City of Choteau News Highlights from 1964
Teton County Montana
A 2013 Centennial Project

"Summarized from the Choteau Acantha Newspaper with its permission by Nancy Thornton, Choteau, Montana. All rights reserved." Copyright 2013-present by Nancy Thornton. This file may be freely copied for non-profit purposes.
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Compiled by Mary and David Tonkovich Feb. 20, 1913.

1/9/64 Tom McCartney elected Chamber of Commerce president.

1/16/64 State Jaycee Pres. Harrison Fagg speaks at Choteau Jaycees Bosses Night.

1/23/64 Montana Territory Centennial Cookbooks go on sale at Choteau's two drug stores.

2/6/64 City Councilman F.G. Curtis, founder of F.G. Curtis & Son Implement (1936) dies 1/28/64. (Photo). Open house at $30,000 new federal building, now fully occupied by SCS, ASCS, U.S. Forest Service and Farmers Home Admin.

2/13/64 Former Mayor John Hentges dies, established Choteau Hardware (1914), charter member Lions Club, donated property for tennis courts. State Examiner says assessed value of City of Choteau is $4.65 million, taxable value $1.26 million.

2/20/64 Bryan Corbett and Mayor D.P. Fabrick exchange deeds, resulting in Choteau Cemetery nearly doubling in size. (Photo)

3/5/64 Choteau Jaycees will raise $1,200-1,300 for new city ambulance and pay taxes for it. Northern Div. Champs (CHS men's basketball) head for state tourney n Billings. (photo)

3/12/64 Erly Corp. hits full production, 24-hour shifts, building garage can racks, 20 employees. (Photo). Dr. L.T. More joins Dr. J.R. Crabtree in optometry practice, contact lens speciality.

3/19/64 CHS science teacher Albert Finley elected to Natl. Science Teachers Assn. exec. committee. (Photo) Gary Dunckel named to No. Div. basketball all-star 1st team.

3/26/64 CHS sweeps awards at Dist. Science Fair, 4 of 5 grand prizes and 11 of 12 superior ratings.

4/9/64 CHS junior David Shannon wins grand prize at Mont. Science Fair and trip to Natl. Science Fair in Baltimore. (Photo) 24-hour spring blizzard strands motorists and blocks roads throughout Choteau area.

4/30/64 Extension service provides 40,000 trees to be planted in and around Choteau. Mrs. Jim Arensmeyer wins Toastmistress Council Speech contest, heads to regional competition in Spokane. Jack Reiding elected Choteau Jaycees president, Marion Averill elected Lions Club president.

5/7/64 Choteau receives 4.72 inches of rain in five-day period. Judy Cook, one of 20 students nationwide, chosen for Natl. Science Foundation program at Loyola U.-Chicago. (Photo)

Crowd Expected for Choteau Centennial Day
Bargains, Contests Highlight Observance
--Saturday is Centennial Day in Choteau. On tap for the day's activities are a Centennial Dress Competition, 4-H Contest and numerous contests and sales in Choteau stores.
--“We expect to see a record crowd in Choteau and that will add to the fun of the activities,” Gale Isakson, chairman of the coordinating Choteau Chamber of Commerce committee, said Tuesday.
--“The day's schedule is falling into place and additional activities seem to be popping up all over. Folks should have a good day,” Isakson said.
--4-H Prizes. County 4-H clubs will be registering persons from their respective communities throughout the day. Clubs registering the largest number of persons will receive $10 prizes. Clubs from the more populace areas will compete in one division and those from smaller populace areas will compete in the other. The $20 prize money will be awarded by the Chamber of Commerce. The 4-H clubs will have representatives at the Wedum Building where interested persons may register. Prizes will be awarded at 5:30 p.m.
--The Centennial Dress Contest will be run off at 3 p.m. with county old timers as judges. Men and women wishing to compete, Isakson said, should come to the Wedum Building. If the weather is good, the contestants will be paraded in front of the building. Otherwise, judging will be inside. Centennial momentos will be presented to the winners. The more than 50 participating merchants provided funds for the prizes. A prize will also be given to the best dressed child.
--“Choteau merchants have also made a concerted effort to offer customers special buys, door prizes and special events during the day,” Isakson said.
--Other events for the day include a Soroptimist rummage sale in the Wedum building, a Catholic Women's Auxiliary bake and cake sale in the Kropp building and an art show at the Villager.
--Concerted Effort. “Choteau is really laying out the red carpet for anyone in town Saturday. We especially want to invite folks from the Dutton, Collins, Farmington, Pendroy, Augusta, Agawam, Bole and Fairfield areas to come to Choteau and have a good time. Don't be embarrassed to wear your Centennial garb-the merchants will be dressed up and we're sure Choteau folks will join in the spirit of things. We want everyone to have a good time.”
--Old Time Day. “The idea for Centennial Day,” he said, “started with the thought that it would be nice to give folks a chance to sport their Centennial duds more than just the one or two times at the big county celebration July 3 and 4. The way things have developed, we expect the day to be a really find old time shopping day with everyone having a casual, relaxed time. I would like to invite everyone to come to Choteau, Saturday-it will be fun and it will be worth it.”

