City of Choteau News Highlights from 1979-80
Teton County Montana
A 2013 Centennial Project

"Summarized from the Choteau Acantha Newspaper with its permission by Nancy Thornton, Choteau, Montana. All rights reserved." Copyright 2013-present by Nancy Thornton. This file may be freely copied for non-profit purposes.
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Compiled by volunteer Nancy Thornton April 8, 2013.

Highlights/Acantha recap.
1/4/79 Worst blizzard in years, longest and worst winter on record.

June 1979 Nationwide truckers strike leaves gallons of nails scattered for 10 miles. Choteau service stations flooded with tire repairs.

12/1979 100 mph winds, damage reported. Milwaukee Railroad plans to closure. Choteau proposes 20-block area designed as floodway after study of 1964 and 1975 floods east of Spring Creek.

1/4/79 (Photos) Worst blizzard paralyzes Choteau area, stranding motorists. Water backing up in basements because Spring Creek is freezing up. Choteau Boy Scout Troop named beneficiaries of trust of the late George Coffey.

1/11/79 County road crew busy clearing drifts. Long hard winter means Choteau's sidewalks and streets have large amounts of snow.
Council proposes snow removal ordinance, 11 a.m. in business district, 24 ours in residential district after storm. Groundwater getting into sewer system where the pipes cross Spring Creek on the east side of town. City used 195,004,000 gallons of water in 1978.
Log building to be used as visitors' center at the museum, on north edge of town. 65 days of continuous snow on ground, temperature not above freezing since Dec. 14.
Teton Furniture has January clearance sale.

1/18/79 Mayor Hamilton warns children that Spring Creek is a hazard to them because of ice and spring water. Water no place to go, freezes in dangerous arch.
County commissioners declare snow emergency. Sixteen-year-old Kara Jeanne Hinch dies after a severe attack of asthma.

1/25/79 Debra Wilt Reiding murdered in Austin Texas, a 1978 CHS Graduate.
Proposed snow removal ordinance has opposition. Residents want city to plow sidewalks regardless of cost, but others complain that it blocks driveways.
Teton County Commissioners deny city council request for the formation of a city/county planning board. Only County Planning Board exists. Council considers cooperative agreement between city of Choteau Police Department and Teton County Sheriff's office.
Council applies for $374,000 from Small Cities HUD grant to put sewer, water and streets in the Jackson Addition.
City Fire Chief Don Hofeldt and Ben Hoge propose building an addition on fire hall so all fire trucks could be housed in same place.
GTA Elevator undergoes $52,000 remodeling project.
Teton Memorial Hospital Association reaches $65,000 goal as of Jan. 17.

2/1/79 CHS wrestlers win northern A conference.

2/8/79 Weather records show 17 of 31 days in January have below zero readings. New dog licenses available til March 1 without $10 penalty. 20 citations in January for dogs running at large.
Montana Air National Guard of Great Falls comes to Choteau with rotary plow to clear Choteau Airport runways.
E.P. Ekegren Inc. hosts Farming Frontiers Day with special deals.
Rex's Thriftway has carload sale.

2/15/79 Mr. and Mrs. Isakson sell their department store to Duke and Joyce Ferguson of St. Louis, Mo. Isaksons opened after J.C. Penney's store closed after 41 years in early 1969. Fergusons to name store “The Outfitters.” Roger White elected Chamber president. Council moves to create city planning board. City and County to share costs of building fire hall garage addition.

2/22/79 Norma's Fabrics observes 10th year in business, Norma Barrett, owner.

3/1/79 Council inks fire hall construction sharing deal with county. County to pay half. Polic Chief Anderson wants to form a police reserve program. Ordinance to form city planning board adopted.

3/8/79 Choteau Jaycees honor four residents for outstanding work in community, Bernice Van Setten, Ben Wombacher, Charlie and Marsha Hinch.
The Corral clothing store has successful grand opening, Bob and Julene Crawford, owners.
(Photo) The Nature Conservancy buys Durr Ranch and Circle 8 Guest Ranch, 6,700 acres in and around Pine Butte Swamp.
(Photo) Archival, Teton County Free High School.

