City of Choteau News Highlights from 1948-49
Teton County Montana
A 2013 Centennial Project

"Summarized from the Choteau Acantha Newspaper with their permission by Nancy Thornton, Choteau, Montana. All rights reserved." Copyright 2013-present by Nancy Thornton. This file may be freely copied for non-profit purposes.
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Compiled by volunteer Ruth Reiquam March 27, 28, April 1, 2013.

1/8/48 Horace Baskett was appointed city marshal replacing Bill Broere who resigned. Council decided to bond plumbers and license was set at $10 a year.

1/15/48 (Photo) New Waco plane at Choteau airport, purchased by Bob Waltermire. Ship will fly four persons in charter trips.

1/22/48 Teton Hospital can receive federal aid. $40,000 more needed before March for $60,000 in free aid.

1/29/48 Hospital excavation work starts this week; survey of grounds completed on Tuesday.

2/5/48 Temperature of 10 below zero is the low mark for the week.

2/26/48 Bulldogs take district crown in basketball. Win first place for third straight year. (Photo) New VFW lounge opens tonight. Public invited to open house as club guests.

3/4/48 Moose Lodge to start indoor rifle range in hall basement. Moose will welcome public participation. Fees have not been set.

3/11/48 Hospital still needs $7,646. Must have fund when petition okayed at Denver.

3/18/48Mill levy to operate schools to be asked. Quarter million dollars value added to district. Memorial Hospital gets first plan approval by U.S. Health Service.

3/25/48 (Photo) Dr. Arthur A. McAuley, M.D., became associated with Dr. Bateman in the practice of medicine. He comes from Wichita, Kansas, and will be joined in Choteau by his wife and three children in June.

4/1/48 (Photo) Ed Obernolte elected head of city Chamber. (Photo) Hampton Bloom sells grocery store to Rex Peterson. He has worked for Bloom for 11 years.

4/15/48 Summer recreation program set with Howard Ruegamer supervising. The program will be financed by the city of Choteau, Lions Club, American Legion, VFW and School District 1.

4/22/48 The Marshal-Wells store will have its grand opening this Friday and Saturday, April 23 and 24, announced owner Charles Bowers. City Council approves building permit for a beauty parlor just west of the courthouse. Owners will be Mr. and Mrs. Robert Colley. Memorial Hospital, one of three in state, was finally approved this week for federal aid assistance during 1948.

4/29/48 Choteau Airport gets federal aid- a $5,082 grant for field improvement.

5/13/48 Trap Club plans chicken shoot for this Sunday. “Montana Glimpses” a 16-page booklet of poems by Dorothy Barret of Choteau is now on sale at bookstores and shops throughout northern Montana.

5/22/48 (Photo) More than 600 persons witnessed the Scout circus at Choteau Saturday, which was highlighted with a parade, banquet and field events on the football field. Fairfield, Augusta and Choteau participated in the activities.

5/27/48 Father Sheerin observes silver jubilee event, celebrating the 25th year of service in the church with a special observance at St. Joseph's Parish in Choteau. Hundreds of friends and 38 priests of the church were on hand.

6/3/48 Harry Bradley of Mullan, Idaho, is the new manager of the Roxy Theatre. In May, 13 days of rain registered 4.19 inches.

6/10/48 Heavy rains bring near floods. Washed out bridges, raises rivers to peaks.

6/17/48 Rain stops road, train travel, floods homes, washes out main bridge.

6/21/48 Mosquitoes and flies will be blitzed by air with insecticides. The spraying is guaranteed to be elective for at least two months.

7/8/48 Sunday rodeo (July 4th) was a sell out. Council considers street work and a new dump ground. No final decision reached.

7/22/48 (Photo) New water storage tank being installed on golf course hill. The tank will be in use about the last of August.

8/5/48 Pelletier Chev Co. becomes Cadillac Agency. City Council raises levy two mills.

8/26/48 Women's Club presents flower show Saturday in the park pavilion. Oiled streets, lights, new reservoir soon, ready for Choteau use. (Photo) Mack Niccum, formerly of Ekalaka, this week assumed the ownership and management of the Roxy Theatre.

9/16/48 Choteau Acantha foreman Elmer Erickson smashed his left hand last Thursday on a giant cylinder newspaper press. He was rushed to the hospital where he had surgery and appears to be recovering satisfactorily.

