down over German early last October. Compiled by volunteer Ruth Reiquam March 7, 15, 2013. 1/4/45 Frank Fellers purchases Club Café for his daughter, June Fellers, who will take over Dec. 2. The former owner was Harry Green. 1/1/45 Council names airport commission. The council will direct and control the development of Choteau's latest forward- looking enterprise, a municipal airport. The men named are J.W. Breen, Theo B. Halverson, KE. Sturgis, A.C. Hanusa, Dr. C.W. Boussard. 1/18/45 A shift in Safeway personnel brought Steve Strong back to Choteau. He is happy to be back in Choteau. Word was received that James Pebbles Jr. is missing in action in Germany. The Peebles family have two sons Jimmy and Johnny who is a prisoner of war in Germany. 1/27/45 Frieda Schroder has purchased the Bechtel apartments from Mr. Bechtel, who built them about six years ago. he will assume the management Feb. 1. 2/8/45 Girl Scouts will honor their dads at a dinner Feb. 13 at the Catholic Church at 6:30 p.m. 2/15/45 The JC Penney Co. acquired by lease the space occupied by the Corner Store and most Lately by the Malone Pharmacy. The Malone Pharmacy will move to the Larson building. 3/1/45 Assessment of real and personal property will begin at noon March 5. 3/15/45 Extensive improvements planned for high school. Plans have been made to reinforce the foundation and a new roof and other minor improvements. This will take place this summer when school is out. 3/29/45 Cantata big success. the Lutheran Choir Methodist Choir, and Fairfield Lutheran Choir combined to present the cantata resurrection and the Life last Sunday evening. KFBB will broadcast the cantata Saturday night from 10:30 to 11:00. 4/5/45 Henry Robinson to be Choteau Mayor for third term. 4/12/45 Hanson Bros to build extension on garage. Oliver and martin Hanson are the proprietors. Clarence F. Shelstad is the new buttermaker and foreman of the Choteau Creamery. George Gunther resigned that position after 19 years. 4/19/45 Looney Tract to be site of new Teton Memorial Hospital. Safeway makes extensive improvements on store here. Wedum's store presents an attractive appearance after interior redecorating. 5/10/45 May 8, Victory in Europe. American Legion plans for appropriate observance was carried out the entire day. 5/17/45 F.C. Curtis elected president of Choteau city Council. New municipal airport hangar nears completion. 6/14/45 R.A. Clearman has purchased the C&P agency building. W.L. Hodgskiss was the owner. With the addition of an annex the building will serve as an office for C&P agency and living quarters for the Clearmans. 6/21/45 Pool being reconditioned and improved for summer. Joe Briscoe in Charge. 7/5/45 Bus company announces new trip weekly service between Choteau and Great Falls. 7/26/45 New Legion Club to be opened. 8/2/45 City levy set at 20.5 mills. Tidy sum of $21,335.98 on hand at close of fiscal year June 30. 8/16/45 Hirshberg building purchased by Carl Wedum. Will now be known as Wedum's store. 8/20/45 JC Penney store nears completion of remodel. 9/4/45 Ron Payne joins Stearns Electric and will now be known as Choteau Electric, Frank Stearns and Cecil Huffman are also associated with the business. War's end Sept. 2, 1945, make happier mood for opening of school. 9/20/45 Barney McClue was liberated from a Japanese prison camp (date not given.) He was among the Americans who made a gallant stand at Bataan and Corregidor before being taken prisoner. He is now on his way home. 10/4/45 Choteau buys new modern fire truck at cost of $4,602. 10/18/45 Miss Ruth Clark has purchased the parlor shop form Mrs. Will O. Nelson. 11/1/45 Nearly $40,000 in Memorial Hospital fund, will try to double the amount soon. 11/22/45 Choteau Municipal Airport Commission holds open house this coming Sunday. It is believed that 25 to 50 private planes will be on the field. 11/29/45 Barney McClue home. Lions Club members hear thrilling story of his capture, time in prison and his release. He was a POW for over three years. 12/13/45 Choteau Hotel was sold by Margaret Schneider to C.F. Russell and wife Katie of Circle. The new proprietors have taken charge. 12/20/45 H.M. Daley former Clerk of Court to have office here Friday and Saturday to help taxpayers with 1945 income tax. He will be here those days until March 15. 12/27/45 (Photo) Jere Coffey and Pat Campbell will take over the publishing of the Choteau Acantha, Jan. 1, 1946. |
Copyright 2013-present Nancy Thornton All Rights Reserved |