3/15/79 Council approves plan to form police reserve.
(Photo) (Archival) Methodist Church 1895.
Mrs. Ralph Paulus named winter of 17th annual Choteau Toastmistress speech contest.
(Photo) Cattle drive past Choteau Elementary School.

3/22/79 American Legion Post celebrates 60th year of national organization with dinner and history presentation.

3/29/79 Chamber urges shoppers to come to Dollar Days March 30-31. city designates April Spring Clean Up month; place lawn and tree refuse in alley. 15 citations during February for violations of dog ordinance.

4/5/79 (Photo) Charles Brackney named Teton Medical Center administrator.
(Photo) Senior Citizens group hold mortgage burning on the building known as the Henneford building purchased for center in May 1977, Dorothy Cook, president.

4/12/79 Choteau FFA chapter places second in state. Incumbent Tony Jaconetty wins reelection in Ward I. Jay Dunckel, unopposed in Ward II. Engineers urge replacement of 2,700 feet of sewer line where it crosses Spring Creek to cut down on the groundwater infiltration.
Chamber sponsors Easter Egg Hunt with 2,000 eggs, donated for park event.

4/19/79 (Photo) The Outfitters store hosts grand opening April 20-21.
Choteau Country Club elects officers, Dave Denney, president. TMC Auxiliary presents Health Fair May 25.

4/26/79 City and County reach final agreement on fire hall addition. Cost split, total $52,742, 40x50 feet, Ben Hoge gets contract for $37,742. County fire truck to be stored there for 30 years. County fire truck had been stored in Sheriff's office, creating confusion on calls.
Rex's Thriftway has 39th anniversary sale.

5/3/79 (Photo) Karen Dabney, 27, killed in one care crash eight miles east of Choteau on Sec. Hwy 221.
Choteau Jaycees install officers, Miles Anderson, president. Choteau Jayceens install officers, Sandy Hodgskiss, president.
(Photo) Rex and Edith Peterson, 31st anniversary as owners of Rex's Thriftway.
Three school levies passed by voters, CES $143,470, CHS $72,498, and $30,000 for purchase of new school activity bus.
(Photo) New bathhouse construction underway.

5/10/79 Chamber to hand out tourist information packets at info booth at Teton Trail Village. Ordered colored postcards to advertise town through tourist trade, from D&E Photo of Choteau.

5/17/79 Robert W. Gormley, who retired in 1977 after 27 years as superintendent of Choteau schools gives commencement address.
Teton Trail Village opens for season. Ole Lestrud's miniature re-creation of Choteau will be added to museum. Choteau Kiwanis Club installs officers, Ron Brumberger, president.
(Photo) Tree cut to make room for fire hall addition. The Gateway Inn, formerly Cornell Café in the old Cornell Hotel, hosts smorgasbord, Robert and Susan Young, owners.
TMC Auxiliary health Fair not well attended, will be evaluated.

5/24/79 Group asks city to donate land for construction of Ag building by rodeo grounds. County Commissioners say city lost right seat on County Planning Board (membership) when it formed city planning board.
(Photo) Mrs. Dick (Carol) Jimenez appointed Choteau postmaster, effective May 5 to replace Bob Armstrong who retired.
5/31/79 41 graduate from Choteau Elementary School. volunteers needed to man tourist info booth at Teton Trail Village, Chamber says.
Bathhouse construction fund short by $3,000 to $5,000. Fundraising planned, Zion Construction in charge.
(Photo) Bynum School Band.

6/7/79 Walter and Anna Bier sell Antler Bar to Claude and Audrey Kieft of Conrad. Biers had owned it for five years. May records only .09 inch of moisture, normal is 2.22.
(Photo) construction of new fire hall addition.

