City of Choteau News Highlights from 1981-83
Teton County Montana
A 2013 Centennial Project

"Summarized from the Choteau Acantha Newspaper with its permission by Nancy Thornton, Choteau, Montana. All rights reserved." Copyright 2013-present by Nancy Thornton. This file may be freely copied for non-profit purposes.
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Compiled with permission from the Choteau Acantha by Nancy Thornton 5/27/13.

Summer 1981 A fleet of seven helicopters was stationed at Choteau during the summer and were used by the oil companies to fly workers into the mountains to conduct seismic surveys.

June 1981. American Legion with volunteers constructed new bleachers at the rodeo grounds. State Health Department said that if new bleachers were not constructed there could be no high school or American Legion rodeos held in Choteau.

September 1981. New lights installed on the Choteau High School football field. Money came in part from memorials from the untimely death of head football coach Rich Dean.

Compiled with permission from the Choteau Acantha by Nancy Thornton 5/27/13.

January 1982. Choteau author A.B. Guthrie Jr. honored by the Montana Arts Council for Distinguished Achievement in the Arts and he received the Governor's Art Award from Gov. Ted Schwinden.

April 1982 School bond levy election passes for a one-time-only 4 mill levy to raise $41,000 for a hardwood gym floor. The floor was completed during the summer.

June 1982. City of Choteau lets bids for a $166,957 sewer improvement project to replace sewer lines in the Spring Creek area which were infiltrated with water from the creek. Project completed in November.

General Mills Elevator Co. constructs three large concrete grain storage silos.

Hearing held to announce final determination as to how large an area is included in floodway. Choteau officials do not agree.

10/14/82. Lee Corbett and Jack Van DeRiet killed in plane crash.

11/11/82 Robert Gronberg, controlling interest, announces the sale of Citizens State Bank to Duane S. Amundson of Plentywood and his brother, Lloyd A. Amundson of Sioux Falls, S.D. Longtime bank employee George Higgins named bank manager.

11/20/82 Betty and Jim Short's home damaged in fire.

12/29/82 Mobile home of Conrad Gunderson family destroyed in fire.

Compiled with permission from the Choteau Acantha by Nancy Thornton 5/27/13.

Mid January 1983. Open range and no snow cover fuels 10,000-acre range fire south of Choteau. Winds had toppled power poles. Hundreds take part to suppress it. Wind gauge blew away, but estimated winds at 100-mph, with wind storm lasting 12 hours. Power outage nine hours.

February 1983. Citizens State Bank officials announce plans to construct new building at the site of the former Choteau Ford garage, demolished to make way. Pioneer Bar and Ear Mountain Machinery property directly across the street also demolished. Zion Construction is bank contractor.

Summer 1983. Weatherbeater building constructed, a $26,000 Steel building with volunteer labor.

May 1983 snow storm worst ever in area with power lines down everywhere. Power off in Choteau for 33 hours.

July 1983. Bynum teacher Ira Perkins honored in Choteau as the longest tenured teacher in the United States, celebrating his 50th year in the Bynum School.

11/8/83 Voters approve bond issues to purchase a new $85,000 fire engine and for the construction of a $250,000 new sewer line to the city sewer lagoon south of Choteau.

After a complaint, Civil Rights Regional Officers in Denver come to Choteau to investigate the local school programs to see whether or no they were discriminating against girls in interscholastic athletics.

12/4/83 Choteau High school graduate Lance Corporal Thomas A. Evans, one of 12 Marines killed in Labanon, while on a peacekeeping force in Beirut.

At years's end, Choteau Acantha averaged 12.5 pages per edition for the most number of pages every for the Choteau newspaper.

Copyright 2013-present  Nancy Thornton  All Rights Reserved