Naturalization Records Teton County, Montana
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This transcription is an ongoing project and is updated frequently. Years completed 1904, 1908-10.
"Transcribed fron Choteau Acantha, Teton Times and Teton Chronicle by Nancy Thornton, All rights reserved." Copyright 2000-present by Nancy Thornton. This file may be freely copied for non-profit purposes. All other rights reserved. Name, residence, native country, subject with date, date of issue of the Choteau Acantha Newspaper published on Thursdays. (Or Teton Times, Teton Chronicle) Teton County Naturalization papers are online, but unindexed. Search the catalog here click here. |
ALBRECHT, Theodore, of Dutton, native of Switzerland, petition for final papers, hearing in January 1911, 10-20-1910 ALBRECHT, Theodore, of Dutton, received final citizenship papers, 2/2/1911. ALEXANDERSEN, Johan Martin, of Conrad, native of Norway, filed declaration of intention on Oct. 27, 1909, 10-28-1909 ALEXANDERSON, Frederick, of Conrad, native of Norway, filed declaration of intention on Oct. 27, 1909, 10-28-1909 ALLEN, Wm., a native of Scotland, admitted to citizenship, 10-14-1898 Teton Chronicle. ANDERSON, Andrew, of Dupuyer, granted final citizenship on October 18, 1904,10-27-1904 ANDERSON, Nels, of Dupuyer, native of Sweden, naturalized, 8-5-1909 AXTELL, Franklin Barber, native of Illinois, but later a citizen of Canada, filed declaration of intention on Oct. 22, 1909, 10-28-1909 BAKKE, Andrew, of Cut Bank, native of Norway, received final papers on Nov. 30, 1910, 12-1-1910 BAKKER, Yette Tyeet, of Farmington, native of Holland, received final papers on Nov. 30, 1910, 12-1-1910 BEACHEM, John William, of Valier, a native of Canada, declared intention to become a citizen of 12/12/1910, 1/12/1911. BEELER, John, Farmington, native of Russia filed declaration of intention on Oct. 14, 1910, 10-27-1910 BEITLICH, Adelbert, of Farmington, granted final citizenship on October 18, 1904,10-27-1904 BELOER, Frank, native of Russia, application continued until next term on account of the absences of witnesses, 9-24-1908 BELOER, Frank, of Farmington, native of Russia, admitted to citizenship, 2-4-1909 BERKARD, Earhard, of Raymond, native of Germany, filed declaration of intention on Dec. 31 1909, 1-13-1910 BJORDAL, Lars Larson, of Collins, native of Norway, filed declaration of intention on Aug. 19, 1910, 8-25-1910 BONNETT, Alphonse, of Cut Bank, native of France, admitted to citizenship, 2-4-1909 BOUTILIER, Andy, a native of Canada, admitted to citizenship 6-21-1898, 6-24-1898 Teton Chronicle. BRASCH, Raymond C. of Choteau, Montana, a native of Germany, admitted to citizenship, 11/14/1907. BRENNAN, Micheal of Choteau, native of Ireland, admitted to final citizenship yesterday, Teton Times 5/28/1892 BRUCE, Effie, of Choteau, native of Canada, took out first papers on March 5, 1910, 3-10-1910 BRUCE, John, of Choteau, native of Canada, filed petition for final papers on April 27, 1910, 5-5-1910 BRUCE, John, received final citizenship papers on August 1, 1910, 8-4-1910 BRUCE, Normon, a native of Canada, admitted to citizenship on 9-6-1898, 9-9-1898 Teton Chronicle. CALLAGHAN, John Edward, of Conrad, native of Canada, filed declaration of intention on Sept. 15, 10-27-1910 CAMPBELL, Mary Elizabeth, of Dupuyer, native of Canada, filed declaration of intention, 1-20-1910 CARLSON, F.E., a native of Sweden, admitted to citizenship on 9-6-1898, 9-9-1898 Teton