6/14/79 (Photo) District Boy Scout Camporee held with 500 scouts in Teton Canyon. Record crowds attend high school rodeo, six Choteau boys qualify for state High School Rodeo.
(Photo) Cable TV installation nearly completed in city by Vigilante Satellite Services Inc.
(Photo) trees toppled during bad windstorm in Choteau.
(Photo) Archival. Chouteau family story.
(Photo) Foothills erect new sign. Choteau Country Club sponsor father-son golf tournament June 17.

6/21/79 July 4th plans underway, $1,000 in parade prizes. Badly needed moisture arrives on June 17, .11 inch, .78 inch on June 18. Fireworks fund only one-third complete. Vic and Rose Krueger of Augusta and WestMont Agency of Choteau announce sale of Leo G. Murphy Agency to WestMont. WestMont Agency started in Choteau in 1947 by Arnold Hanusa as Hanusa Agency until 1976 when name changed to WestMont.
(Photo) Fishing in Spring Creek. Pool to operate after being closed since summer of 1977 when old bathhouse torn down and new one are delayed.

6/28/79 Rainbow Arts and Crafts store opens in Norma's Fabric shop, Laura Jaconetty, owner. Nails scattered on roads , U.S. Highway 287, Sheriff believes related to national truckers strike, 10 miles affected from Teton river bridge to Jackson Corner.

7/5/79 (Photo) 100 attend meeting in Choteau to organize to protect water rights to Teton river. (Photo) 16 Little Leaguers baseball teams participate in Choteau invitational tournament.

7/12/79 (Photo) Cable installation to homes and businesses to begin Monday.
(Photo) Record crowds at July 4th celebration. Teton Trail village wins $250 grand prize fro best float. Robert Tallon named director of Choteau Activities Inc., replacing John Simurdak.
(Photo) Ralph Bouma and Sons Trucking move to site northeast of Choteau Airport form Conrad. Erect large metal building. four arrested, part of unruly crowd at rodeo. Others well behaved with a minimum of problems, Sheriff says.
(Photo) Choteau Little Leaguers win first place trophy.

7/19/79 (Photo) Five dinosaur eggs found west of Choteau. 4-H Market Show sale July 23. Ervin Ketterling named Choteau superintendent to succeed James Keef who resigned. Council reviews preliminary budget, last year 63.5 mills.
Ninth annual Art on the Green July 21-22 with 40-50 artists.
Teton County Commissioners hold hearing to get comments on proposed comprehensive plan and zoning regulations for 3/4 mile area adjacent to the Choteau city limits. Will help accommodate future growth requirements in an orderly and efficient manner.
Choteau Lions Club elects Don Murray president and others. Post cards advertising Choteau available at tourist info center at Teton Trail Village. Choteau Women win softball league tournament.
Trinity Lutheran Church completes plans to have preschool class, Olive Hellickson, instructor.

7/26/79 Council sets 63.5 mill levy same as last year. Taxable value $1,456,790, lowest taxable value since 1971-72 tax year. Low water pressure noted in the Sherburne Addition when everyone is watering. Dave Hartman, a 1971 CHS Graduate, to open refrigeration and AC service in Choteau.

8/2/79 (Photo) Ann Jagoda opens unisex beauty shop in her home across from Hensley Motel. Bob and Pat Findorff sold their flower shop and greenhouse to Bob and MarSue Jensen effective Aug. 1. Jensens recently sold their insurance business to WestMont. Sidewalk sales, discounts galore.

8/9/79 July weather hot and dry with only .5 inch of moisture falling in month, average is 1.40. Choteau firemen answerd four fire calls in a six day period including two at same time, first time that happened in 20 years.
80 children attend Huck Finn Day in park, Choteau Jaycees, sponsor.

8/16/79 Dinosaur eggs recently found, on display for 10 days at Choteau library.

8/23/79 Swim classes draw 227 by summer's end. Bathhouse, new water boiler and additional cement work to cost $59,000. $25,000 comes from Bureau of Outdoor Recreation.

8/30/79 B.O. “Bud” Moulton retires after 30 years and three months as a rural mail carrier. (Photo) Archival. Mr. and Mrs. Soo Son. Mike Graf, new operator of Big Sky 66 Service Station in Choteau.