“Bald Faces” Have to Pay Becker Says.
--“This business of all these bald faces has gone far enough,” Sheriff Al Becker announced this week.
--Sheriff Becker, whose own face showed a curious lack of bristles, said beginning Saturday Choteau area men who are without beards will have to be licensed to remain clean shaven.
--Becker said he and his deputies have volunteered to enforce the shaving ordinance enacted recently “by all right thinking Montanans.” The posse, under “Deputy Dog Vic Sargent,” will hit the streets Saturday selling shaving permits to transgressing citizens. Becker did not reveal the penalty to buy $1 permits, but indicated punishment would be severe.
--the shaving permits are in the form of a badge which reads “Shaving Permit, Montana Centennial, 1864-1964.” Becker emphasized shavers will have to wear the badges at all times or face the possibility of purchasing another permit.
--“We don't want to exact a quart of blood, but it's only fair that those men who don't undergo the agonies of wearing a beard should have to make their contribution some other way,” Becker said.
--Proceeds from the permits will help the Choteau Chamber of Commerce finance July 3 and 4 parades and another portion will be donated to the Centennial fund.
--Becker, incidentally, decided to enforce the shaving permit ordinance after it was agreed the chamber would purchase his beard badge. Choteau Acantha May 7, 1964.

Old time Scenes Will be Displayed.
--Choteau area artists will make their contribution to the Choteau Centennial Day, Mrs. Don Corbett announced this week.
--Beginning Saturday, Mrs. Corbett said paintings of old time scenes and pioneers will go on display at the Villager.
--Mrs. Corbett said seven or eight area artists have indicated they will put paintings on display. Other artists who wish to join the exhibit may bring their paintings to the Villager Saturday, she said. The exhibit will be on display for two weeks. Choteau Acantha May 7, 1964.

5/14/64 May 9 is Choteau Centennial Day event registers 732 people, includes costume contest. (Photo) David Shannon winds two awards at Natl. Science Fair in Baltimore, includes best aerospace chem. exhibit.