Chronicle. CELESTINE, Jacques, a native of France, admitted to citizenship 10-25,26-1898, 10-28-1898 Teton Chronicle. CLACK, Annie of Dupuyer, a native of England, admitted to citizenship, 11/14/1907. CONNELLY, Patrick, a native of Ireland, admitted to citizenship, 10-14-1898 Teton Chronicle. COX, Orland Lewis, of Conrad, native of Canada, received final papers on Nov. 30, 1910, 12-1-1910 CRAGG, Thomas Henry, of Lowry, native of England, filed declaration of intention on May 25, 1910, 6-2-1910 DAHL, Martin O., of Bynum, native of Norway but a citizen of Canada, filed declaration of intention, 1-20-1910 DAVIS, Richard, of Sweet Grass, native of England, petition for final papers, hearing in January 1911, 10-20-1910 DAVIS, Richard, of Sweet Grass, received final citizenship papers, 2/2/1911. DAVIS, Wm., of Farmington, a native of England, admitted to U.S. citizenship, 1/26/1905. DEVRIES, Richard, of Conrad, native of Holland, filed petition for final papers on June 15, 1910, hearing set for Nov. 30, 1910, 6-16-1910 DOLLIMORE, Wm., of Bynum, a native of Ireland, declared intention to become a citizen, 11/14/1907. ERICKSON, Louis, granted final citizenship on October 18, 1904,10-27-1904 ERICKSON, Paul, of Bynum, native of Norway, naturalized, 8-5-1909 EYRAUD, Louis Eyraud, native of France, admitted to citizenship, 9-24-1908 FEARON, Edward William, of Choteau, native of England, took out first papers on March 5, 1910, 3-10-1910 FERGUSON, Earl, of Choteau, native of Canada, filed declaration of intention March 21, 1910. Mr. Ferguson is a brother of Percy Ferguson, well known here. 4-7-1910 FERGUSON, Percy, native of Canada, admitted to citzenship, 11-3-1904 FINLAYSON, Donald, of Conrad, native of Scotland, filed declaration of intention March 31, 4-7-1910 FISCHER, Joseph, of Collins, native of Switzerland, admitted to citizenship, 2-4-1909 FLEXON, Charles Arnold, native of Canada admitted to citizenship, 9-24-1908 FOWLER, Albert J., of Conrad, received final citizenship papers on August 1, 1910, 8-4-1910 FRIEDLANDER, Ernest, of Choteau, received final citizenship papers August 1, 1910, 8-4-1910 FRIEDLANDER, Ernest, of Conrad, native of Germany, filed petition for final papers on April 30, 1910, 5-5-1910 GERKENS, Mary Bertha, of Farmington, a native of Germany, declared intention to become a citizen on 12/12/1910, 1/12/1911. GODWIN, J.D., a native of England, admitted to citizenship on 9-6-1898, 9-9-1898 Teton Chronicle. GRASSMAN, Henry, native of Holland, filed declaration of intention on Oct. 11, 1909, 10-21-1909 GROOT, Tom of Farmington, native of Holland, naturalized 8-5-1909 HANSON, Alice, of Farmington, native of Norway, filed final papers petition to be heard July 30, 1910, 4-7-1910 HANSON, Alice, of Farmington, received final citizenship papers on August 1, 1910, 8-4-1910 HARMAN, Horas, a native of Canada, admitted to citizenship 10-25,26-1898, 10-28-1898 Teton Chronicle. HASQUET, Michel, of Shelby, native of France, petition for final papers, hearing in January 1911, 10-20-1910 HASQUET, Michel, of Shelby, received final citizenship papers, 2/2/1911. HAYMES, Henry, a native of Canada, admitted to citizenship, 10-14-1898 Teton Chronicle. HEKELAAR, John, of Choteau, a native of Holland, filed petition for citizenship on 12/19/1910, 1/12/1911. HIRSHBERG, Arthur, native of Germany, made a citizen, 3-24-1904 HOCKEMA, Jeek, of Conrad, native of Holland, naturalized, 8-5-1909 HODGSKISS, Henry Archibald, of Choteau, native of