9/6/79 Phillips 66 Bulk Plant operator Glen Stoudt sells plant to Denny and Donna Perry. Stoudt ran it for 27 years. Council objects to federal government and Indian tribes being in court to obtain water rights in region.
Choteau Schools enroll 528, a decline of 83 from last year. CHS dropped below 200, for first time, 198 in High school, 330 in grade school. Drilling exploration wells in Blackleaf.

9/13/79 Lora Wier takes position as public health nurse, replacing Ann Clarke who resigned.

9/20/79 Uproar over Montana's “Poached” dinosaur eggs, makes daily news.

9/27/79 Garbage trucks going to landfill, lose items, litter airport. Council authorizes clerk to purchase time clock for use by city employees. A.B. Guthrie comments on dinosaur story.

10/4/79 Teton Trail Village tallies 5,355 visitors. Gary's IGA has customer appreciation days. (Photo) Archival. Teton County Dormitory girls of 1921.

10/11/79 Mayor James Hamilton says he discussed with truckers parking in residential areas and feels the problem is taken care of. Youth in YACC program clean up the city park along Spring Creek and put pole fences in to control cars and livestock in area.
Annual Firemens Ball on Saturday features dancing to music of “Montana All-Stars.” Their only fundraiser of year. Adolph Kadubeck is dance chairman. 9 a.m. to 2 a.m., breakfast to be served at conclusion.
(Photo) Choteau firemen help stop wildfire in west Fork Teton that destroyed two cabins. Three students make All Star Choir: Linda Rasmussen, Midge Herman and Stewart Peebles.

10/18/79 Lions Club hosts Pool Festival on Nov. 10. Costume contest set for Chamber's Moonlight Madness Shopping Day on Oct. 27. Council opposes abandonment of Milwaukee Railroad in this area, would hurt grain farmers.
(Photo) CHS Homecoming parade.

10/25/79 Teton Zoning District goes into effect Nov. 1, regulations for area one mile deep outside Choteau city limits. Council notes residents may trim Boulevard trees but must have permission of council to cut them down. Choteau Food observes three-year anniversary, Bud and Suzee White, owners. City now picking up leaves in curbs, canno use leaf machine in alleys. Old Settlers hold annula party, Jesse Bleecker president.

11/1/79 (Photo) Locals all in costumes for Moonlight Madness sales. Mrs. Nora Larsen and Mrs. Peggy Taylor presented 40-year pins for continuous membership in Queen Rebekah Lodge. Tennie courts next Lions project. John Swanson Sr., 82, recently hit 4th hole in one on the Choteau Country Club golf course.
(Photo) Sears store holds pumpkin carving contest.

11/8/79 (Photo) Four-stall fire hall addition completed. Freda Simonson replaces Oscar Ekstrom as Skyline Lodge manager.

11/15/79 Good turnout at Fall Festival, says Lions Club president Don Murray.

11/22/79 TMC Auxiliary sponsors 4th annual “Lights of Love” Christmas tree. State liquor store is burglarized.
(Photo) John A. Platt, Ph.D., is now psychologist at Mental Health Center in Choteau. Doug Denny becomes Eagle Scout during Court of Honor, BS Troop 46. Albert Duran-driver of car that was involved in accident where Karen Dabney sustained fatal injuries east of Choteau, died in car accident near Hardin.
(Photo) Mrs. Wayne Gollehon bagged bighorn sheep in Billy Gulch west of Choteau after successfully applying for permit for 15 years.