9/23/48 Visiting fliers say Choteau airfield one of the finest. Federal aid expected to improve facilities even more in the future. The Bond Service Garage located on Choteau's south side near the Clark Service Station is now open for business, announced Ernest Bond, proprietor.

9/30/48 (Photo) Mayor John Hentges to resign position as head of council and will be moving to Colorado Springs with his wife.

10/7/48 K.E. Sturgis named mayor of Choteau by council, to replace John Hentges who resigned.

10/21/48 Report 5,714 swim in pool this past summer. Extra improvement bring cost to $1,984 for operation of pool.

11/11/48 (Photo) Howard Heman will start law practice here. He is a graduate of Columbia School of Law in New York City. He has purchased the Wilbert Maynard house, where his wife and small son live. (Photo) Legion Post to dedicate building tonight.

11/18/48 Hospital, high school safes robbed here. Chuck Wagon Café under management of Harold Quick.

12/2/48 440 New Directory lists 440 telephones in Choteau for 1949. This is an increase of 32 in operation from last year.

12/9/48/ Local hospital board calls for construction bids, state, federal heads ok revised plans.

12/16/48 (Photo) Robert Crocker of Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, has opened a watch/clock repair shop in the Henneford building.

12/30/48 (Photo) Dr. Hamilton to open practice here in offices of the McDonald Block. Casey Allum, Choteau, was taken before the Justice of Peace on charge of second-degree assault. The police said Allum threatened his wife with a rifle. She ran from the house and notified officers. Bail was set at $1,250.

Compiled by volunteer Ruth Reiquam on April 2, 2013.

1/13/49 Annual meeting of Memorial Hospital; will meet next Monday night. Three directors will be elected.

1/20/49 Mercury sinks to 41 below zero. Gas pressure down, water pipes frozen. Reading is the fourth coldest reading in Choteau since 1912.

1/27/49 District VFW meeting set for Choteau for sometime in April.

2/3/49 Willy's Dealer opens business in Choteau' Glen R. Lyon started the business in the M&M Garage west of the courthouse.
Plans for hospital approved. Call for bids may be asked by next week.

2/24/49 City Council ok's three permits for local residents; one to W.A. Cherry for a 20 foot addition on a garage, one to Ed Hartner, a permit to build a new chicken house and the third to Gertrude Hughes to move a frame residence.

3/3/49 City elections slated for next month.

3/10/49 Three new employees have assumed their duties at the Choteau Aviation office. Ernest Daiser will serve as duster pilot, Lawrence Felley is the new aircraft mechanic and Ray McKee also an airplane mechanic. All three will be living in Choteau.

3/17/49 Methodists plan new church here. Ask for bids of contractors on structure. (Photo)

3/31/49 (Photo) Open house Friday, NAAC plans formal opening for tomorrow at local airport. Public invited to see hangar, airplanes, shop of Air Corporation.

4/7/49 Voters approve 10-mill levy for schools. K.E. Sturgis elected mayor and Joe Knudtzon, E.R. O'Neil and Obert Peterson as aldermen for the next two years.Chamber discusses two-day July 4th event. Good Friday closing, Easter Egg Hunt, Big game among other topics.
Street signs discussed, Ed Obernolte chair of the Civic Improvement Committee of the Lions Club, intimated at Lions meeting Tuesday night.

4/21/49 Pair completing mechanics course for flying concerns. Reidar Neckstad completed engine mechanics school in Lincoln, Neb., will be employed by the Choteau Flying Service. Glenn Stott is attending the same school and will return in about one week.

4/28/49 (Photo) New grocery store, formal opening Saturday. Hensley Grocery Store, located with the Hensley Cabins will open 7 a.m. to 10 pm. daily, Mr. and Mrs. Al Hensley, proprietors.
Mosquito spray will cost $350 to cover city.

5/5/49 (Photo) Coast to Coast store remodels.

5/12/49 Construction of hospital appears likely soon, new architect given contract to prepare plans to fit budget.
(Photo) The first shovel of dirt was turned last Saturday for excavation on the site of the new Methodist Church.
22nd year of Lions Club observed here.

5/19/49 Million-dollar rain brings relief from drouth. 0.89 inches of moisture falls at Choteau since Tuesday night.
Spraying of nearby swamps by NAAC planes and pilots has been started for mosquito control for Choteau.