England, filed declaration of intention on March 25, 1910, 4-7-1910 HODGSKISS, Percy Edgar, of Choteau, native of England, filed declaration of intention on Oct. 28, 1909, 11-4-1909 HOLEN, Halvor A., a native of Norway, admitted to citizenship 10-25,26-1898, 10-28-1898 Teton Chronicle. HOLMBURG, Yon, a native of Sweden, admitted to citizenship 6-21/1898, 6-24-1898 Teton Chronicle. HOOVER, Charles Franklin, of Conrad, native of Nebraska, petition put over until Dec. 1, 1910, 12-1-1910 HOYER, Eleonora, of Virden, native of Denmark, filed declaration of intention on Oct. 19, 1909, 10-21-1909 IRVINE, Edward, of Choteau, native of Ireland, filed declaration of intention March 26, 1910, 4-7-1910 JACKSON, J.G., a native of England admitted to citizenship on 9-6-1898, 9-9-1898. JACOBSEN, martin, of Conrad, native of Norway, filed declaration of intention on Oct. 23, 1909, 10-28-1909 JOHNSON, Elof, a native of Sweden, admitted to citizenship 6-21/1898, 6-24-1898 Teton Chronicle. JOHNSON, John Ernest, native of Norway, admitted to citizenship, 9-24-1908 JOHNSON, Julius, of Farmington, granted final citizenship on October 18, 1904,10-27-1904 JOHNSON, Robert Ritchey, native of Scotland admitted to citizenship, 9-24-1908 JOHNSON, Robert, a native of Canada, admitted to citizenship 10-25,26-1898, 10-28-1898 Teton Chronicle. JOHNSON, Selmer Alfred, of Conrad, native of Norway, filed declaration of intention on April 27, 1910, 5-5-1910 KELLY, John Francis, of Bynum, native of Ireland, filed declaration of intention on Oct. 24, 1910, 10-27-1910 KELLY, Peter of Bynum, a native of Ireland, admitted to citizenship, 11/14/1907. KEMPER, John Kemper, of Farmington, native of Holland filed declaration of intention on August 27, 1910, 10-27-1910 KIRSCH, Valentine, of Farmington, a native of Hungary, filed petition for citizenship on 12/30/1910, 1/12/1911. KLEESE, Chas., of Conrad, a native of Germany, filed petition for hearing 2/6/1908, 11/14/1907. KLINGENBERG, William, of Collins, native of Germany, filed declaration of intention Nov. 24, 1909, 12-2-1909 KROEZE, Johan, of Conrad, native of Holland, petition for final papers, hearing in January 1911, 10-20-1910 LARSON, Jens, a native of Norway, admitted to citizenship 10-25,26-1898, 10-28-1898 Teton Chronicle. LECLAIR, George Camille, of Conrad, native of Canada, filed declaration of intention April 27, 1910, 5-5-1910 LINDLAND, John, of Collins, native of Norway, took out first papers on March 7, 1910, 3-10-1910 LINDSETH, Stepanus, a native of Norway, admitted to citizenship 10-25,26-1898, 10-28-1898 Teton Chronicle. LOVEDAY, Martha, of Conrad, native of England, filed declaration of intention on Nov. 12, 1909, 11-18-1909 LOVEDAY, Rhoda, of Conrad, native of England, filed declaration of intention on Nov. 12, 1909, 11-18-1909 LUINSTRA, Effie, of Farmington, native of Holland, filed declaration of intention Nov. 23, 1909, 12-2-1909 MACDONALD, Charles, native of England, admitted to citzenship, 11-3-1904 MACKIE, George, a native of Scotland, admitted to citizenship 10-25,26-1898, 10-28-1898 Teton Chronicle. MALONE, John, native of Canada, admitted to citzenship, 11-3-1904 MARTIN, John Donald, native of Canada admitted to citizenship, 9-24-1908 MCCALLUM, Peter, native of Scotland admitted to citizenship, 9-24-1908 MCCANNEL, Hugh, a native of Canada, admitted to citizenship on 9-6-1898, 9-9-1898 Teton Chronicle. MCCANNELL, Neil, a native of Canada, granted final naturalization papers. Teton Times 