11/29/79 (Photo) KOA office building badly damaged by fire. (Photo) Jensens of Choteau adds floral department at downtown location, observes 2nd anniversary.
Firest reading of snow removal ordinance, $100 fine. City will clean sidewalks in residential areas whenever it has enough time and manpower to do so.
Council eliminates Saturday garbage pickup in residential areas.
New Energy law requires city buildings to be no higher than 65 when in use and dropped to 50 when vacant.
Enginners say cost $2 million to remove ammonia from lagoon discharge.
Robert N. Craven and James H. Keating given permission to use lagoon discharge to irrigate 100 acres with sprinkler system.
Michael Kluth's request to place a chicken house on his lot denied because chickens may not be kept in residential areas of city.
CHS Drama Club and music department to present “Hello Dolly!”
Rom Brumberger's Beauty Salon open in new location in the Crabtree building, moved from Ellen's store.
(Photo) Two solar collectors installed on the Leo Murphy residence, first in city to heat home.
(Photo) (Archival) High priced beef on hoof.

12/6/79 Indian water suits dismissed in court. Choteau stores open certain evening hours and Roxy to host free matinee “Matilda” on Dec. 15.
(Photo) Dusty Crary named Northern Rodeo Association 1979 Rookie of the Year.

12/13/79 (Photo) High winds upend shed at Dave Zion's place. 15 residents discuss snowplowing with council, 10-3 in audience spoke against proposed snow removal ordinance. Council reduced proposed fine to $50, then adopted ordinance on second reading. City attorney Greg Curtis files suit on behalf of city asking Government to crop the Flood Plain designation for Choteau. Curtis says looks doubtful there will be a change.
Clerk Dellwo files four water rights filings and two wells the city has for water supply, under a new water act these had to be filed again.
(Photo) Archival. First elected officials in 1894.

12/20/79 Hurricane force winds cause damage to area, Choteau Airport, Jay Cotes house roof askew, temperature at airport goes from 52 above zero on Friday, down to a -21 Saturday night and back up to 58 above on Monday. Wind indicator blew away so no official reading. Several inches of snow fell, then melted.
19 power poles downed, winds estimated 100 mph and perhaps small tornado.
Enoch Stroh, manager of Montana Power at Choteau, says it's the worst wind storm h can remember. Long power outage in Choteau. Pine trees toppled, rather than cottonwoods.

12/27/79 Flooding area designation is over 20 square blocks east of Spring Creek, no construction of any type is allowed. Over 90 homes and businesses affected, runs six blocks east. Council wants size reduced to those who would be affected by a 100-year flood.

1/3/1980 (Photo) Storm

1/10/80 Floodway plan amended to about 10 square blocks and 45 homes and businesses. Railroad to east of 5th Ave. Minimum wage now $3.10. CD rates 11.85 percent.

1/17/80 Jesse Malone Jr. opens accounting business in Larson building, Teton Computing Services.

1/24/80 Morrison-Mairle hired to determine Choteau's floodway, and once approval, no more new construction or major improvements will be allowed. City Council proposed three ordinances: to change city judge post from elective to appointive, to list the judges duties, and to amend city building codes to comply with state's. John Albrecht appointed city judge to fill unexpired term of Barbara Anderson. He also replaces Anderson as Justice of the Peace. Jay Cole and Ward McKay hired as part-time police officers for city. Choteau has 11 employees and a levy of 63.5 mills. City is remodeling old fire hall garage into a meeting room. Present Chamber officers are: Roger White, president; Don Larson, VP; George Higgins, Sec-Treas., and directors, Jim Arensmeyer, Charles Hinch, jack Rogers and Donna Perry.

1/31/80 Two 1979 snowmobiles stolen from Husky Service Station, Frank and Connie Kelly owners. Dog licenses due Jan. 31 for dogs over four months. CHS wrestlers win Northern A conference. (Photo_) 1913 photo of E.N. Haugen family (Photographer from the past)

2/7/80 MHSA reclassifies CHS from class A to class B, along with entire Northern A Division.

2/14/80 (Photo) Chamber elects new officers, Donna Perry, pres.; Marsha Hinch, VP; Julene Crawford, Sec-Treas.; Directors are Doug Peterson, Duke Ferguson, Walter McNutt, Jay Dunckel, and outgoing president Roger White. Petitioners heard to not approve ordinance 219 providing for the appointment of a city judge. But, changed their minds after Mayor Hamilton explained the rationale. Sewer lagoon water now being used for irrigation nearby, hope is to completely reduce discharge into the Teton River. Council approves ordinances on city judge duties and building cods. City will enforce all codes except state will enforce electrical, plumbing and elevator codes. Lyle Martin completes city hall remodeling. New bathhouse completed at Lions Club pool. Mayor Hamilton urges business owners to use off street parking behind Antler Bar so more street parking is available for shoppers.