5/26/49 City clean up campaign to start next week. Prizes will go to residents for gardens, lawns, building improvement. Jim Henderson elected head of Lions.

6/2/49 A coat of oil and seal coat is planned for Main Street and First Avenue Northwest, the city council decided at its May meeting. Rainfall during May totals two inches at Choteau station.

6/9/49 Revised hospital plans complete. Shanley Architectural firm of Great Falls is 35 days ahead of set schedule.

6/16/49 (Photo) the Reuter Organ Company of Kansas has installed a $4,500 two manual stop-key type pipe organ at St. Joseph's church in this city.
High school purchase advised by city groups. Building appraisal sets value at $29,500 for sale to district.

6/23/49 New Methodist church cornerstone was laid Sunday.

7/7/49 (Photo) Large crowd attends Choteau's July 4th Celebrations, more than 3,000 fans whooped it up for their favorite cowboys at the rodeo.

7/14/49 A profit of $1,000 made on rodeo, July 3-4.

7/21/49 Memorial Hospital construction to start. Cost to reach over $180,000; completion due before next April.

7/28/49 Voters approve buying school. 156 to 21 vote tally of eight districts. Preliminary city budget calls for 41-mill levy. Former levy for cemetery not necessary.

8/11/49 (Photo) Sale of the Antler Bar by Eddie Howard to Otto Wolfe, Belt and Frank Skites, Raynesford, was announced this week.
The Safeway store at Choteau is being renovated, manager Steve Strong announced this week.

8/25/49 Depot offices (Great Northern and Milwaukee) will close Saturdays beginning Sept. 1.
Dr. Lyle Crary plans medical building here, along with Dr. Arthur McAuley. It will be located next to the Marshal Wells Annex store.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Hoeschen of Pendroy have announced they will build a six-unit apartment house in Choteau. It will be located across the street from the Glen Lloyd Hotel on North Main.

9/1/49 The new Dale Implement Co. building has been completely renovated and is now open again for business.
City Council adopts final budget for the coming year requiring a 41-mill levy.

9/22/49 New Dial telephones will be installed for use next year. Cottonwood tree landmarks since 1890s felled to make building clearing for new structure.
Some 6,000 tourists visited Choteau Drug this summer, from June 15 to Sept. 15, says Ted Halverson, proprietor of the store.

9/29/49 City Council to ask bids for water pipe to be used in a water extension line in the Hobson Addition.

10/1/49 John Woodward buys Choteau Electric from Roy Payne taking over Oct. 1.

10/6/49 Dial phones will be introduced in 1950.

10/13/49 “Days of '49” shows fine profit, swimming pool operation is assured again. The '49ers made a net profit of $1,789.

10/20/49 More tourists for Choteau being promoted by Choteau Chamber. The most direct line between Yellowstone and Glacier is federal Highway 89.

10/27/49 Council accepts bid for pipe at $3,738 cost. Six new fire hydrants will furnish protection for east side area.

11/3/49 To lay cornerstone Sunday Nov. 6, at 1:30 p.m. Public invited for ceremonies at the hospital grounds.

11/10/49 Improved facilities are needed for Choteau Schools in the near future. Supt. Graham address the Choteau Lions Club speaking on the subject, “The Next Decade in Education.”

11/17/49 (Photo) Six major buildings now under construction in Choteau. Apartments, garage, church, phone, clinic, hospital being built.
New residents of Choteau as well as tourists should receive official notices of welcome or cards, the Chamber decided at its monthly meeting, Tuesday.

11/24/49 The Choteau Lions Club will give cash prizes to Choteau homeowners for Christmas decorations, details will be announced in the near future.

12/1/49 Bureau of Census at Choteau one of 67 permanent offices in entire nation to take important part in decennial census next April.

12/15/49 City PTA group organized. 75 enrolled at first meeting. Four officers were elected for the coming year, Shirley McCorkle, president; Mrs. Robert Hamilton, VP; Howard Ruegamer, Sec; Albert Finley, treasurer.

*12/29/49 Big growth of city seen in last decade. 58 Choteau homes, many new business places constructed.
Christmas home decoration contest winners: first place $25 to Mr. and Mrs. Ben Chalmers; second place $15 to Clara Baker; third place $10 to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Arensmeyer. The Lions Club is the sponsor.

Copyright 2013-present  Nancy Thornton  All Rights Reserved