Observance Draws Good Crowd
--Choteau Centennial Day drew a good crowd to Choteau Saturday. A total of 732 persons registered at 4-H club booths in the Wedum building.
--Between 200 and 300 persons attended Centennial dress judging at 3 p.m. In the women's division Mrs. Irene McManus (right) was first place winner and Mrs. Art Davidson (left) took second. Lloyd Hodgskiss (second from right) took first among the men and Bob McDonald (second from left) won second place. Dawn Rowley won first in the children's division and Scott Corey, second. Mayor D.P. Fabrick presented the prizes. Mrs. McManus was presented a Centennial coin and Mrs. Davidson, a Centennial cookbook. First and second place winners in the men's division were presented a Centennial coin and medallion respectively. The children were awarded silver dollars.
--While competition in the men's division was somewhat limited, a large number of women competed.
--In registration competition, the Choteau Jolly Juniors won the local prize and the Collins 4-H Boosters won the other $10 prize for outlying communities. Both clubs registered more than 200 persons.
--General merchant reaction to the day was favorable. Several indicated more people entered their stores than they had seen for some time.
--Those who attended seemed pleased with the day's activities.
--Mrs. Herbert Corey, Acantha Collins correspondent, wrote in this week's column, “Speaking for the entire community, we wish to thank the Choteau merchants and the Chamber of Commerce for a day that will long be remembered.
--The day's events were coordinated through the Choteau Chamber of Commerce and sponsored by Choteau merchants. Four-H prizes were furnished by the Chamber.
--Gale Isakson, chairman of the event, said, “We were most pleased with the turnout. The large number of persons who went to the trouble of wearing Centennial costumes proved that folks wanted a day when they could show off their finery. We're pleased to have provided one such occasion.” Choteau Acantha May 14, 1964

5/28/64 Dr. Richard Crabtree elected president of Mont. Optometric Assn. (Photo)

6/11/64 Flood of 1964, worst in Choteau history, town evacuated, “Drowned out” and isolated except for radio contact and airplane flights; no human fatalities; initial damage estimate $3.5 million.

6/18/64 Choteau expects return to pre-flood condition with federal funds. All urged to get typhoid shots. Town sprays for mosquitos and flies. (Photo)

6/25/64 Army Corps. of Engineers begin street and sewer repairs. All paved streets to be torn up and resurfaced. Swimming pool opens on schedule. Farmers and ranchers granted exception to allow CRP grazing. Trout fishing is great in Spring Creek. (Photo)

7/2/64 Recognition of flood workers, trail restoration to take two years. (Photo)

7/7/64 Choteau food ad; Bacon .55/lb.

7/16/64 Am. Red Cross leaves town in improved condition.

7/23/64 Jaycees take delivery of new ambulance, Forest Service workers swarm mountain trails.

7/30/64 Choteau residents do well at state fair (three articles)

8/6/64 Grand opening of expanded Safeway store. (Photo) Opening of H&S Sporting Goods & Clothing. (Photo)

8/13/64 New ambulance picture (Photo)

8/20/64 Wheat “very good to bumper.” S. Malcott catches large six-lb. Teton trout. (Photo) Hospital operates despite flood.

9/3/64 Local school enrollment decreased by 30 to 240. Plane crash, four Canadian men die in Choteau crash. (Photo)

9/10/64 Diversion dam to be rebuilt on Teton River at a cost of $430,655.

9/17/64 Lions require money for pool operations.

10/1/64 David Shannon, Tom Dellwo, National Merit Scholarship semi-finalists. Governor candidate Renne speaks in Choteau.

10/8/64 A.B. Guthrie Jr. article features Choteau in Venture magazine. “Who's Who in the West” lists Guthrie and Dr. J.R. Crabtree.

10/16/64 Architects say new high school is needed. Gambles store celebrates 30 years.

10/22/64 Street repairs following flood concern of city council.

10/29/64 Haircut prices increase from $1.50 to $1.75.

11/5/64 Choteau joins LBJ landslide and other results. (Photo) Council dissatisfaction with street repairs. Chamber ad lists 47 businesses.

11/12/64 Former Choteau physician Dr. Agnes Jones dies in Neb. (Photo) Eureka reservoir poisoned to kill trash fish.

12/3/64 Dry spell of 66 days broken with four inches of snow. School census (6-21 years) down 106 from 1963.

12/10/64 Bid accepted to build new post office. S.D. man given 10-year forgery sentence for passing $10 check at Antler Bar.

12/17/64 Temps fall to -30 F., not a record low.

12/31/64 Proposed rest home offers $8 per day rate for patients for three-year period. Vital stats for year show decline in births and marriages; more deaths and divorces.

Copyright 2013-present  Nancy Thornton  All Rights Reserved