2/21/80 Dusty Crary, 19, named 1979 Rookie of the Year for Northern Rodeo Association.

2/28/80 Dog ordinance violators plan to appeal to District Court. Council objects to floodway boundaries. Council in negotiations with Gary Durocher to purchase three or four acres west of city well. Council tables appointment of city judge ordinance.

3/6/80 In 1979, 3,500 individual uses counted at Teton Medical Center, $1 million budget. Lions Club discusses building tennis courts. Teton County Cowbelles sponsor Ag-Fair on March 20 in city pavilion. Acantha subscription price rises to $8 per year. Chamber members to sponsor Dollar Days March 28-29.

3/13/80 City of Choteau receives about $11,000 each year from the federal Revenue Sharing Program. City purchases 9.60 acres near city reserve water well northwest of Choteau from Gary Durocher. No price given. City asks Montana Power to update about 60 old street lights with new mercury vapor type lights to give more light.

3/20/80 Businesses asked to furnish three dozen eggs for Chamber of Commerce Easter Egg Hunt April 5. Park to be split into four areas according to age. Burlington Northern purchases Milwaukee Road property in area. Lions complete payments for new bathhouse at pool. Plan to use excess funds for tennis courts. 1980 census packets arrive.

Issues missing.

4/24/80 remodeling of meeting room at fire hall discussed at council meeting. Bid specs for operating landfill reviewed. HUD authorized Morrison-Mairle to make a hydrology study of Spring Creek to determine the flow that can come during high water years. Durocher land agreement includes $5,000 down payment. New Rockport Hutterite Colony request an attendance center in 80-81 school year from School District No. 1, matter tabled by school board. (Photo) Farmington.

5/1/80 (Photos) Choteau Senior Citizens host May 4 open house to view newly renovated center on Main Ave., the former Henneford building purchased by the Senior Citizens in 1974 but leased to another party until recently. Rummage room to be staffed by Edna Franklin and Tena Marinchek. Dolly Tennis is center coordinator.

5/8/80 Drought conditions persist in April, dry, warm, frustrating. Lee and Virginia Zwerneman sell mortuary to Burns Funeral Home. Z Mortuary built in January 1965, now Acantha building in 2013.
(Photo) Skyline Lodge celebrates 8th anniversary, opened 5/1/1972. Sip & Sup Café for sale immediately, package deal , fixtures sold with building, contact Jessie White or Pete Howard.
(Photo) Milwaukee Road train depot moved to new site at Western States Industries. Opportunities Inc. sponsors Choteau's new community garden program for low income and other residents to grow their own. Garden with water line located at 127-4th Ave. SE. Dick Conklin owner of land, donated use. City donated water, 17 families sign up.

5/15/80 Plans discussed to obtain an additional sewer line to lagoon to ease present line and have sewer service for Jackson Addition. To be put to vote at next general election. Meeting room remodel to cost $2,000; firemen to do most of work.
75 trees planted on boulevards around town. City asks residents to conserve irrigation with lack of rain. “We do not have a shortage of water,” Clerk Dellwo said. Summer watering hours normal.
Teton Trail Village on north end of town open for season May 23. Florence Weist, museum curator.

5/22/80 (Photo) Choteau High School graduation ceremony cancelled on Monday and rescheduled for Wednesday because of volcanic ash drifting into area from Mount St. Helen's volcano in Washington. Layer of ash like a fog reducing visibility to a mile or less.
Choteau Jaycees sponsor District 3 high school rodeo on June 6-8 at American Legion Rodeo grounds.