5/13/1893. MCCAY, Hugh, of Lowry, native of Scotland, declared his intention on August 25,1909, 9-2-1909 MCFADYEAN, James, naive of Scotland, filed declaration of intention Nov. 5, 1909, 11-11-1909 MCINTOSH, Charles, citizenship was conferred on May 31 1910, 6-2-1910 MCINTOSH, Charles, of Dupuyer, native of Scotland, filed final petition for citizenship, 1-13-1910 MCIVER, Donald, of Conrad, native of Scotland, filed declaration of intention on June 16, 1910, 6-16-1910 MILES, George H., native of England, admitted to citzenship, 11-3-1904 MILLER, John David, of Dupuyer, native of Germany, filed declaration of intention on March 18, 1910, 4-7-1910 MILLER, Louis, a native of Austria, granted final naturalization papers. [Teton Times 5/13/1893. MILLER, William H., of Choteau, granted final citizenship on October 18, 1904,10-27-1904 MITCHELL, Arthur, of Conrad, native of Canada, filed declaration of intention on June 1, 1910, 6-2-1910 MORAZZO, Guiseppi, of Collins, native of Italy filed declaration of intention on Oct. 6, 1910, 10-27-1910 MORRISON, William F. a native of Canada, declared his intention of becoming a native of the U.S. Teton Times 7/15/1893. MOYER, William of Chinook, native of Ireland, admitted to final citizenship yesterday. Teton Times 5/28/1892 MRDJA, Milan, native of Austria, filed declaration of intention on Oct. 18, 1909, 10-21-1909 MUNRO Alexander, of Cut Bank, granted final citizenship on October 18, 1904,10-27-1904 MUNTWILER, Emil, a native of Switzerland, admitted to citizenship 10-25,26-1898, 10-28-1898 Teton Chronicle. MUNTWYLER, Kaspar of Dupuyer, granted final citizenship on October 18, 1904,10-27-1904 NICHOL, W.J., of Sweet Grass, received final citizenship papers, 2/2/1911. NICHOLL, Wm. Jas., of Sweet Grass, native of England, petition for final papers, hearing in January 1911, 10-20-1910 NYBERG, Charles Andrew, of Conrad, native of Sweden, filed declaration of intention on Oct. 22, 1909, 10-28-1909 ODELL, Charles Miller, native of Canada admitted to citizenship, 9-24-1908 OHANLON, Jeremiah, of Bynum, native of England, filed declaration of intention on Jan. 10, 1910, 1-13-1910 ONEAL, Wm., a native of Scotland, admitted to citizenship 10-25,26-1898, 10-28-1898 Teton Chronicle. OHMAN, Alfred, of Porter, native of Finland, filed declaration of intention on June 13, 1910, 6-16-1910 OLSON, Carl, of Conrad, granted final citizenship on October 18, 1904,10-27-1904 OTNESS, Jacob J., a native of Norway, admitted to citizenship 10-25,26-1898, 10-28-1898 Teton Chronicle. OTNESS, Severt J., a native of Norway, admitted to citizenship 10-25,26-1898, 10-28-1898 Teton Chronicle. PAROCZIA, Jos., native of Hungary, filed declaration of intention on Oct. 18, 1909, 10-21-1909 PETCH, John W., of Choteau, granted final citizenship on October 18, 1904,10-27-1904 PICKETT, Minard Ernest, a subject of Edward the Seventh, native of Nova Scotia, declared intention on August 9, 1909, 8-19-1909 RAMBAND, Morris, a native of France, admitted to citizenship, 10-14-1898 Teton Chronicle. REKDAHL, Ellis, a native of Norway. admitted to citizenship 10-25,26-1898, 10-28-1898 Teton Chronicle. REPSHER, John Barner, of Raymond, native of Illinois, filed declaration of intention on Oct. 20, 1910, 10-27-1910 ROBERTSON, Wm. Duncan, of Conrad, native of Scotland, admitted to citizenship, 2-4-1909 ROSE, John Martin, of Choteau, native of Prince Edward Island, filed declaration of intention Nov. 23, 1909, 12-2-1909 ROSETTE, Joseph, of Choteau, granted