City of Choteau News Highlights from 1975-76
Teton County Montana
A 2013 Centennial Project

"Summarized from the Choteau Acantha Newspaper with its permission by Nancy Thornton, Choteau, Montana. All rights reserved." Copyright 2013-present by Nancy Thornton. This file may be freely copied for non-profit purposes.

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Compiled by volunteers Mary and David Tonkovich March 4, 2013.

1/9/75 (Photo) Supt. of Schools Muriel Reiquam retires after 34 years in office.

1/23/75 (Photo) Open house of Choteau Implement Co.

1/30/75 (Photo) (Photo) New ambulance arrives in Choteau.

2/13/75 Olga Monkman receives Heritage Award for contributions to MT development from MT Cowgirls Assn.

2/20/75 (Photo) Charles Nauck, CHS senior in National competition, National Society of Prof. Engineers.

2/27/75 Hospital construction “on” again as funds released. Double Arrow vet. clinic sale to Dr. Robert Lee by Dr. Bill Patton.

3/6/75 (Photo) Norma's Fabric Shop holds grand opening.

4/17/75 (Photo) Heaviest snowfall of year closed all roads out of Choteau, Acantha delivery delayed. (Seven feet by 100 feet snow drift shown.)

4/24/75 (Photo) Choteau Cubmaster Don LaBaugh receives district Cubmaster of the Year award.

5/1/75 A total of 37 CHS musicians with superior ratings head to state music meet.

5/15/75 (Photo) New councilmembers Dr. Bill Patton and Tony Jaconetty sworn in by Mayor Jim Hamilton, they join Bob Nauck and Dan Mayson.

5/22/75 (Photo) Choteau Extension Agent Anne Rehbein given highest USDA award for work on Emergency Medical Services Council.

5/29/75 Parkway Café to close.

6/19/75 (Photo) Teton Trail Village opens, two new businesses, Patch Pocket Boutique and Vigen Saddle Shop. 160 high school contestants as Choteau hosts District 3 high school rodeo, Jaycees sponsors.

6/26/75 (Photo) More than three inches of rain in six days plus much more in mountains caused heavy flooding for second time in 11 years, greatest damage in sewer lines, streets, alleys and sewer lagoon.

7/3/75 (Photo) Flood damage assessed, less severe than 1964 flood.

7/17/75 Group asks reconsideration of hospital site.

7/24/75 Trustes choose hospital site near Skyline.

9/18/75 A.B.Guthrie Jr. book, The Last Valley, now on sale.

10/2/75 Sen. Melcher explains plan to close small post offices. (Photo) New water line for golf course. Photos of Old Settler's event.

10/9/75 A total of 130 members attend Old Settler's meeting.

10/30/75 Gov. Tom Judge visits Choteau to discuss flood damage. Honey business is big business, three apiaries.

11/6/75 Discussion of swimming pool finances. Photo of elephant sculpture at Dunckel home.

11/13/75 Sketch of proposed new hospital; photos, models of Old Choteau Main Street/Old Agency.

11/20/75 Photo of Hodgskiss sisters, trip to Chicago 4H Congress.

12/4/75 Dog issue tops agenda at council meeting.

12/18/75 (Photo) Program honoring Wm. Olsen, school clerk for 26 years; Photo of new Jensen Insurance building.

Compiled by volunteers Mary and David Tonkovich March 6, 2013.

1/8/76 (Photo) Choteau Bakery has new owners, Jim and Judy Scott. Bill McCauley elected Chamber of Commerce president.

1/15/76 (Photo) Spring Creek ice jams cause flooding.

1/22/76 Rodney and Debbie Luinstra purchase Teton Cleaners.

1/29/76 (Photo) Dr. Steve Wibbeler opens Choteau dental practice.

2/12/76 (Photo) CHS wrestlers win divisional championship.

2/19/76 (Photo) Bulldog wrestlers place second in state.

4/22/76 USPS changes, no Sunday or holiday delivery; Sunday Tribune will be placed in lobby. Copies not picked up Sunday will be placed in boxes on Monday. (Photo) Choteau Activities begins rehab program here; group home is coming.

6/17/76 (Photo) The Foothills, a new men's clothing store, opened by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hinch. Jaycees sponsor district high school rodeo, draws record crowds; Choteau's Lennie Tosen is runner-up all-around cowboy.

6/24/76 Jay Dunckel named to city council, replacing Bill Patton who has left Choteau.
7/1/76 (Photo) Choteau observes Bicentennial with big two-day celebration, includes two parades, ecumenical church service in park, beard judging contest, buffalo barbecue, rodeo, pageant, dances and fireworks. (Photo) History article How Choteau Got its name by Mrs. Gordon Monkman, bio of Pierre Choteau 1789-1865.

7/8/76 Many photos of Bicentennial activities.

7/15/76 Rain with lightning brings 1.34 inches precipitation and postpones Babe Ruth tourney championship game.

7/29/76 (Photo) Choteau Activities, Inc. opens group home for developmentally disabled individuals.

8/5/76 (Photo) Choteau Swim Team wins division championship.

8/19/76 (Photo) Choteau Lions Swim Team completes 20th year with win of Westcentral Federation title.

9/2/76 (Photo) Mayor James Hamilton and Teton Nursing Home Administrator Arlene Wolbaum plant trees as part of community improvement projects to enhance town's beauty.

9/9/76 Teton Hospital Auxiliary reaches $13,000 goal for state-of-the-art heart monitor.

9/23/76 (Photo) Richey family new owners of Sears Merchant Catalog store. No bids received for special bonds for sewer line construction.

9/30/76 (Photo) Elaine Tesch honored as state nursing home queen, standing room only ceremony. (Photo) Choteau Local Govt. Study Commission presents final proposed for commission-managed charter - members: Leo Murphy, Robert Jensen, Laura Jaconetty.

10/14/76 Choteau Food Market - new owners Mr. and Mrs. Roger White.

11/4/76 City Attorney Leo Murphy resigns after 24 years in job.

11/18/76 Safeway closes Choteau store; Gary Durocher reopens as Gary's IGA. F.L. Johnson of Choteau caught five pound, 15 oz. salmon at Pishkun, state record.

11/25/76 City Council, new dog ordinance ruled invalid; Greg Curtis retained as new city attorney. (Photo) Ralph Coleman retires after 38 years as Burlington Northern depot agent. (Photo) CHS senior Laura Stott named to All-divisional first team, basketball.

Copyright 2013-present  Nancy Thornton  All Rights Reserved