5/29/80 Record rain, 3.3 inches in one week alleviates drought, coupled with strong northerly winds Only last fall's windstorm stands out in memory for toppling trees over by pulling them right out of soil. (Photos)
Fireworks und drive underway. Every family urged to donate. Choteau fireman Lee Richey heads drive. Choteau has had a fireworks show for last 14 years.
45 graduate from Choteau High school.
Bob Woodahl installed as Lions Club president along with other officers.

6/5/80 Council awards bid to Cook Construction for $55,500 to operate city landfill for three years.
May has 4.55 inches of rain in month, average is 2.06 inches.

6/12/80 Choteau Country Club hosts 51 golfers for its Fun Day last Saturday.
Chamber offers nearly $1,000 in prize money in July 4th parade competition. Lions Club resurfaces tennis courts at cost of $17,000.
City agrees to sell south half of land recently purchased form Gary Durocher near Richem well. Five acres for $1,900 per acre plus cost of platting.
(Photo) 8th grade class graduation at Choteau Elementary School.

6/19/80 (Photo)Swimming pool opens. lifesaving class taught by Chuck Nauck, Diving program run by Doug Forrest.
Ambulance drivers needed for Choteau Ambulance Service. Contact Bob or Dorothy Armstrong. VFW Auxiliary elects officers, Donna Bemis, president.

6/26/80 Plans complete for July 4 celebration. (Photo) Tennis courts get coat of oil. Council drafts new truck parking ordinance to prohibit tractor and trailer rigs in residential areas. Police Chief Geo. Anderson to issue tickets for parking on sidewalks and crosswalks. City objects to septic tanks in the flood plan.
(Photo) Fire department has training sessions to learn to use self-contained breathing apparatus. Choteau Postmaster Carol Jimenez explains cut in hours.

7/3/80 (Photo) Teton Medical Center creates meditation room with cross as a place for daily meditation and spiritual comfort in time of need.
Fireworks not allowed in city, $25 fine; will be strictly enforced. Teton County adopts zoning regulations for an area extending about one mile beyond the city limits.

7/10/80 (Photo) Parade floats. Thousands attend parade and rodeo as weatherman cooperates for July 4 celebration. (Photo) Joan Scott's float is $250 grand prize winner, Parade chairmen Charlie Hinch and Walt McNutt announce.
City budget is $493,042 for coming year, 63 mills expected, same as last year. Value of mill $1,450.

7/17/80 Choteau Jaycees host Art on the Green with 40 to 50 artists at city park. 4-H'ers display project work at Teton County Fair in pavilion. (Photo) 1942-1947 class reunion pictures.

7/24/80 (Photo) Choteau traveling baseball team wins Valley League tournament.
(Photo) Rev. Harry Butori named pastor of St. Joseph Catholic Church replacing Rev. John P. Kerrigan. Sidewalk Sale Days set Aug. 1-2.
Lions Club President Bob Woodahl and Swimming Pool Chairman Stan Rathman tell council $4,500 budget by city is not enough to meet expenses. City denies request for more.
(Photo) Art of the Green photos. Clerk Dellwo reported city installed about a dozen French drains throughout the city to get rid of water puddles, the only type of drainage the city can afford.
(Photo) Teton County High School class of 1930 holds 50th reunion in Choteau. Of 28 pupils, 10 were able to attend, seven had died.

7/31/80 (Photo) Choteau divers, swimmers are divisional champs. Council discusses flood report with HUD officials. Mayor Hamilton said the council feels strongly that Choteau does not have a flooding problem. Engineers suggested raising the county road about four feet for 150 years to stop the Teton River from crossing into Spring Creek. Floodway regulations updated.
Dedication ceremony set Aug. 10 for pool bathhouse and tennis courts by Lions Club.
Stores offer discounts for Sidewalk Sale Days. Choteau Jaycees host annual Huck Finn Day for children up to age 12.
Homer and Dorothy Gorder of Watford City, ND, buy Burns Funeral Home, change name.
Hamilton says floodway study not well done and does not present a true picture of the conditions of Spring Creek. Major zoning changes adopted.