final citizenship on October 18, 1904,10-27-1904 SALTHAMMER, Synnove, of Bynum, native of Norway, filed declaration of intention on June 13, 1910, 6-16-1910 SCHLEPP, Manuel, of Farmington, native of Russia, filed final papers, petition to be heard on July 30, 1910, 4-7-1910 SCHLEPP, Manuel, of Farmington, native of Russia, received final papers on Nov. 30, 1910, 12-1-1910 SCOTT, Wm., of Conrad, native of Scotland, admitted to citizenship, 2-4-1909 SHAW, Michael Joseph Shaw, of Choteau, native of England, filed declaration of intention on May 28, 1910, 6-2-1910 SHEARER, John, a native of England. admitted to citizenship 10-25,26-1898, 10-28-1898 Teton Chronicle. SINCLER, Jeremiah, native of Canada admitted to citizenship, 9-24-1908 SLIM Wm., of Conrad, native of Holland, petition put over until Dec. 1, 1910, 12-1-1910 SLIM, Wm., of Conrad, native of Holland, filed petition for final papers on June 2, 1910, hearing set for Nov. 30, 1910, 6-9-1910 SMITH, Charles James, native of England, admitted to citzenship, 11-3-1904 SOUTHON, Septimus, native of England, admitted to citizenship, 9-24-1908 STEENSMA, Alardus, native of Holland, admitted to citizenship, 9-24-1908 STEWART, Duncan, of Bynum, granted final citizenship on October 18, 1904,10-27-1904 STRASSBURG, Edward Martin, of Farmington, native of Germany, filed declaration of intention Nov. 19, 1909, 12-2-1909 THOMPSON, Berte, native of Norway, admitted to citzenship, 11-3-1904 THOMPSON, T.L., a native of Canada, admitted to citizenship 10-25,26-1898, 10-28-1898 Teton Chronicle. TORNSHECK, Tony, of Valier, native of Illinois, filed declaration of intention on Sept. 23 TREUMER, Karl, of Bynum, granted final citizenship on October 18, 1904,10-27-1904 TROMMER, Ed, a native of Germany, granted final naturalization papers Teton Times May 13, 1893. TWEDT, T.J., a native of Norway, admitted to citizenship 10-25,26-1898, 10-28-1898 Teton Chronicle. VERMULM, Cornelius of Collins, native of Holland, filed declaration of intention Nov. 29, 1909, 12-2-1909 VERMULM, Henry, of Collins, native of Holland, filed declaration of intention Nov. 29, 1909, 12-2-1909 VERMULM, Huipbregt, of Collins, native of Holland, filed declaration of intention Nov. 29, 1909, 12-2-1909 VOS, Arend, of Conrad, native of Holland filed petition for final papers on June 2, 1910, hearing set for Nov. 30, 1910, 6-9-1910 VOS, Arend, of Conrad, native of Holland, petition put over until Dec. 1, 1910, 12-1-1910 VRIEND, Nannie, of Conrad, native of Holland, filed declaration of intention on Sept. 7, 1910, 10-27-1910 WAEFLER, Gottfried, of Collins, native of Switzerland, filed declaration of intention on Jan. 8, 1910, 1-13-1910 WAGNILD, Ole, a native of Norway, admitted to citizenship 10-25,26-1898, 10-28-1898 Teton Chronicle. WANG, Peter J., a native of Denmark, petition for final naturalization papers, 3-12-1908. WIENS, John Symore, of Farmington, native of Russia, filed declaration of intention on Oct. 26, 1909, 10-28-1909 WIENS, Lena, native of Russia, filed declaration of intention on Sept. 23, 1909, 10-21-1909 WIESE, Auguste, of Conrad, native of Germany, took out first papers March 9 1910, 3-10-1910 WILSON, Geo., of Dupuyer, native of Scotland, filed declaration of intention on Aug. 25, 1910, 8-25-1910 YOUNGBLOOD, Edmund, of Choteau native of Germany, received final papers on Nov. 30, 1910, 12-1-1910 ZUIDEMA, John, of Farmington, native of Holland, filed declaration of intention on May 19, 1910, 6-2-1910 |