8/7/80 Choteau swimmers, divers place second in state meet. (Photo) Sidewalk sales.

8/14/80 Merchants complain to council about people selling from trucks and on street corners. New Zoning Map approved, official zoning of all land.
Preliminary census counts 1,789 in Choteau, but 97 vacant or seasonal dwellings.
Chamber hosts Jessie White Day Aug. 24 for her many years of serving the public in the restaurant business. White sells Sip & Sup Café to Joe and Nancy Herron.
(Photo) Dedication of bathhouse, tennis courts. Speaker cites long history of service.
City adopts budget with same mill levy because taxable value jumps from $1,450 million in 1979 to $1.604 million. First time in 10 years that the taxable value went up. Choteau firemen set annual picnic Aug. 17 in park.

8/21/80 (Photo) New senior citizen van available for out of town trips.
Choteau citizens want 3 Rives Telephone Coop. to take over phone system in town from Mountain Bell Phone Co., cite bad service.
Maureen Strazbas replaces Mrs. Bob Nauck as Choteau librarian. Nauck is now in charge of the Teton County Emergency Services that operate ambulances in Choteau and Fairfield. Longtime former County Sheriff Albert O. Peterson dies Aug. 13.

8/28/80 (Photo) Four members of James Crawford family killed in small private plane crash at Choteau airport; James, Sheila, and daughters Tracy, 18, Brooke, 15. In critical condition are daughter Jamie, 21, and son, Clay, 17. Memorial service on Aug. 28 in Choteau High School auditorium.
American Legion brings big top circus to Choteau Aug. 27.

9/4/80 Jamie Crawford also dies of injuries from plane crash.
Choteau schools have six new teachers. Choteau enrollment dips below 500, 323 in elementary and 176 in high school for a total of 499. Last year's count was 528. Steady decline since 1975 when 611 students enrolled.
236 receive instructions during swim season.

9/18/80 Teton Trail Village 1980 season best in four years. Lions to host pool festival on Sept. 27 to raise funds, as costs to operate it mount. County census figure announced, 6 percent increase, 6,116 to 6,485 in 1980.

9/25/80 City prepares lot near mini-park to be used for a skating rink.

10/2/80 Choteau High School purchases used grand piano with funds received as a memorial to the Jim Crawford family. More funds needed to cover balance.
(Photo) Homecoming photos.

10/9/80 Chamber sets Oct. 25 as Moonlight Madness promotion event. Stores open 7 p.m. to 9 or 9:30 p.m.

10/16/80 Sunday lightning storm cause of nine grass fires in county.
Firemen's annual dance, only fundraiser of year, on Oct. 18. Andy's Appliance Center observes 23rd year of business, Andy and Charlene Jenson, operators.
Teton County Hospital District Board agrees to buy infant monitor for Teton Medical Center.

10/30-80 Truck parking ordinance approved. Bulldogs football team wins Northern B conference. (Photo) Past presidents of Oldest Settlers group.

11/6/80 City awarded $105,000 grant from EPA to rehab sewer system, city match is $35,000. Replacement of sewer line in Hobson Addition east of Spring Creek.
City, county cast landslide votes for Ronald Reagan. Chip N' Dale Tree House daycare opens, Jeri Austin, owner and director.

11/13/80 Choteau Steak House opens with new owners, Mexican food. Mercy and Bill Fennimore of Flagstaff, AZ, take over.
Plans underway to raise $40,000 to construct all-steel building to be used as a livestock center (Weatherbeater of today).

12/11/80 Temperature plummets below zero for seven consecutive days, Dec. 2-7.
Skate rink now ready. Free movie, Santa visit set for Saturday, store hours extended.

12/18/80 Lions to build warming house at ice rink.

12/25/80 Jim and Judy Scott sell Choteau Bakery to Tom and Marcie Eckerson. Bleachers at rodeo grounds deemed unsafe by state. Plans underway to replace them, per Ray Hanson and Lyle Otness of American Legion.

Copyright 2013-present  Nancy Thornton  All Rights Reserved